View Full Version : US Airways Plane Crashes Into Hudson River

01-15-2009, 02:10 PM

US Airways Plane Crashes Into Hudson River
Plane Lands Upright In Water Near USS Intrepid
Bird Strike Said To Have Caused Both Engines To Malfunction
Witness: 'It Wasn't Wobbling, There Was No Smoke'

A U.S. Airways airplane has crashed into the Hudson River, CBS 2 has learned. The plane appears to be in one piece and passengers are being evaucated by rescue teams.

Officials tell CBS 2 the airplane is Flight 1549, an Airbus a320 that took off from La Guardia Aiport and headed to Charlotte, N.C. There are reports that there were about 60 people on board. The plane seats about 120 passengers. It went down around 3:30 p.m.

Passengers could be seen standing on the wing of the plane and entering a rescue boat.

"It was just going down further and further and further and then all of a sudden it was gone," a witness named Peter told CBS 2. "I'm shaking, it was crazy. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was nothing wrong with the plane, it wasn't wobbling, there was no smoke coming out of it!"

There are reports that a bird strike may have caused the plane to go down, meaning a bird may have entered the engine, causing a malfunction. The bird strike apparently disabled both engines.

City officials have called a massive casualty emergency, though it's not yet known if there are any deaths.

There is no word on injuries to passengers.

The plane is floating upright in the water near the USS Intrepid. Temperatures at the time of the crash in the city were just about 20 degrees, with the water temperature likely much colder.

According to Dr. Max Gomez, a person in 40 degree water will likely lose consciousness after 30 minutes.

01-15-2009, 02:14 PM
I just watched the video on CNN WOW! The plane is intact. AirBus 320A Going to fun getting that out.

Birds flew into the engines? WOW!

Joe Walsh
01-15-2009, 02:23 PM
I just heard about this on the radio!

I hope that everyone got out safely.

BTW: The news report quoted says; "that temperatures in the city were just about 20 degrees, with the water temperature likely much colder"...


Dr Caleb
01-15-2009, 02:55 PM
I just heard about this on the radio!

I hope that everyone got out safely.

BTW: The news report quoted says; "that temperatures in the city were just about 20 degrees, with the water temperature likely much colder"...


Yea, News Reporters are not known for being the 'quickest'.

Hope everyone is all right.

01-15-2009, 03:12 PM
I just heard about this on the radio!

I hope that everyone got out safely.

BTW: The news report quoted says; "that temperatures in the city were just about 20 degrees, with the water temperature likely much colder"...


They won't figure out how stupid that attempt to try and make things sound more ominous is until someone like you or a late night comedian points it out.


01-15-2009, 03:16 PM
The water temperature was about 40 degrees.

Here's a link to pictures:


01-15-2009, 05:29 PM
They won't figure out how stupid that attempt to try and make things sound more ominous is until someone like you or a late night comedian points it out.

You couldn't be more right!
I've been listening to the local reports since I got home from work.
It's sad to listen to the questions these buzzards ask - "Is the head dead yet?"
Thank God and NY's EMS, the Circle Line and Water Taxi Service and don't forget one h**l of a pilot! The guy was the last one off and walked the cabin twice to make sure everyone else was off!

01-15-2009, 07:57 PM
my son asked if the plane would pollute the river, or if the river would pollute the plane?
(he was wondering if the plane was ruined beyond repair) it was funny

mabey you had to be there...

01-15-2009, 09:36 PM
Hero in my books!

01-15-2009, 10:38 PM
MY hat is off to a fantastic crew---they did their job and they did it well. With over 20,000 hours of airline flying, I can appreciate the skill and crew coordination necessary to acomplish this near miracle. From what I can tell, it was a perfect execution of an emergency procedure--I've gone thru simulations many times. These folks knew their job, their aircraft's capabilities, the consequencies of their actions and acted accordingly. I can't wait til the "experts" sit down for 3 months and try to figure out why the crew did what they did, when the crew had roughly 1 minute to make the critical decisions. This crew represents some of the most highly skilled , professional, responsible and knowledgable people in the world. Surgeons are revered for their "life saving split second decisions " and their skills used in saving ONE life---the "split second decisions" made in an airliner's cockpit can make the difference whether as many as 400 people will live or die. I'm notblowing my own horn--I just feel the airline crews aren't respected enough for what they do every day. Flying is one of the safest means of mass transportation in the world--I'll stake my life on it. Thank God ,all are safe and I send my congratulations to the airline crew, the crews and the people on board the cruise boats and the NYPD, NYFD , the EMTs, the Coast Guard and all who risked their lives to save lives. I'll sleep well tonite, Maury

01-16-2009, 04:20 AM
Let's give it up for New Yorks Ferry boat captains. Two ferry boats were among the first on scene and rescued 90 of l56 passengers.

Way to go BIG APPLE. :up:

01-16-2009, 05:09 AM
Let's give it up for New Yorks Ferry boat captains. Two ferry boats were the first on scene and rescued 90 of l56 passengers.

Way to go BIG APPLE. :up:
+1 ^^^^ I agree that the captain and crew did an excellent job. The speed with which the ferries and the water taxis were on-site evacuating passengers is nothing short of incredible. Everything appears to have worked perfectly.

The passengers deserve alot of credit too. From what I could tell, everything was smooth and orderly in the evacuation. The pilot walked the cabin twice to assure that everyone made it out. That kinda of calmness under pressure speaks volumes about the crew on this flight .... :2thumbs:

SC Cheesehead
01-16-2009, 05:18 AM
Let's give it up for New Yorks Ferry boat captains. Two ferry boats were among the first on scene and rescued 90 of l56 passengers.

Way to go BIG APPLE. :up:


Terry and I were watching the news story on this, and she commented on the potential for rapid onset of hypothermia. Had it not been for the quick response on the ferry boats there could well have been some casualties.

A big :2thumbs: to the captain and crew for their efforts. This could have easily been a trajedy had they lost their cool.

01-16-2009, 06:07 AM
Now that all are safe and warm:up:

Who get the job of removing the air plane for the river?

01-16-2009, 06:27 AM
Now that all are safe and warm:up:

Who get the job of removing the air plane for the river?

A big crane and lots of $$$

Arleen started to freak because her sister was leaving out of LaGuardia and we didn't know what her flight number was. A tense couple hours until she called...

01-16-2009, 06:41 AM
Hero(es) in my books!
My immediate comment even before it was said on the news. Maury, thanks so much for your insight!! God Blessed them, one and all.

Tom Doan
01-16-2009, 07:48 AM
Bet the pilot got some action last night.

01-16-2009, 08:15 AM
My wife said this report flashed on the tv just as I called her from TX to tell her we just finished boarding and I'll be home in a couple of hours. She couldn't talk to me. She didn't mention it and I found out after I got home.

Great job by the crew.

01-16-2009, 09:35 AM
Bet the pilot got some action last night.

And why wouldn't he before? :confused:

A great job EVERYONE did! :up:

Tom Doan
01-16-2009, 03:18 PM
Dom just wait till you have been married for 20 years, and your just not that special anymore, then you get your 15 minutes of fame and the groupies crawl of of the wood work. Saw his hot wife on TV with a big smile and a gleam in her eye.

01-16-2009, 05:54 PM
Dom just wait till you have been married for 20 years

Ha I'm not falling for that!