View Full Version : Blackberry Storm

01-27-2009, 09:03 PM
Does anyone have a blackberry storm? What do you think? How's the latest firmware for it?

Looking for some thoughts on the phone's stability, is it reliable and I've heard the new firmware has sped it up quite a bit.

I'm thinking of getting one. Please no iphone comparisons as there is already tons of info on that, I just wanna know how the storm is treating you.

01-27-2009, 09:06 PM
iPhone FTW

01-27-2009, 09:49 PM
my girlfriends brother has one. He went from the CUrve to the Storm and really doesnt find it that nice. Although it is nice that you can see what letter you are pushing before you push.... you still have to push. He finds it very hard to type, but as are all touch screens if you ask me.

The cool features are that it is faster. The browser is easier to read, like the iPhones, and it has viewable voicemail. You can choose which voicemail you want to hear and when, instead of being stuck with them in the prder they came in and not knowing who its from.

Play with one before buying it..... I have my mixed opinions. I prefer my BB Pearl. lol

Iowa Rick
01-27-2009, 10:19 PM
Does anyone have a blackberry storm? What do you think? How's the latest firmware for it?

Looking for some thoughts on the phone's stability, is it reliable and I've heard the new firmware has sped it up quite a bit.

I'm thinking of getting one. Please no iphone comparisons as there is already tons of info on that, I just wanna know how the storm is treating you.

My daughter bought one to use overseas. She uses it mostly in the USA on Verizon but needed a phone to work in GSM areas. Went to South America right after buying the phone. Had problems but a coworker had one as well with the upgrade and it worked fine. She got the upgrade over the net and then the phone worked with no problems. She loves it but is a techno geek like her dad. Rick

01-28-2009, 05:54 AM
I have one.
It takes awhile to get use to. The touch screen is not perfect. As for being fast. I upgraded the firmware, i have the newest version, it just came out ( it made it faster. When you get it with the original firmware, its slow..