View Full Version : Best Wishes for Success -- No. 44

01-20-2009, 05:48 AM
At noon today, 20 January 2009 Barrack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. I wish him well in all things.

He has my Best Wishes for Success in the coming four years. The job will be difficult and the road ahead is uncertain. His challenges will be many. How he responds is important to the future of America and all of its people. My hope is for a Strong and United America. Hopefully with wisdom and good counsel/advice from his Cabinet and staff, he will be able to enact true bi-partisan measures that will move the country forward with confidence, with respect, and with unity.

:flag: God Bless the United States of America and God Bless Barrack Obama. :flag:

When he swears the Oath of Office today, he becomes my Commander-in-Chief and the leader of the greatest country in the world ….. as such, he will have my respect and confidence. I want him to succeed. I want him to do a good job. I do not want to see him fail because failure will impact all Americans.

In the interest of full disclosure, I did not vote for Barrack Obama. However, I believe in the process that elected him. The people have spoken and he is my President. I will not engage in petty “Obama Bashing” since it is a sport of the small minded. I will respect the Office and I will respect the man who holds the highest office in the nation. Congratulations President Obama. :up:

And so it begins …..

01-20-2009, 06:01 AM
As a Canadian we are also very excited for this great change in your country, all the best President Obama............

Joe Walsh
01-20-2009, 06:22 AM
^^^^^^+1 Charlie!^^^^^^

I hope that we can avoid Capitol Hill's usual "Republicans & Democrats will work together to help the President!" rhetoric,
which quickly turns to partisan politics, bickering and a huge stalemate.

BTW: On the 'CHANGE' note: I really wish that Obama would change his name to MERCURY...
After all....we've already had a FORD and a LINCOLN!....:P

SC Cheesehead
01-20-2009, 06:55 AM

I voted for the other guy as well, but that's all way behind us; and there's too much at stake for petty bickering and partisanship.

Reverend Cleophus James (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0113768/): Praise God!
Elwood (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000101/): And God bless the United States of America!

01-20-2009, 07:54 AM
Well said.

01-20-2009, 08:02 AM
I like you Charlie, and also a couple of the things you said in your post. As hard as it is for me, I will refrain from making political comments. Mu-s-ssst g-g-go now before I ch-ch-chaaaaange my mind ! ! ! Aaaarrrrrgh!!!

01-20-2009, 08:15 AM
Hip Hip Hooray!!! Well said Charlie.....

01-20-2009, 09:15 AM
Excellent thread Charlie...to stay within the sites rules...Congrats to President Barack Obama!!! God Bless America :flag:

01-20-2009, 11:45 AM
Sorry guys. I did my best. :( McCain got Trilogy money out of me but it wasn't enough.

Hopefull INS gets him and deports him back to Kenya. (where is paternal grandmother swears she witnessed his birth).

Blk Mamba
01-20-2009, 11:53 AM
I feel that all of our success depends on his success, and agree with all (intelligent comments) stated.

God Bless America!

01-20-2009, 03:56 PM
Hopefull INS gets him and deports him back to Kenya.

Won't happen, here's why:

On Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at the invitation of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Obama and his sidekick, Joseph Biden, paid a visit to the United States Supreme Court, spending the better part of an hour sequestered in secrecy with eight of the nine United States Supreme Court Justices. Justice Alito was not in attendance.
According to an Associated Press release, written by Mark Sherman (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/01/14/obama_biden_to_visit_supreme_c ourt_wednesday/),

"When employees glimpsed Obama on his way out, a loud cheer went up in a building that exudes decorum."

Can one surmise the Supreme Court ecstatic over the illegitimate ascendancy to the presidency of the United States, thus driving a stake through the heart of the United States Constitution?
The invitation of Chief Justice Roberts, the behind closed door meeting with a man who is the subject of lawsuits coming before the Supreme Court concerning his eligibility to the office of president, was not only inappropriate but leaves questionable the judicial conduct of the justices...

He sealed the deal already, see? Yes it is truly a great day when anyone, and I mean anyone can be sworn in as president. So drink the cool-aid and support him along with the rest of us, and I hope this helps you to not lose any more sleep over weather or not we will wake up to the news that our prez has been deported. Gaaaaah, I tried, I failed.:(

01-20-2009, 06:45 PM
as a member of the loyal opposition, I will support my president as leader of the greatest country God gave man. when he is on the right side of issues I will support him, when he is off course I will say my piece respectfully. as a person of faith I must observe some respect for the office specifically and for the man as well when appropriate. Romans 13:1 (message) "Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it's God's order. So live responsibly as a citizen."

so even though I oppose most everything I have heard him speak out for, I pray that he will be a good leader for my beloved country for the next four years. and I pray for his safety and his well being, and also for his wife and little girls.

01-20-2009, 09:43 PM
May God bless the new President, because he has a lot on his plate to deal with and may God bless us all!

01-21-2009, 03:23 AM
Very well said Charlie, my sentiments exactly. His inaugeration speech was outstanding, I even clapped at the end. I just pray we keep fighting terrorists over there, not here...

01-21-2009, 04:46 AM
As long as he supports the Constitution of the United states and does not change or add to it and does not bring us down the road of socialism, I will give him a chance. But, I still do not believe he is the savior of this country like everyone (media) would like you to believe he is.

01-21-2009, 06:36 AM

In the spirit of Blue's original intent, lets do the right thing and pray for our new President.

01-21-2009, 07:48 AM
I did not vote for Obama. If Obama fails, we all fail. We cannot have that. Good luck Barack. :flag:

01-21-2009, 07:56 AM
Yes, John Roberts, conservative justice whom Obama opposed by voting against his confirmation, is now secretly working with Obama in some clandestine effort to take over the world.



Won't happen, here's why:

On Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at the invitation of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Obama and his sidekick, Joseph Biden, paid a visit to the United States Supreme Court, spending the better part of an hour sequestered in secrecy with eight of the nine United States Supreme Court Justices. Justice Alito was not in attendance.
According to an Associated Press release, written by Mark Sherman (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/01/14/obama_biden_to_visit_supreme_c ourt_wednesday/),

"When employees glimpsed Obama on his way out, a loud cheer went up in a building that exudes decorum."

Can one surmise the Supreme Court ecstatic over the illegitimate ascendancy to the presidency of the United States, thus driving a stake through the heart of the United States Constitution?
The invitation of Chief Justice Roberts, the behind closed door meeting with a man who is the subject of lawsuits coming before the Supreme Court concerning his eligibility to the office of president, was not only inappropriate but leaves questionable the judicial conduct of the justices...

He sealed the deal already, see? Yes it is truly a great day when anyone, and I mean anyone can be sworn in as president. So drink the cool-aid and support him along with the rest of us, and I hope this helps you to not lose any more sleep over weather or not we will wake up to the news that our prez has been deported. Gaaaaah, I tried, I failed.:(

Dr Caleb
01-21-2009, 09:21 AM
As a Canadian we are also very excited for this great change in your country, all the best President Obama............

Seconded. We don't get excited like that about our politicians here, mainly because we know they work against our common good. But many schools and businesses here had an assembly of everyone so they could watch the inauguration. Classrooms, boardrooms, gymnasiums all were packed to watch it. That only happens when Team Canada is going for Olympic Gold.

Whether you guys know it or not, President Obama leads more than the United States, he leads the entire World through the actions he will take in the next 4 years. There is a lot of hope right now and everybody is counting on him.

No pressure.

01-21-2009, 10:31 AM
There is a lot of hope right now and everybody is counting on him.

No pressure.

Don't hold your breath.

Dr Caleb
01-21-2009, 11:22 AM
Don't hold your breath.

Why the cynicism Gord? Do people really expect one man to change the world by himself? As he alluded to in his speech yesterday, everyone must do their part.

Robert Mugabe was a freedom fighter who took Rhodesia from an oppressed nation to a democracy, and when left do it alone; became one of the worst dictators Africa has seen. Nelson Mandela took an oppressive segregated nation and turned it around, and now it's fallen back to a flaming cesspool.

President Obama stood in what was once a slave market, on a foundation built from slave labour. It's a beginning, and he can't do what needs to be done alone ether. But we'll see if he can motivate people to help themselves.

SC Cheesehead
01-21-2009, 12:16 PM
Why the cynicism Gord? Do people really expect one man to change the world by himself? As he alluded to in his speech yesterday, everyone must do their part.

Robert Mugabe was a freedom fighter who took Rhodesia from an oppressed nation to a democracy, and when left do it alone; became one of the worst dictators Africa has seen. Nelson Mandela took an oppressive segregated nation and turned it around, and now it's fallen back to a flaming cesspool.

President Obama stood in what was once a slave market, on a foundation built from slave labour. It's a beginning, and he can't do what needs to be done alone ether. But we'll see if he can motivate people to help themselves.

I think the concern is not with BHO's intentions, but the means by which he intends to realize them.

01-21-2009, 12:34 PM
Robert Mugabe was a freedom fighter who took Rhodesia from an oppressed nation to a democracy, and when left do it alone; became one of the worst dictators Africa has seen. Nelson Mandela took an oppressive segregated nation and turned it around, and now it's fallen back to a flaming cesspool.

I see a pattern here...

President Obama stood in what was once a slave market, on a foundation built from slave labour. It's a beginning, and he can't do what needs to be done alone ether.

It IS a begining... only if you still look at folks race and not their charector. Viewed in that light, Obama is a novelty act.

But we'll see if he can motivate people to help themselves.

Free money, food stamps, and other forms of government cheese tends to enslave people. They'll eventually lose their ability/desire to fend for themselves. That's the exact opposite of motivation.

What motivation do the racoons that eat from my trash can have? Are they motivated to be what they are supposed to be? Is living off the success of others healthy for them?

Setting a rock on the lid of my trash can will motivate them to be what their Creater intended them to be: Free.

Oh well. Here comes the Death Tax. Do some estate planning people. Do it soon.

01-21-2009, 04:27 PM
Free money, food stamps, and other forms of government cheese tends to enslave people. They'll eventually lose their ability/desire to fend for themselves. That's the exact opposite of motivation.

What motivation do the racoons that eat from my trash can have? Are they motivated to be what they are supposed to be? Is living off the success of others healthy for them?

Setting a rock on the lid of my trash can will motivate them to be what their Creater intended them to be: Free.

Oh well. Here comes the Death Tax. Do some estate planning people. Do it soon.

Agreed. Here in NYS our "new" (unelected) Governor wants give backs from state employee unions and at the same time he wants a large increase for welfare receiptients. I guess maybe I could get food stamps to off set my losses???

01-21-2009, 05:32 PM
[QUOTE=Leadfoot281;707751]Free money, food stamps, and other forms of government cheese tends to enslave people. They'll eventually lose their ability/desire to fend for themselves. That's the exact opposite of motivation.

This has been going on for generations in New York City.

01-22-2009, 04:50 AM
Why the cynicism Gord? Do people really expect one man to change the world by himself? As he alluded to in his speech yesterday, everyone must do their part.

That is the whole reason people voted for him, they believe he is the new messiah, and the savior of the USA.

Robert Mugabe was a freedom fighter who took Rhodesia from an oppressed nation to a democracy, and when left do it alone; became one of the worst dictators Africa has seen. Nelson Mandela took an oppressive segregated nation and turned it around, and now it's fallen back to a flaming cesspool.

President Obama stood in what was once a slave market, on a foundation built from slave labour. It's a beginning, and he can't do what needs to be done alone ether. But we'll see if he can motivate people to help themselves.

Exactly my point. Mugabe was a communist terriost that brought his country to ruin, do you know that his country now has a 10,000,000($) bill? His people starve while he baths in luxury, they were better off under 'white' rule. South Africa not back, but into a flaming cesspool, again the people were better off under 'white' rule.

01-22-2009, 07:51 AM
Have you interviewed all 66.88x million voters to ask why they voted for Obama?

Or are you just throwing out wild speculation reinforced by media hype?


I voted for Obama and no, I don't think he is the Messiah. I do however, think he is an intelligent guy who will listen to different views and not just his own cronies, which will be a nice change of pace.

That is the whole reason people voted for him, they believe he is the new messiah, and the savior of the USA.

SC Cheesehead
01-22-2009, 07:56 AM
Have you interviewed all 66.88x million voters to ask why they voted for Obama?

Or are you just throwing out wild speculation reinforced by media hype?


I voted for Obama and no, I don't think he is the Messiah. I do however, think he is an intelligent guy who will listen to different views and not just his own cronies, which will be a nice change of pace.

That, I would not count on. More of the same old same old, but with a slant to the left.


01-22-2009, 11:13 AM
Or, one could judge him by his actions instead of immediately assuming he is another Clinton, like Fox Noise likes to do.

The same old same old isn't the "same" when you compare the Clinton administration and the Bush administration. One of them eventually had to answer to the American people. The other has not, as of yet.

That, I would not count on. More of the same old same old, but with a slant to the left.


Dr Caleb
01-22-2009, 11:15 AM
Exactly my point. Mugabe was a communist terriost that brought his country to ruin, do you know that his country now has a 10,000,000($) bill? His people starve while he baths in luxury, they were better off under 'white' rule. South Africa not back, but into a flaming cesspool, again the people were better off under 'white' rule.

I've noticed a trend in some political discussions - when one seeks to overthrow a dictatorshp, they get labelled 'communist'. Even if 'communism' isn't their goal. I find it odd. You should look up the history of Rhodesia, Mugabe was anything but 'communist'. And they revalued their currency recently. They changed it so $1 million became $1, and the $10M bill was replaced with Billion dollar ones through hyperinflation. Imagine a loaf of bread for $2 Billion dollars and using actual paper money to heat your home because the thousand and ten thousand dollar bills aren't worth anything. ;)

As Leadfoot alluded to, there is a pattern. In both those cases, the people just let the government be and without direction from the people they became dictatorships. The lesson is - get involved.

Mugabe started out with the best of intentions, but he knew nothing about economics. He started out with the best most prosperous country in Africa. Then he started down a 'blacks only' road and took farms away from farmers who had had generations of farming experience, and gave them to black 'farmers' (cronies) who had no clue. Short version; crops failed. Hyperinflation took over.

And South Africa is 80% black. They were not 'better off' under 'white' rule as they didn't even have the right to vote, they were better off with people in Government who knew what they were doing. Not based on the colour of their skin. Both countries are failing from similarly bad decisions and rampant corruption on the part of their 'leaders'.

In the Canadian Parlimaentary system of government, the head of state (same as your President) is the Governor General. Our current GG is a french black woman born in the slums of Haiti. What odds that we will fall into a 'blacks only' dictatorship? Slim to none. Because our society decides our form of government, and our people would never allow it.

If people voted for one man who they think can change the world, I think they are sadly mistaken. I wonder how many of them believe in 'a government of the people, for the people, by the people', and if they realize they are 'the people' ? I think his first day in office shows something of his character. Opening the actions of the government to public scrutiny, and curtailing which corporations can lobby him (few). Thus giving people a greater say in the operations of their government.

Sorry if I sound preachy. I don't mean to be. I'm just glad that my southern cousins have 'hope' once again. And I wish we had someone with some character in our government, instead of the cardboard cutout 'muppets' that we seem to get.

01-22-2009, 12:02 PM
I don't know. In regards to Charlies original post it's going to be awefully tough for me to NOT say anything bad about this new guy.

Lets face it; Over the last 8 years we've had numerous congressmen and senators, while over seas, slam the President. Not only that but they've even gone on 'diplomatic missions' against the presidents wishes.

There are some nice pics of Nancy Pelosi in a head scarf while visiting the middle east to prove what I'm talking about.

They even booed our out-going President during the inaguration. Is this the "new tone" they're talking about?

These seem to be same folks Duhtroll thinks are going to answer to the American people. They can't even show the President/ Commander in Cheif any respect. I don't know what makes him (or anyone else) think they'll respect us. :confused:

If anyone can give this political party any respect, they're a better person than me.

01-22-2009, 02:15 PM
I don't know. In regards to Charlies original post it's going to be awefully tough for me to NOT say anything bad about this new guy.

Lets face it; Over the last 8 years we've had numerous congressmen and senators, while over seas, slam the President. Not only that but they've even gone on 'diplomatic missions' against the presidents wishes.

There are some nice pics of Nancy Pelosi in a head scarf while visiting the middle east to prove what I'm talking about.

They even booed our out-going President during the inaguration. Is this the "new tone" they're talking about?

These seem to be same folks Duhtroll thinks are going to answer to the American people. They can't even show the President/ Commander in Cheif any respect. I don't know what makes him (or anyone else) think they'll respect us. :confused:

If anyone can give this political party any respect, they're a better person than me.

John. I don't disagree with anything that you said. However, I have consciously decided NOT to stoop to the level of bashing and outright disrespect that has been prevalent over the past several years. I am gonna give President Obama the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best. Of course, I am going to be watching his agenda very closely because his voting record on the issues does not match the words that he is now speechifying. If there is disagreement, I will voice it respectfully.

01-22-2009, 02:46 PM
Bad form by those individuals in a public event, yes, but there are people who make noise at the wrong times in every sort of event. They have the freedom to express their views in this country, good taste or no. The difference here is that were this a "W" party, they would have been escorted away or arrested.

As far as respecting the prez goes, let's not forget we were W's boss. He worked for us, not vice-versa. He disrespected us in many instances. Facing some boos seems a bit light for what he deserves. He was let off easy in the big picture, IMO.

And where do you think the cameras went during the "na na hey hey" song? Away? or Closer?

Judging 2+ million people and an entire political party by a few folks with no sense of decorum is pretty thin. It seems the assumption here is also that everyone present was a Democrat, which is also not true as I personally know some Republicans who were in DC for the event.

Last I checked, not one single person had been arrested. With that many people present in any forum, especially a political one with a supposed divided nation, that's pretty remarkable.

As I said, 4 years from now (or when he does something you feel is wrong) you can judge the man's actions. In the future, how about discussing specifics rather than just generalized whining about stuff Obama had nothing to do with?

These seem to be same folks Duhtroll thinks are going to answer to the American people. They can't even show the President/ Commander in Cheif any respect. I don't know what makes him (or anyone else) think they'll respect us. :confused:

If anyone can give this political party any respect, they're a better person than me.

01-22-2009, 02:56 PM
John. I don't disagree with anything that you said. However, I have consciously decided NOT to stoop to the level of bashing and outright disrespect that has been prevalent over the past several years. I am gonna give President Obama the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best. Of course, I am going to be watching his agenda very closely because his voting record on the issues does not match the words that he is now speechifying. If there is disagreement, I will voice it respectfully.


Charlie, You typed the words right out of my hands.

01-22-2009, 03:30 PM
Bad form by those individuals in a public event, yes, but there are people who make noise at the wrong times in every sort of event. They have the freedom to express their views in this country, good taste or no. The difference here is that were this a "W" party, they would have been escorted away or arrested.

Getting violent will always get you arrested. Besides, isn't getting arrested at a "W" party something of a badge of honor for these radicals?

As far as respecting the prez goes, let's not forget we were W's boss. He worked for us, not vice-versa. He disrespected us in many instances. Facing some boos seems a bit light for what he deserves. He was let off easy in the big picture, IMO.

And where do you think the cameras went during the "na na hey hey" song? Away? or Closer?

Missed it. I "disconnected" my TV on Nov 5th. (long story).

Judging 2+ million people and an entire political party by a few folks with no sense of decorum is pretty thin.

If it walks like a liberal, and whines like a liberal...

It seems the assumption here is also that everyone present was a Democrat, which is also not true as I personally know some Republicans who were in DC for the event.

Last I checked, not one single person had been arrested. With that many people present in any forum, especially a political one with a supposed divided nation, that's pretty remarkable.

Don't kid yourself. This nation IS divided.

As I said, 4 years from now (or when he does something you feel is wrong) you can judge the man's actions.

4 YEARS? How about 4 days ago? Tax cheats and old school Clinton era corruption is rapidly filling the White House and no one but me seems to care.

In the future, how about discussing specifics rather than just generalized whining about stuff Obama had nothing to do with?

Ok. Where's his birth certificate?

01-22-2009, 04:11 PM
Ok. Where's his birth certificate?

Forget the birth certificate, it could be real. What is real is the fact that he attended school in Indonesia at a time when only Indonesians were allowed to attend school. He was "acknowledged" by his step-father (which is the same, basically, as being adopted in Indonesia) and took his step-fathers last name, making him an Indonesian citizen so he could attend school. Now, follow along, upon re-enter the USofA, that would make him aaaaaaaaa what? Say it with me, A NATURALIZED CITIZEN, and who cannot according to law be elected President? That's right, a naturalized citizen. He shoots, he scores, he rests his case. Now, with that being said, I will give him the chance to make a difference. Like Charlie said, we will watch and see and hope, cause let me tell you, Bush screwed the Republican Party. Everyone was so ready for change, the Democrats could have announced they were running a bent Mercury Marauder rim for President and it would have gotten elected. It makes me sick that his name is on my militray discharge papers. But, let's give credit where credit is due, Congress, which has been controlled by DEMOCRATS for a couple years now, didn't help him any. I honestly will support the prez, but I hope he does more than he did for the state of Illinois while he represented it. Name something positive he did there. Community organizer? Big deal, I've seen church bake sales do more good for the community. Heck, more planning and organizing goes into a Marauderville gathering than anything he's done. He's charismatic? So was Ted Bundy. But I digress, he has only been in office a couple days, and I do like what he has done/said when it comes to dealing with lobbyist. So actually, he already has a plus1 from me. I hope the rest of his term goes more to the plus catagory than the minus catagory, we need something, agreed?

01-22-2009, 06:02 PM
Its over and done with get over it peeps.:shake:

01-22-2009, 07:23 PM
Ok. Where's his birth certificate?


In today's world of information such falsification would never pass scrutiny.

But I suppose if it makes you feel better... keep believing it. What was that about whining, again?

Seems these political threads usually start up because of the whining about liberals, not by them. :bigcry: Go figure.

Some folks were kicked out of a McCain rally 8 blocks from where I sit, all because they "looked like liberals." Funny thing was, they had already voted for McCain via absentee. I was turned away from a Bush event because I wasn't a registered Republican at the time. Yet when both Hillary and Obama visited our school last year no one was asked to leave -- even the skinhead rabid Hillary hater. He was the first person with whom she shook hands at the rally.

Bottom line is that 2+ million people gathered in an area crammed so full, some couldn't even get out of the subway tunnels and yet it didn't get violent. Yep, there's them liberals for ya. Always "peace-ing" up the place.

Is that what's bothering you? Millions of smiling people?

Had it been Hillary instead of Barack, what would you guys be whining about that disqualifies her from office? I don't like her either -- I'm just curious to know what the BS machine had ready to go.

01-22-2009, 09:13 PM
Actually, everythings gonna be just fine here.

In the next year or so, my 20k investment in a local ethanol plant is going to net me 80k+ because of him. Go E-85! Thank you Obama! McCain was going to end ethanol subsidies. Whew! Dodged a bullet there! :P

Maybe I'll get one those Shelbys I keep hearing about. And a cycle...or two. Lol! The only whining you'll hear outta me is BLOWER WHINE! On E-85 BABY! GO OBAMA! :banana2:

The local EOL (Enemy of Leadfoot) will soon be crushed financially. He and his Dad farm. His Dad is in poor health. When he kicks off some time in the next 4 years (presummably) he'll get hammered by the Death Tax (definately). The way his farm is configured, he'll have NOTHING left. At the age of 45+ he'll be completely wiped out! Awesome!

Until then, and because we don't have a legitimate president, I have declared Marshall Law here on my 980 acres of Minnesota. I've apointed myself acting Commander in Chief. I'm also CEO, CFO, Master of Ceremonies, and head grounds keeper.

I put lids on my garbage cans too. The raccoons aren't smiling though. Is this what you mean by "millions of happy faces"? The free money crowd? I guess I'll know when I cash in on my E-85 plant. Lol! :beer:

Leadfoot always gets the last laugh.

01-23-2009, 07:44 AM
You're gonna need a lot of tinfoil and camouflage paint. Better stock up now.

Actually, everythings gonna be just fine here.

In the next year or so, my 20k investment in a local ethanol plant is going to net me 80k+ because of him. Go E-85! Thank you Obama! McCain was going to end ethanol subsidies. Whew! Dodged a bullet there! :P

Maybe I'll get one those Shelbys I keep hearing about. And a cycle...or two. Lol! The only whining you'll hear outta me is BLOWER WHINE! On E-85 BABY! GO OBAMA! :banana2:

The local EOL (Enemy of Leadfoot) will soon be crushed financially. He and his Dad farm. His Dad is in poor health. When he kicks off some time in the next 4 years (presummably) he'll get hammered by the Death Tax (definately). The way his farm is configured, he'll have NOTHING left. At the age of 45+ he'll be completely wiped out! Awesome!

Until then, and because we don't have a legitimate president, I have declared Marshall Law here on my 980 acres of Minnesota. I've apointed myself acting Commander in Chief. I'm also CEO, CFO, Master of Ceremonies, and head grounds keeper.

I put lids on my garbage cans too. The raccoons aren't smiling though. Is this what you mean by "millions of happy faces"? The free money crowd? I guess I'll know when I cash in on my E-85 plant. Lol! :beer:

Leadfoot always gets the last laugh.

01-23-2009, 07:48 PM

In today's world of information such falsification would never pass scrutiny.

Uhm, I can drive back home in 2 1/4 hours and for a fee have a certified birth certificate in my hand. Why has there been such a delay in obtaining one for the President if there is not a problem? This could get very interesting if he is infact not a natural born citizen.

01-23-2009, 08:07 PM
I read all of these posts and i must say some of the talking points brought up a very RADICAL and to some could be seen as RACIST. Good thing these guy's aren't vendors because I wouldn't spend a dime with them! Hint! Hint! P.S. The racoon anagoly should be removed by the site since we all kinda know what he really means!

01-23-2009, 10:03 PM
I read all of these posts and i must say some of the talking points brought up a very RADICAL and to some could be seen as RACIST. Good thing these guy's aren't vendors because I wouldn't spend a dime with them! Hint! Hint! P.S. The racoon anagoly should be removed by the site since we all kinda know what he really means!

Whoa! Hold on there. No offence intended to anyone!

Here's what I meant.

Five years ago I was dating an absolutely terrific lady. We had discussed marriage. It was that serious. Then one day she tells me "I want $3,000."

What? I said.

"You heard me, I want $3,000 every year that we are married. If I get married to you I'll lose my IRS refund check and I need that to live."

I've known her for years. Her parents are both hard working people. She always worked. Somewhere along the line she got a taste for FREE money and was HOOKED.

I got out of that relationship immediately. She still collects her food stamps, has her rent partially paid by the US TAX PAYER, and still gets her $3,000/year form, you guessed it, the US TAX PAYER. She drives a salvage title Cavalier and a salvage title chevy truck.

Meanwhile I'm sitting on 980 acres of Minnesota I call home (that's valued at somewhere north of $5,000/acre) Do the math. I own a Marauder, a decent Jeep, THREE houses, and have a respectable income.

She turned that down because some social liberals think they can replace Dads, fathers, husbands, and hard work with SOCIALIST STYLE INCOME REDISTRIBUTION.

She will alway vote for them too because she knows who butters her bread. She is owned. She is eatting the left-overs of the rich.

When my Dad died in 2000 I paid $907,000 in DEATH TAX. He never made more than 30k/year and was a looong way from being "rich".

I have a RIGHT to be mad. This socialist government has taken a lot from me over the years. A LOT.

No one has a right to call me a racist or anything I've said as racist until they've met me and my friends. It's true don't like Obama. Not because of the color of his skin but because of his policys. This is 2009, not 1959. Are we supposed to still care about this stuff? Aren't well all just people?

I humbly and sincerely appologize to you, musclemerc if anything I've said has come across as being rascist. I'm sorry.


SC Cheesehead
01-24-2009, 08:22 AM
You said a lot there Leadfoot, and it nails the "entitlement mentality" a bunch of folks have.

01-24-2009, 12:12 PM
Here we go again with a racist behind every tree. I'm now hearing that the local college kids believe that anyone who did not vote for BHO is a racist. These are very sad times we live in when a person is labeled because of the way they voted in a presidential election. :shake:

Dr Caleb
01-24-2009, 12:37 PM
Hint! Hint! P.S. The racoon anagoly should be removed by the site since we all kinda know what he really means!

As Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I for one took no implied or hidden meaning in having raccoons routing through garbage. They do that.

01-24-2009, 03:13 PM
I hadn't read anything into the raccoon analogy until it was brought up again. I just don't think that way. most people don't.

"welfare mentality" people (regardless of race) do act just like the described raccoons, perhaps feral dogs sounds better? I lived among these people, had my tools stolen by these kinds of people, had my house vandalized/dogs poisoned/landscaping destroyed etc by these kinds of people (none of them black) and have adopted one as my own son, and through years of hard work reformed him into a hardworking young man who respects others.

increased government activity in our daily lives and wallets wont be good for the country or the world. regardless of what skin color our president was born with.

01-24-2009, 03:29 PM
Mannnnnnnnnnnn I swear this site.....

01-24-2009, 07:17 PM
You could do it over the phone without wasting gas.

Seriously, could you guys look something up somewhere other than "seanhannity.com?"

http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/has_obamas_birth_certificate_b een_disclosed.html

Read towards the bottom why a copy hadn't been made public right away.

Oh, and Leadfoot, they have a copy of his birth certificate at that link.

I'm sure you're going to dispute it, but you might as well complain Elvis stole it.

Uhm, I can drive back home in 2 1/4 hours and for a fee have a certified birth certificate in my hand. Why has there been such a delay in obtaining one for the President if there is not a problem? This could get very interesting if he is infact not a natural born citizen.