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02-03-2009, 06:12 AM
Firefighter impersonates
police officer

Last Edited: Thursday, 29 Jan 2009, 9:27 PM EST
Created On: Thursday, 29 Jan 2009, 9:00 PM EST

Old Lyme (WTNH) - A volunteer firefighter has gone from the heat of fighting fires to feeling some legal heat.
Charles McDougal is charged with impersonating a police officer. Police say he turned on his blue lights and pulled over another driver. It's a move which could cost him his firefighting career and his freedom.
McDougal, 47-years-old, may never wear his fire gear again. The Cohanzie chief says he violated the Waterford department's code of conduct when he pulled over a woman using his blue lights.
"When something like this happens, it violates the public trust and calls into question the validity of that flashing blue light they see behind them," Chief Timothy Hennessey, of the Cohanzie Fire Department, said. "So, for me, it's very important for the public to know at large that this is the exception not the rule."
A public trust is broken for one woman on an Old Lyme street.
After McDougal pulled over the woman, police say he came up to her driver's side window and yelled at her because of the way she was driving. They say he even reached in and struck her in the face and then took off.
News Channel 8 went to his Niantic home to see what he has to say.
No one answered but others in the community say what he is accused of is very disturbing.
"That's totally wrong," Janice Massey, of East Lyme, said. "He should be in a lot of trouble for it."
Massey suffered through a similar situation when she was a teen. She says a firefighter also pulled her over because of something foolish she did while driving.
"I was scared and I pulled over and I've never forgotten it," Massey said. "I just knew after that to be cautious who you pull over for."
McDougal is already on probation for stealing a painting from a Waterford home where he worked as a handyman. That painting turned out to be worth $1 million. With no prior record, he got a second chance at the fire house. But all of his chances will be gone if he's convicted of impersonating a police officer.
"Absolutely none; he'll be dismissed," Chief Hennessey said.
If McDougal had stayed out of trouble until May 22nd, his larceny conviction would have been wiped from his record. Now, that may be the least of his troubles.

02-03-2009, 06:47 AM
Wow, sounds like someone who never should have been let back on after the theft.

02-03-2009, 09:29 AM
Sounds like the woman is a bad driver.

02-03-2009, 09:33 AM
Sounds like the woman is a bad driver.

I LOL'ed :banana2:

Egon Spengler
02-03-2009, 09:44 AM
I'd love to do that sometimes... use my lights that is... but I know to stay within my guidelines! This guy abused a privilege and makes us look bad... GREAT ANOTHER ONE!!!