View Full Version : Just an observation

Joe Walsh
01-13-2009, 05:53 PM
I noticed two members with 4900+ posts EACH.......YEP!...........9,90 0+ posts....:eek:

Yet neither is a "contributing' member"!


With all the posts that they 'contribute' to this site...you'd think they would financially contribute to its continuing operation.

Just an observation...carry on.

01-13-2009, 05:59 PM
I noticed two members with 4900+ posts EACH.......YEP!...........9,90 0+ posts....:eek:

Yet neither is a "contributing' member"!


With all the posts that they 'contribute' to this site...you'd think they would financially contribute to its continuing operation.

Just an observation...carry on.

I agree, Give back to the site instead of taking its bandwidth and pissing off contributing members.

01-13-2009, 06:23 PM
Good point, Joe.

01-13-2009, 07:03 PM
I will agree as well....

01-13-2009, 07:03 PM
Well, we certainly know who one of them is without burning up much brain matter. But who is the other? Don't really need their name or initials, just his/her user name will be enough. :D

01-13-2009, 07:32 PM
Well said joe joe. I love my flags. And will KEEP them :up:

Ms. Denmark
01-13-2009, 07:52 PM
You're right Joe. This has often crossed my mind. MM.net is valuable to me. I spend time here almost daily, have access to the best information about all things Marauder and enjoy some great people in the bargain. It's well worth the small cost of becoming a supporting member. In fact when I think of what the site gives back to me.....it's a real bargain.

I encourage everyone who supports this site regularly with their posts to step up and support it with their dollars. In fact, maybe CAM members can set the example. If any of you haven't contributed yet, please make this the year that you do. :)

SC Cheesehead
01-13-2009, 08:16 PM
You're right Joe. This has often crossed my mind. MM.net is valuable to me. I spend time here almost daily, have access to the best information about all things Marauder and enjoy some great people in the bargain. It's well worth the small cost of becoming a supporting member. In fact when I think of what the site gives back to me.....it's a real bargain.

I encourage everyone who supports this site regularly with their posts to step up and support it with their dollars. In fact, maybe CAM members can set the example. If any of you haven't contributed yet, please make this the year that you do. :)

^^^^^+1^^^^^ Exactly what she said!

de minimus
01-13-2009, 08:30 PM
You're right Joe. This has often crossed my mind. MM.net is valuable to me. I spend time here almost daily, have access to the best information about all things Marauder and enjoy some great people in the bargain. It's well worth the small cost of becoming a supporting member. In fact when I think of what the site gives back to me.....it's a real bargain.

I encourage everyone who supports this site regularly with their posts to step up and support it with their dollars. In fact, maybe CAM members can set the example. If any of you haven't contributed yet, please make this the year that you do. :)

I concur....very well said.

Dr Caleb
01-14-2009, 12:35 AM
Just an observation...carry on.

Noted. I used to contribute, but I don't really like the idea of my hard earned $$ being used to disseminate 'midget porn', anal rape jokes, personal attacks, or that 'best car commercial ever'. (Most useless thread ever, that one)

Sorry, just can't bring myself to re-up to contributor status. One day, I might again. But not today.

But, even at a combined 9500 posts, they still aren't approaching Sgt. Mac, with 10,500.

The diaspora hurt us in ways we never imagined.

01-14-2009, 01:26 AM
Look at my age compared to yours Joe.

Would you like a graph chart to compare income too?

Get the idea?

Let's look at who gives and who just posts age wise.

I remember being told I was a(n) ________ (you fill in the blank and it'll just have *'s in it anyway) that was too young for the car and I am still around. You want me to start giving? Fine. You find a way to get all the modern jack-offs to stop downloading music so maybe I can make some money. Until you can do that I'll have to go to school to be something else because there is no money in anything I want to do with my life anymore. I missed the boat for cool new American cars and I just missed the boat for making a living off of playing music thanks to computers. I am about to get a degree in music, but guess what? No money in that! I might as well start a type writer company or invent double sided VHS tapes. I'm going to have to start all over again and figure out what to do with my life that I would actually enjoy.

Believe me when I have the ability I will not only contribute, but I would like to own part or all of the club to keep it going as long as possible.

Are you happy? I have long term plans for the "community".

Don't start something like this to get everyone mad at me. You have a problem PM me, that's all you have to do. I already have enough people on here who don't like me dispite that they have never met me.

You must work for the press or something... just put up an observation to make someone look bad and leave out all the positive. You have done a great job making me angry and making me feel like I'm a waste around here. I bet this is the reaction you wanted anyway and you got it. I hope you are happy.


There I have said it.

Good night!

01-14-2009, 04:09 AM
Good night Dom. See you soon.

Mary, do you think its time to put this Thread to bed too?

01-14-2009, 04:30 AM
Good night Dom. See you soon.

Mary, do you think its time to put this Thread to bed too?

Pat, that is a good idea.


Look forward to seeing you in Kentucky!
