View Full Version : The Pelosi...get your order in

Mike Poore
01-13-2009, 12:04 PM
OK! Time to dump those gas hawg Marauders and make the roads safe for the rest of us. Take a look, surely this will be your next car, um, whatever.

Editor note: I know these guys are taking a shot at congress, but is funny/scary enough to pass the no politics rule.


01-13-2009, 12:35 PM
Good one Mike.:D


01-13-2009, 01:03 PM
PELOSI THIS%^$^%$^%^& she is a wacko. and not to metion out of touch with reallity. Just look were she is from.

Joe Walsh
01-13-2009, 01:53 PM
PELOSI THIS%^$^%$^%^& she is a wacko. and not to metion out of touch with reallity. Just look were she is from.

I hate to say it...but she was born and grew up in Baltimore.*


She comes from a wealthy, privileged family and her father was Mayor of Baltimore.
She is married to a very wealthy man, and she is one of THE richest members of Congress.
Sound familiar?
Just like the Kennedys!
Another rich family that knows how hard the common man works and what best to do with our taxes!...:puke:
She is a ditz and I cannot understand how she made it as far as she has.

*My wife grew up just down the street from the D'Alesandro family, and knows Pelosi and was friends with many of Pelosi's nieces and nephews.
I have to keep my Pelosi comments to a minimum whenever we are watching the news....;)

BTW: Great video clip Mike!!
I was LMAO!
I'll be sure to show it to Marianne tonight.

01-13-2009, 01:59 PM
Joe, I just figured she came from $$$$. Dont all Politicans come from$$$$. isnt this how she made it this far money,money,money. oh and stay away from my guns. oh wait I dont own any guns smirk:D p.s. Joe off topic are you gonna be the 1st one N/A in the 12's

01-13-2009, 01:59 PM
Too funny only $$$629,000+ can't wait.......................

01-13-2009, 02:02 PM
I hate to say it...but she was born and grew up in Baltimore.*
Dang Joe ... I did not know that Nancy Pelosi was Tommy D'Alesandro Jr's daughter. Big name in Baltimore. Tommy III was also the Mayor.

Joe Walsh
01-13-2009, 02:28 PM
Joe, I just figured she came from $$$$. Dont all Politicans come from$$$$. isnt this how she made it this far money,money,money. oh and stay away from my guns. oh wait I dont own any guns smirk:D p.s. Joe off topic are you gonna be the 1st one N/A in the 12's

Already am in the 12s N/A...but I cheated!
I used a built 5.0L DOHC to get the job done.

Dang Joe ... I did not know that Nancy Pelosi was Tommy D'Alesandro Jr's daughter. Big name in Baltimore. Tommy III was also the Mayor.

Marianne has good things to say about the family members that she knows, so I should only comment on Pelosi's performance in Congress.

01-13-2009, 02:32 PM
[QUOTE=Joe Walsh;704119]Already am in the 12s N/A...but I cheated!
I used a built 5.0L DOHC to get the job done.

Joe, In my book thats not cheating its N/A and thats what counts. what are you running time wise.:beer:


Joe Walsh
01-13-2009, 02:38 PM
12.919 @ 103.83

I'm wayyyy down the ET list...@ 49th.
Check out the 'Timeslips' link at the top of the webpage ^^^

01-13-2009, 06:39 PM
whats the price difference between the 5.0 and the aluminator? was it hard to tune?

pelosi? ecchhh

01-13-2009, 06:45 PM
wow!! officer vic from KSFO

one of the few things I miss from california...

01-13-2009, 06:55 PM
OK! Time to dump those gas hawg Marauders and make the roads safe for the rest of us. Take a look, surely this will be your next car, um, whatever.
I am curiously interested in that V-3 engine. ;) Exactly how does that work -- inquiring minds want to know. :rofl:

01-14-2009, 06:18 AM
12.919 @ 103.83

I'm wayyyy down the ET list...@ 49th.
Check out the 'Timeslips' link at the top of the webpage ^^^

Thats AWESOME JOE! Thats why I did not see it at 1st ,in slips database. I like my power adder but still N/A has a place in my heart. MY wife is ready to kill me I have been pondering buying a 2nd one and just build it N/A. I have always built N/A Stangs and made them run pretty dam good (of course alot easier to do). In the future I will eventully Build a 2nd one Just not sure if I want to build the motor on mine now or buy a 2nd 1st I really want a SB?? are you going to be in Kentucky?


O's Fan Rich
01-14-2009, 06:26 AM
Wow..... those dancers are so..... Barney Frank.....
was that a late 70's Houston Astros uniform he had on at the end?


Joe Walsh
01-14-2009, 06:43 AM
Thats AWESOME JOE! Thats why I did not see it at 1st ,in slips database. I like my power adder but still N/A has a place in my heart. MY wife is ready to kill me I have been pondering buying a 2nd one and just build it N/A. I have always built N/A Stangs and made them run pretty dam good (of course alot easier to do). In the future I will eventully Build a 2nd one Just not sure if I want to build the motor on mine now or buy a 2nd 1st I really want a SB?? are you going to be in Kentucky?


If you got the funds and can't have your car 'down' for an extended period of time...building a spare engine is great!...you still have a good back-up engine after the swap.
I would love to join everyone at the Kentucky meet, but I most likely won't make it. I've got a very tight budget right now.:o

01-14-2009, 07:49 AM
Understand Joe! I think funds are tight for alot of us this year. Iam just trying to enjoy things before they get really bad if you know what I mean. I work for a local Ford Dealer and these dealers have been falling lft and right.


Joe Walsh
02-19-2009, 12:00 PM
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she was hopeful the plans would help lead to the "transformation of our domestic automobile industry into a viable, technologically advanced, and globally competitive manufacturing force."

Gee Nancy...Maybe you should take a closer look at Japan's prohibitive import quotas on American made cars!
And our advanced technology has been stolen and copied by Japan for 50 years.

She is 'OK" with a 800+ Billion dollar pork project that no one knows how we will pay for.....but she gets stingy with a 'measly' 39 Billion to save America's largest manufacturing base!

I can't stand this friggin' left wing ditz!

I was thinking about another interesting facet of Pelosi, who happens to be Catholic.

1: She is Pro-Abortion

2: She is Anti-Capital Punishment

:hmmm:...so its 'OK' to kill unborn innocent babies...but its not 'OK' to kill convicted murderers...WTF???


02-19-2009, 12:35 PM
:lol: too funny