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View Full Version : WTB: Dash bezel (from headlight switch to radio/HVAC vents)

01-25-2009, 05:12 PM
Looking for the dash bezel/surround that goes around the headlight switch/cluster/radio/hvac vents. For my 300A, mine has a hairline crack in it right under the gauge cluster. Let me know how much shipped to 08837.


SC Cheesehead
01-25-2009, 05:34 PM
PM Dennis Reinhart, I believe he's parting out a wrecked MM and may be able to help you out.

01-25-2009, 08:00 PM
PM Dennis Reinhart, I believe he's parting out a wrecked MM and may be able to help you out.

Sweet, thanks! I'll do that now.:beer: