View Full Version : Michigan pot hole`s 1 Hack 0

Hack Goby
02-08-2009, 11:08 AM
I have been lucky over the years with the bad roads in Michigan but last night that all changed.In the blink of an eye I lost two rims and a tire to a pot hole so big I thought I was falling over a cliff.It only took a second and it was over but I did manage to get to Tina`s house before It went flat.This is going to be costly but for now I will put my summer package back on and figure out what to do about replacing my stock rims and tire later.

02-08-2009, 11:47 AM
Sorry to hear that. I always wondered why the home of the automobile had the worst pot holes. I've avoided driving my Vette there... too much rim... not enough tire.

02-08-2009, 01:22 PM
I think you may be able to fill out a police report and go after whatever agency has juristiction for the damages. Check with the local cops and see. Make sure to get pictures of the pothole(s) responsible and save the damaged parts and get written estimates or receipts for replacement parts. Do it now as I believe you have up to 24 hours to report an accident.Why should you have to pay for damages to your car when they're responsible. Something similar happened to me on a harley in 1989 here and I got $1500,the maximum allowed without a lawsuit,from the city of chicago. They did road work and left half of the road an entire lane wide dug up to a depth of 18" and over 30' long without any warning signs or barricades or anything. I changed lanes to get away from an ********* who was hitting my back tire with the front bumper of his Cadillac while I had my 9 year old son on the back of the bike and WHAM,I was in the hole.
Go after them!

02-08-2009, 01:37 PM
Take a pic of the pot hole and file a complaint with a city. Were there any signs or anything marking the road hazard?

My buddy nailed a raised man hole last year with his Civic. Ended up totaling the car. It ripped the tranny out, popped both air bags and destroyed the front end. He got a hefty check from the city which went towards a new car.

02-08-2009, 01:39 PM
i hit an unavoidable "pothole" (term used loosely, as the hole was the WHOLE WIDTH OF THE ROAD) in my city. it busted my shock. i filed a police report and sent a copy of the report along with a complaint letter to city hall.

their insurance company investigated it and claimed that because they had no prior notice of the road being bad (which is BS, everyone in the city knows that road sucks), they were not responsible for fixing my shocks.

i hope you have better luck than me.

02-08-2009, 04:31 PM
I hit a canyon in the middle of the road last year in my dad's old beater BMW and blew out the two front tires. Took pics and everything and sent them in, but they refused to pay any money claiming they had no prior knowledge of the bump. :bs::bs:

02-08-2009, 04:53 PM
See PM. I'm interested in buying the rims if they are not too badly bent.


He drives a Ford Focus Glenn.

02-08-2009, 04:55 PM
refused to pay any money claiming they had no prior knowledge of the bump. :bs::bs:

sorry about your luck, but glad to see it isn't only me that's getting fed that line!