View Full Version : This isn't a bumper car!!!!!!

02-01-2009, 12:07 AM
Today i was in the drive thru at Taco Bell with my three kids in the back and my neice riding shotgun when i felt an abrupt tap on the back bumper followed by a fart can rev!!!!!:mad: I had already paid for my food when it happened so my window was already down so imediately i crank my head left and let out my best WTF!!!:argue:

Now for anybody that doesn't already know i work in large scale commercial construction and we aren't known for using decent language or being very polite. Problem is the little door with my food and a very nice young lady on the other side had opened right when i cranked my head to the left.:eek: Yup foot in mouth! The hole cook staff kinda halted......Well she quickly realized what had happened and i gave her an appoligy. So i take my food and being flustered one of the bags rip open and spilt 10 soft tacos all over the center counsel!:mad2:

Now i'm pissed! I mash the gas and pull forward about ten feet and jump out of the car ready to kill him. As i'm walking to the back to look for scratches this guy gets out and without any hesitation immediately says did i bump you? Now for anyone that knows me you can imagine what i said next. it started with YEAH and ended with.......well nevermind. Anyways i've never seen a guy this appoligetic! I mean way too many sorrys! So i inspected the bumper and there wasn't anything to be found.

Now looking at this guy and his girl friend i'm actually starting to feel like a complete stink hole for something that was a mistake that even i myself has done.:( (i learned my lesson from that old lady i bumped!!!!) So i say look, no harm no foul and i'm sorry for the way i jumped in your face. I thought at first you meant to do that. I told him its my first reaction when anybody screws with my car and he said he couldn't agree more and that would have been his reaction also.

He said that he felt a motion of rolling (stick) and when he looked up he jammed the brake so fast that he even touched the gas a slight bit (explaining the rev) and it all happened so quick that he honestly didn't know if he contacted me.

Moral of the story, I really need to calm down, its just a car, a car with very good insurance. I atleast hope that i taught him a lesson like that old lady i hit taught me when i was sixteen. My wifes health, this economy, and short hours at work got me so high strung anymore and for what? Its time to just sit back and relax a little bit. Kentucky seems so far away.:(

02-01-2009, 01:05 AM
Kentucky seems so far away.:(
'Nuff said.

02-01-2009, 04:57 AM
Yes I agree it is time to calm down:) Glad no damage hope the tacos clean up OK.

Hang in there Ky. is not that far away....

02-01-2009, 05:56 AM
Today i was in the drive thru at Taco Bell with my three kids in the back and my neice riding shotgun when i felt an abrupt tap on the back bumper followed by a fart can rev!!!!!:mad: (
Glad to hear that there was no "visible" damage to your MM and no injuries to any of your young passengers.

I don't understand why you are beating yourself up over this incident. Maybe your reaction was a tad strong (verbally); but he was wrong and should have been chastised severely for his inability to control his vehicle. No excuses.

02-01-2009, 06:16 AM
Hey, if you're unhappy with how you reacted, I'm confident you'll remember that next time. We all live and learn, it's part of the growing process. Let it go, and try not to do the same thing again in a similar situation. It's all good!

SC Cheesehead
02-01-2009, 07:30 AM

Been there myself, no need to beat yourselfs up. Main thing is you got things calmed down, and other than rufflled feathers, no harm done.

Ms. Denmark
02-01-2009, 07:46 AM
Bob, just look in the mirror and repeat after me; " I'm a good guy. People like me!" We really do. ;)

02-01-2009, 09:20 AM
Hi justbob: I feek your pain, My daughter a few months ago backed into my MM while it was sitting in my own driveway :shake:. The paint ended up spider webbing for at least a foot to the right and to the left from the center of where she hit me. I was so mad, but she is my only daughter (my only child) so I just grin and bear it. Your right its only a car.:o

Today i was in the drive thru at Taco Bell with my three kids in the back and my neice riding shotgun when i felt an abrupt tap on the back bumper followed by a fart can rev!!!!!:mad: I had already paid for my food when it happened so my window was already down so imediately i crank my head left and let out my best WTF!!!:argue:

Now for anybody that doesn't already know i work in large scale commercial construction and we aren't known for using decent language or being very polite. Problem is the little door with my food and a very nice young lady on the other side had opened right when i cranked my head to the left.:eek: Yup foot in mouth! The hole cook staff kinda halted......Well she quickly realized what had happened and i gave her an appoligy. So i take my food and being flustered one of the bags rip open and spilt 10 soft tacos all over the center counsel!:mad2:

Now i'm pissed! I mash the gas and pull forward about ten feet and jump out of the car ready to kill him. As i'm walking to the back to look for scratches this guy gets out and without any hesitation immediately says did i bump you? Now for anyone that knows me you can imagine what i said next. it started with YEAH and ended with.......well nevermind. Anyways i've never seen a guy this appoligetic! I mean way too many sorrys! So i inspected the bumper and there wasn't anything to be found.

Now looking at this guy and his girl friend i'm actually starting to feel like a complete stink hole for something that was a mistake that even i myself has done.:( (i learned my lesson from that old lady i bumped!!!!) So i say look, no harm no foul and i'm sorry for the way i jumped in your face. I thought at first you meant to do that. I told him its my first reaction when anybody screws with my car and he said he couldn't agree more and that would have been his reaction also.

He said that he felt a motion of rolling (stick) and when he looked up he jammed the brake so fast that he even touched the gas a slight bit (explaining the rev) and it all happened so quick that he honestly didn't know if he contacted me.

Moral of the story, I really need to calm down, its just a car, a car with very good insurance. I atleast hope that i taught him a lesson like that old lady i hit taught me when i was sixteen. My wifes health, this economy, and short hours at work got me so high strung anymore and for what? Its time to just sit back and relax a little bit. Kentucky seems so far away.:(

02-01-2009, 09:23 AM
Let me get this straight...

You, got FOOD while in your MM?



02-01-2009, 09:35 AM
Been there done that, good catch on your part to realize the moment. See ya in Kentucky. Took me a long time to realize slowing a down translated to a lot less stress in every day. Pick your hills and mountains on which you need to fight carefully, you'll live better and longer .

02-01-2009, 10:29 AM
Let me get this straight...

You, got FOOD while in your MM?


It was supposed to remain IN the bags!:) We'll eat in the car but i'm quite picky on just what items and taco's are NOT on the menu.:beatnik:

02-01-2009, 11:25 AM
I feel your pain. Worst ding on my car was from a little girl opening a car door into mine at a 7-11. I was about to pay for my coffee and was looking out the store at my car and saw it happen. Almost dropped my coffee. I had already shifted weight to my right foot and was about to bolt out and throw somebody a beatdown, and a girl maybe 10 years old gets out. Paid for my coffee, went out, waited for them, calmly (which for me is rare) pointed it out to her and her Dad, he apologized profusely, I said no biggie but try and be careful in the future, I left. I didn't feel better for not yelling. I get PO'd everytime I notice it. Crappy green Grand Prix paint, argh!

02-01-2009, 12:50 PM
should have kicked in his headlight, just to be safe, accident or not

02-01-2009, 01:12 PM
i totaly understand, the thing is around here people tend to be reall *******s with these things. i got rearended by some jackass in a civic kinda the same way you did and when i got out the kid was rolling up his window and saying its no big deal at the same time, i was MORE than pissed especially since he had no sign of being sorry about any of it. but what am i going to do? there was no damage and my gf and her sister were in the car, along with his gf in his car. sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.

cant blame ya dough, the way the story sounded it really did make it seem that kid did it on purpose, but its all good.

02-01-2009, 01:28 PM
Was this after your new paint Sanco? That would WOULD be time for a throw down!!!

02-01-2009, 03:01 PM
Bob... You did good, I'm happy no damage was done, because I would have been concerned about the other guys well being?

02-01-2009, 08:17 PM
bob that was after my new paint lol, and it was a good hit too....bastard kid

02-01-2009, 11:15 PM

02-02-2009, 06:56 AM
Good job on the temper control, but... I was hoping that the story included you pulling the kid out of his car through a partially open drivers side window... That's how I would have done it. ;)

02-02-2009, 07:27 AM
My MM goes into Park when I am sitting in the drive through so I don't bump anyone accidentally. I pretty much suck at driving, so it's an extra precaution I take.

On an unrelated note, I found a big scratch on the kadiddlebabemobile rear bumper yesterday, probably walmart parking lot carnage while she was in shopping. Buncha freakin pinheads!

02-02-2009, 07:43 PM
Good job on the temper control, but... I was hoping that the story included you pulling the kid out of his car through a partially open drivers side window... That's how I would have done it. ;)
That HAS happened! Exactly how you said it. It was 1989 at high school when exfriend of mine rammed my 78 camaro into a brand new teachers van! and then pushed it three feet into another teachers car!!!! I about killed him. I had to take blaim because of my moms strict insurance stipulating "no other drivers". He even bent the steering wheel all the way to the datch!:eek: All because he dropped his mountain dew and didn't want to stain my carpet so he went to the floor to find it!!

02-03-2009, 07:52 AM
Bob you have been having some bad experiences lately with your Marauder. Maybe you should stick to the Escort.

I kid!! I kid!!