View Full Version : WTF is going on.....

02-13-2009, 01:14 PM
Do you guys realize ridiculously silly some of you are acting? So the guy post's some off the wall stuff....... BIG DEAL!....... Get over it.... Why are you guys letting it get to you so much? This whole fight fire with fire thing isn't working. So can we ALL..... PLEASE just grow up a little:beer:

02-13-2009, 01:15 PM
Some folks just can't play nice in the community sandbox.

02-13-2009, 01:17 PM
You dont have to yell :bigcry:

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 01:17 PM
Awww shucks, relax Sean...

watch this.....


Ms. Denmark
02-13-2009, 01:18 PM
Do you guys realize ridiculously silly some of you are acting? So the guy post's some off the wall stuff....... BIG DEAL!....... Get over it.... Why are you guys letting it get to you so much? This whole fight fire with fire thing isn't working. So can we ALL..... PLEASE just grow up a little:beer:Speaking for myself, I'm home alone, hopped up on Sudafed. (really bad cold) But your point is well taken.;)

Joe Walsh
02-13-2009, 01:21 PM
Do you guys realize ridiculously silly some of you are acting? So the guy post's some off the wall stuff....... BIG DEAL!....... Get over it.... Why are you guys letting it get to you so much? This whole fight fire with fire thing isn't working. So can we ALL..... PLEASE just grow up a little:beer:

I apologize...I will try to keep my posts more appropriate and avoid the 'off the wall stuff'.

Post count +1!

Fourth Horseman
02-13-2009, 02:07 PM
Some folks just can't play nice in the community sandbox.

I just pooped in Matt's corner of the sand box. Let's see if he notices.

02-13-2009, 02:08 PM
In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 02:10 PM
This is some fun stuff....

02-13-2009, 02:12 PM

02-13-2009, 02:14 PM
Post count + 1 :woohoo:

02-13-2009, 02:15 PM

I just pooped in Matt's corner of the sand box. Let's see if he notices.

02-13-2009, 02:16 PM
Yes Mods, please lock it up....... It"s falling on deaf ears anyway...... Sorry for another useless thread. :(

02-13-2009, 02:21 PM
Yes Mods, please lock it up....... It"s falling on deaf ears anyway...... Sorry for another useless thread. :(

Good try, but at least you upped your post count by 2.

02-13-2009, 02:24 PM

Good try, but at least you upped your post count by 2.

02-13-2009, 02:26 PM

you guys are seriously geting out of hand with this crap. It has honestly gotten to the point where I can no longer find a thread that does not contain IBTL crap and stupid random facts. Even the brightest of you guys have lowered your standards. Its odd though how the younger members of the site are the ones NOT carrying on the nonsense.

02-13-2009, 02:27 PM
Good try, but at least you upped your post count by 2.
For now, until the post 5-0 take them away. I slipped back under 3,000 this afternoon???

02-13-2009, 02:29 PM
Most are in the mode of "When in Rome post like the Romans" :beer:

I am :burnout:

02-13-2009, 02:29 PM

you guys are seriously geting out of hand with this crap. It has honestly gotten to the point where I can no longer find a thread that does not contain IBTL crap and stupid random facts. Even the brightest of you guys have lowered your standards. Its odd though how the younger members of the site are the ones NOT carrying on the nonsense.

Those of us with nothing better to do than bug the crap out of other people... That would be me until at least the 24th of this month, possibly longer. Now where did I put my trolling outfit???

02-13-2009, 02:31 PM
Those of us with nothing better to do than bug the crap out of other people... That would be me until at least the 24th of this month, possibly longer.

I'll be looking forward to the 24th:cool:

02-13-2009, 02:32 PM
whats the 24th? Kentucky?

02-13-2009, 02:48 PM
Post count + 1 :woohoo:

02-13-2009, 03:00 PM

you guys are seriously geting out of hand with this crap. It has honestly gotten to the point where I can no longer find a thread that does not contain IBTL crap and stupid random facts. Even the brightest of you guys have lowered your standards. Its odd though how the younger members of the site are the ones NOT carrying on the nonsense.

Chill Francis.....

Egon Spengler
02-13-2009, 03:09 PM
This is funny that the younger guys (including myself) are the rational ones trying to keep the peace around here... and that they are from the Northeast! So much for the "m*********" name... we are the ones trying to restore the peace around here. Ignore AJ and move on! I can't believe one guy is causing all this!

Come on guys... this isn't why I joined this site... when I joined it seemed like a great place with great people and great information... this site was one of the big selling points for buying my marauder! This site made me that much more proud to be behind the wheel of these cars... now I don't know anymore...

See below... might be for sale soon...

02-13-2009, 03:12 PM
What ^^^He^^^ said.

That's about enough please?


02-13-2009, 03:15 PM
If this type of crap continues I am going to quit the forum and then sign up under other screen names to see what people are saying about me but then what the heck I'll come back because I like the attention and get everyone really mad when people post nonsensical stuff repeat repeat, etc..


O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 03:17 PM
This is funny that the younger guys (including myself) are the rational ones trying to keep the peace around here... and that they are from the Northeast! So much for the "m*********" name... we are the ones trying to restore the peace around here. Ignore AJ and move on! I can't believe one guy is causing all this!

Come on guys... this isn't why I joined this site... when I joined it seemed like a great place with great people and great information... this site was one of the big selling points for buying my marauder! This site made me that much more proud to be behind the wheel of these cars... now I don't know anymore...

See below... might be for sale soon...

This site got you to buy the car?
If this site isn't what you want you're gonna sell your car?

02-13-2009, 03:18 PM
I was pretty surprised to see over 600 new posts when i signed in today...

What's the point in an ignore button if everytime someone being ignored makes a post, a new thread is created to say you're ignoring said person? Joe?

Who's next to run off? I can't imagine how many MM owners and enthusiasts have seen the BS that continues to play out on this site, and decided to not join, or leave.

I've got an idea. Stop the post counting all together. You can prove yourself by what is said in your posts, and not how many you have.

02-13-2009, 03:22 PM
whats the 24th? Kentucky?

No, I may be returning to my life after that.

02-13-2009, 03:24 PM
well thanks for no answer....

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 03:28 PM
well thanks for no answer....

DUDE.... maybe he wants to keep it among those he wants to tell....
Besides... if you search through his posts... he did make mention of "it"....

02-13-2009, 03:30 PM
DUDE.... maybe he wants to keep it among those he wants to tell....
Besides... if you search through his posts... he did make mention of "it"....

Sorry, didnt care that much. Since it was made menton of, I thought it was common knowledge betwween members. Sorry, my mistake.

02-13-2009, 03:31 PM
I was pretty surprised to see over 600 new posts when i signed in today...

What's the point in an ignore button if everytime someone being ignored makes a post, a new thread is created to say you're ignoring said person? Joe?

Who's next to run off? I can't imagine how many MM owners and enthusiasts have seen the BS that continues to play out on this site, and decided to not join, or leave.

I've got an idea. Stop the post counting all together. You can prove yourself by what is said in your posts, and not how many you have.

I like what you have said above. There will always be useless posts to many people because we know the answer, but people here have posted tons of info that just needs to be found. People like Aren Jay that post 15 new threads an hour about trunk space drive me nuts! Come on, get a tape measure and do the math or even easier go and do some research, stop being lazy! And this all leads to the statment of the year, prove yourself through the QUALITY of your posts, not QUANTITY!

02-13-2009, 03:43 PM
Sorry, didnt care that much. Since it was made menton of, I thought it was common knowledge betwween members. Sorry, my mistake.

No biggie, I'm off work due to an injury and the pretty lady Doctor put me out until at least the 24th.

Dr Caleb
02-13-2009, 03:45 PM
And this all leads to the statment of the year, prove yourself through the QUALITY of your posts, not QUANTITY!

Given that, is "Post count +1" quality, or quantity?

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 03:47 PM
No biggie, I'm off work due to an injury and the pretty lady Doctor put me out until at least the 24th.

I DO NOT believe you..... I need pics of the Doctor.....:D:D

02-13-2009, 03:58 PM
Given that, is "Post count +1" quality, or quantity?

Quantity, and I am guilty of it today as well, but normally I am in the background watching and learning, but I was board today so in I went! But this post count thing is stupid. I thought that the more posts you have the smarter and longer you have been around, but there is one person that is the opposite, the more post the more of an idiot he becomes and the more useless he is. But that is life. So maybe like Hot-rauder i will take off for a while until Aren Jay gets reined in or leaves.:beer:

Joe Walsh
02-13-2009, 03:59 PM
I was pretty surprised to see over 600 new posts when i signed in today...

I thought that all those 'unnecessary posts' from this morning were funny as crap and almost everyone was having a blast!

What's the point in an ignore button if everytime someone being ignored makes a post, a new thread is created to say you're ignoring said person? Joe?

So I'm a little on edge today...I ignored a huge quantity of the troll's posts...doesn't that count??
Besides, my threads have a habit of getting deleted, so I have to start more...I, like others who I try to ignore, just can't help it!

Who's next to run off? I can't imagine how many MM owners and enthusiasts have seen the BS that continues to play out on this site, and decided to not join, or leave.

I've got an idea. Stop the post counting all together. You can prove yourself by what is said in your posts, and not how many you have.

Dude, The post counting is a joke! It just for fun....chill!

I like what you have said above. There will always be useless posts to many people because we know the answer, but people here have posted tons of info that just needs to be found. People like Aren Jay that post 15 new threads an hour about trunk space drive me nuts! Come on, get a tape measure and do the math or even easier go and do some research, stop being lazy! And this all leads to the statement of the year, prove yourself through the QUALITY of your posts, not QUANTITY!


Given that, is "Post count +1" quality, or quantity?

Again, If you can't take the joke...IGNORE it!

Now, It's almost 6:00 EST on a Friday night and I need a beer!:beer:

02-13-2009, 04:08 PM
I'm even beyond caring to post a nonsense post at this point. I no longer care about him. It's public knowledge that he's a D-bag so let him wallow among people who hate him.

If he post's a thread and no read's it or respond's to his post's then how long can he stay around?

I knew something was up when I logged in and saw over 400 post's. :eek:

02-13-2009, 04:09 PM
AJ D double C's back?

No card, no Hello:welcome:

No e-mail:type:

I'm sad.:shake:

02-13-2009, 05:13 PM
I just get home from work and check my sandbox....and there's a great big horse turd in it. Thanks 4th horsey!!!! son of a...

Egon Spengler
02-13-2009, 05:36 PM
Here is an idea guys... don't post in his threads!!! I did not buy my car just because of the forum, but I was more proud to own one because of all the great knowledge and people on the forum! I can't believe that the younger guys are the most mature in this situation... EVEN WE FIND IT JUVENILE! I signed on today and somebody posted like 20 new senseless threads... you say he is wasting space, but you guys are being just as senseless! Ignore him as said and move on! I have met some great people on this site in the area and I am glad that they seem to share the same views as me on this subject so I am still proud to be an owner of this car because the people in my area seem to have a level of maturity... Too bad hardly any of them own marauders anymore!!! haha Thanks for ditching me guys!

:pill: POST COUNT +1:pill:

Joe Walsh
02-13-2009, 05:48 PM
Here is an idea guys... don't post in his threads!!! I did not buy my car just because of the forum, but I was more proud to own one because of all the great knowledge and people on the forum! I can't believe that the younger guys are the most mature in this situation... EVEN WE FIND IT JUVENILE! I signed on today and somebody posted like 20 new senseless threads... you say he is wasting space, but you guys are being just as senseless! Ignore him as said and move on! I have met some great people on this site in the area and I am glad that they seem to share the same views as me on this subject so I am still proud to be an owner of this car because the people in my area seem to have a level of maturity... Too bad hardly any of them own marauders anymore!!! haha Thanks for ditching me guys!

:pill: POST COUNT +1:pill:

We were all having fun AND trying to prove a point.

How it is REALLY annoying when people start threads with dumb, easily answered questions.
Or they post totally weird, off topic observations.

It IS annoying isn't it??

I think that we clearly made our point this morning.

02-13-2009, 07:37 PM
We were all having fun AND trying to prove a point.

How it is REALLY annoying when people start threads with dumb, easily answered questions.
Or they post totally weird, off topic observations.

It IS annoying isn't it??

I think that we clearly made our point this morning.

Those posts annoy me more than any of Arens ever did. But whatever.

02-13-2009, 07:46 PM
I DO NOT believe you..... I need pics of the Doctor.....:D:D

Believe me, if I had any you'd agree. Very well endowed too boot :bows:

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 08:59 PM
Believe me, if I had any you'd agree. Very well endowed too boot :bows:

Tell her you want to recommend her to a friend... and snap a few..... from different angles.....:banana:

SC Cheesehead
02-13-2009, 09:02 PM
Tell her you want to recommend her to a friend... and snap a few..... from different angles.....:banana:

Isn't that what camera phones are for?;)

02-13-2009, 09:18 PM
Yes Mods, please lock it up....... It"s falling on deaf ears anyway...... Sorry for another useless thread. :(
good try sir. just gotta filter out all the crap i guess

Fourth Horseman
02-13-2009, 09:52 PM
I just get home from work and check my sandbox....and there's a great big horse turd in it. Thanks 4th horsey!!!! son of a...

You sure it wasn't your cat?

Joe Walsh
02-13-2009, 10:54 PM
Those posts annoy me more than any of Arens ever did. But whatever.

Cool....then feel free to converse with that Troll.

BTW: Did you know that our Marauder mirrors folded back???

Post count +1!

Joe Walsh
02-13-2009, 11:30 PM
This is some fun stuff....

Rich, I missed this post...

We've caught some really nice Rockfish with that spread!!

02-14-2009, 12:27 AM
This forum would improve a lot if everyone just started to "lead by example"

And also some forums have a Trash Category, I think this forum could use one to.

Aren Jay
02-14-2009, 12:28 AM
Ahh I'm the whipping boy.

I get blamed for everything.

400 posts, yet I made what 15 of them 15 might be too high, 11?

lets see: 15 / 400 = 3.75%

yeah blame me.

The problem is that this site has a number of trolls, they are too dumb to realize they are trolls and they just like to point out others and say troll troll troll... Oh well.

02-14-2009, 01:09 AM
Ahh I'm the whipping boy.

I get blamed for everything.

400 posts, yet I made what 15 of them 15 might be too high, 11?

lets see: 15 / 400 = 3.75%

yeah blame me.

The problem is that this site has a number of trolls, they are too dumb to realize they are trolls and they just like to point out others and say troll troll troll... Oh well.

Yes, but they have flags, so regardless of how many times they troll, or make rude comments, nothing will happen.

02-14-2009, 06:41 AM
Yes, but they have flags, so regardless of how many times they troll, or make rude comments, nothing will happen.
For the Love of Pete.....will you all stop it about the flags and stars? Regardless of where you stand, stop bickering and grow up!!! The Lounge has become a Trash category and more. Y'all have been cooped up to long this winter!

02-14-2009, 06:59 AM
Ahh I'm the whipping boy.

I get blamed for everything.

400 posts, yet I made what 15 of them 15 might be too high, 11?

lets see: 15 / 400 = 3.75%

yeah blame me.

The problem is that this site has a number of trolls, they are too dumb to realize they are trolls and they just like to point out others and say troll troll troll... Oh well.

Yep, so leave.

SC Cheesehead
02-14-2009, 07:01 AM
Ahh I'm the whipping boy.

I get blamed for everything.

400 posts, yet I made what 15 of them 15 might be too high, 11?

lets see: 15 / 400 = 3.75%

yeah blame me.

The problem is that this site has a number of trolls, they are too dumb to realize they are trolls and they just like to point out others and say troll troll troll... Oh well.

Yeah AJ but you instigate a good portion of the crap so, yes, fingers are pointed at you.

02-14-2009, 08:01 AM
yeah aj but you instigate a good portion of the crap so, yes, fingers are pointed at you.

well said !!!

02-14-2009, 09:42 AM
Tell her you want to recommend her to a friend... and snap a few..... from different angles.....:banana:

She is headed south for vacation next week. Sure would like to see her in a swimsuit. :D

02-14-2009, 09:48 AM
do you guys realize ridiculously silly some of you are acting? So the guy post's some off the wall stuff....... Big deal!....... Get over it.... Why are you guys letting it get to you so much? This whole fight fire with fire thing isn't working. So can we all..... Please just grow up a little:beer:

i second this. Back in september of 02 this place was a blast! Now???? What happened????????

02-14-2009, 09:55 AM
i second this. Back in september of 02 this place was a blast! Now???? What happened????????

Cabin fever and one person intentionally annoying others to get his jollies.

O's Fan Rich
02-14-2009, 11:18 AM
She is headed south for vacation next week. Sure would like to see her in a swimsuit. :D

Ok... now you're just messing with our heads.....

Ms. Denmark
02-14-2009, 12:43 PM
Ok... now you're just messing with our heads.....Speak for yourself! :P

02-14-2009, 10:53 PM
To answer your question, people who differ from one another eventually fight about their differences. It's part of human nature to fear and hate those who differ from oneself. The less mature refuse to get over it or are unable to do so.

This answer can be applied to every conflict in known history.

Now, a more important matter. Your join date sez December 02. Got a time machine, dooya? :P

i second this. Back in september of 02 this place was a blast! Now???? What happened????????

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 07:21 AM
To answer your question, people who differ from one another eventually fight about their differences. It's part of human nature to fear and hate those who differ from oneself. The less mature refuse to get over it or are unable to do so.

:PHave to disagree a bit. People all differ from one another to some degree. What makes communities like this forum work, is a willingness to join the crowd. I don't know the first thing about most of the other members, but I've chosen to be here and try to add something to the overall group dynamic. If I am completely out of step, I expect to be told so. If I can't get along, then I would quit the group.

In this case, AJ has had no interest in assimilating. He is clearly self aware enough to fit in if he chooses. The mature person alters their behavior if it clearly is outside the group norm/ or is disruptive. AJ knows this but for his own reasons has made a decision to be the thorn in mm.nets side. It's a form of attention seeking. You see how well it's worked for him.

As to how he has been treated by some of us, I can't support the personal attacks. I have spent time with most of the outspoken members. You couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of guys. Their hostility is so out of their normal character. It speaks to their extreme level of frustration. I would have preferred that his behavior ( mindless posts calculated to annoy) been truely ignored with the hope it could be modified. Instead he's played us. We don't come off looking so good. We are a whole lot better that that. I may not agree with the way some of my friends responded to AJ, but I understand. Just wish it hadn't come to this.

02-15-2009, 07:25 AM
i second this. Back in september of 02 this place was a blast! Now???? What happened????????

The cars are 7 years old, all Oil topics have been discussed, we have modded the cars just about every which way possible.

There really isnt much to talk about concerning the car anymore, so topics go off on a tangent quite easily nowadays.

Its Marauder Evolution in front of our very eyes! :eek:

02-15-2009, 07:32 AM
Maybe conflicts should play out... I, for one, like a good Internet fight! Let's everyone see the participants true colors.

I don't participate here much anymore because it has become a bit too "stiffling", if you know what I mean. We're done talking about marauder mods, how fast they go, who's tune is better, which vendors to stay away from. It was fun when the car was new but now it's just a car. A discontinued car at that.

I'm so far off the beaten path with mine that I just tune in here to see what dumb thing will be said next.


02-15-2009, 07:44 AM
Jerimiah was a bull frog!

02-15-2009, 07:45 AM
...was a good friend of mine.

02-15-2009, 08:15 AM
Maybe conflicts should play out... I, for one, like a good Internet fight! Let's everyone see the participants true colors.

I don't participate here much anymore because it has become a bit too "stiffling", if you know what I mean. We're done talking about marauder mods, how fast they go, who's tune is better, which vendors to stay away from. It was fun when the car was new but now it's just a car. A discontinued car at that.

I'm so far off the beaten path with mine that I just tune in here to see what dumb thing will be said next.


I see your point. Chris and I was talking about the same thing yesterday. Personally I am still excited about my car and making improvement every year. John you should post more about your car. I think it's one of the coolest project I have seen for sometime and would like to know more about how it's coming.

02-15-2009, 08:51 AM
The cars are 7 years old, all Oil topics have been discussed, we have modded the cars just about every which way possible.

There really isnt much to talk about concerning the car anymore, so topics go off on a tangent quite easily nowadays.

Its Marauder Evolution in front of our very eyes! :eek:

I would agree with that!!

02-15-2009, 08:54 AM
To answer your question, people who differ from one another eventually fight about their differences. It's part of human nature to fear and hate those who differ from oneself. The less mature refuse to get over it or are unable to do so.

This answer can be applied to every conflict in known history.

Now, a more important matter. Your join date sez December 02. Got a time machine, dooya? :P

yeah a time machine!!!! off by 2 months???? that dang machine need to get it tuned darn thing wont hold a tune! :lol:

Iam ready for my trip to the Caymans next month! spend a week on the beach...

02-15-2009, 08:56 AM
Jerimiah was a bull frog!

...was a good friend of mine.
I never understood a single word he said but I helped him drink
his whine. He always had some mighty fine wine.

Joe Walsh
02-15-2009, 09:10 AM
Have to disagree a bit. People all differ from one another to some degree. What makes communities like this forum work, is a willingness to join the crowd. I don't know the first thing about most of the other members, but I've chosen to be here and try to add something to the overall group dynamic. If I am completely out of step, I expect to be told so. If I can't get along, then I would quit the group.

In this case, AJ has had no interest in assimilating. He is clearly self aware enough to fit in if he chooses. The mature person alters their behavior if it clearly is outside the group norm/ or is disruptive. AJ knows this but for his own reasons has made a decision to be the thorn in mm.nets side. It's a form of attention seeking. You see how well it's worked for him.

As to how he has been treated by some of us, I can't support the personal attacks. I have spent time with most of the outspoken members. You couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of guys. Their hostility is so out of their normal character. It speaks to their extreme level of frustration. I would have preferred that his behavior ( mindless posts calculated to annoy) been truely ignored with the hope it could be modified. Instead he's played us. We don't come off looking so good. We are a whole lot better that that. I may not agree with the way some of my friends responded to AJ, but I understand. Just wish it hadn't come to this.

Thank you Paula!...You 'Hit the nail on the head' with this post.

You don't have to be a look alike, 'you best get get in line and conform' zombie on this website.
We are all different and that's what makes it fun.
But someone who continously antagonizes on purpose, and floods the website with useless posts designed to provoke a response,
all while contributing nothing to the website doesn't belong here.
Go find similar dorks who appreciate your type of worthless bothering.

I see your point. Chris and I was talking about the same thing yesterday. Personally I am still excited about my car and making improvement every year. John you should post more about your car. I think it's one of the coolest project I have seen for sometime and would like to know more about how it's coming.

I'm right with you Mark!
My Marauder is 6+ years old and I still get psyched every time I hop in and fire it up!
I've still got lots of mods to do on my Marauder....(Yeah, I know...they're still in boxes in my garage!)....and I look forward to it's continuing evolution.
There is something to be said for taking your time....;)

John, please hang around and show the newer members THE SICKEST Marauder on the planet!

02-15-2009, 09:52 AM
Maybe conflicts should play out... I, for one, like a good Internet fight! Let's everyone see the participants true colors.

Just for one thread, for one week. We show how we really feel about our troll with no moderation. At the end of the week when the smoke clears, then the mods can delete the thread and hopefully our message will be sent in force.

Im for it.

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 09:59 AM
It might be worth noting that many of those who have been most outspoken against the disruptive behavior are the same guys who do a lot of the heavy lifting around here. Some of you newer/younger guys have noted that they are the senior members. Well they are, in many cases. They are the one's posting valuable technical info, planning events, designing T-shirts and caps, and showing up to enjoy and support our common interest and hobby....our Marauders. It occurs to me that they are also the one's who see their cars and this site as more than a passing fancy. It's more like a passion. Like Joe Walsh said, he still gets a thrill firing up his Marauder. A lot of us still do. That may explain some of the differing views here. The more passionate the feelings, the more passionately the urge to defend. :)

02-15-2009, 10:02 AM
It might be worth noting that many of those who have been most outspoken against the disruptive behavior are the same guys who do a lot of the heavy lifting around here. Some of you newer/younger guys have noted that they are the senior members. Well they are, in many cases. They are the one's posting valuable technical info, planning events, designing T-shirts and caps, and showing up to enjoy and support our common interest and hobby....our Marauders. It occurs to me that they are also the one's who see their cars and this site as more than a passing fancy. It's more like a passion. Like Joe Walsh said, he still gets a thrill firing up his Marauder. A lot of us still do. That may explain some of the differing views here. The more passionate the feelings, the more passionately the urge to defend. :)

Couldn't have said it better! :up: :up:

02-15-2009, 10:10 AM
Have to disagree a bit. People all differ from one another to some degree. What makes communities like this forum work, is a willingness to join the crowd.

For a disagreement, it certainly sounds like you are reinforcing my point. Everyone fights. It's the children that can't let it go.

02-15-2009, 10:15 AM
It might be worth noting that many of those who have been most outspoken against the disruptive behavior are the same guys who do a lot of the heavy lifting around here. Some of you newer/younger guys have noted that they are the senior members. Well they are, in many cases. They are the one's posting valuable technical info, planning events, designing T-shirts and caps, and showing up to enjoy and support our common interest and hobby....our Marauders. It occurs to me that they are also the one's who see their cars and this site as more than a passing fancy. It's more like a passion. Like Joe Walsh said, he still gets a thrill firing up his Marauder. A lot of us still do. That may explain some of the differing views here. The more passionate the feelings, the more passionately the urge to defend. :)

Very good points Ms. D............ But that's what I'm having trouble understanding in this situation.......... These are people that I have great respect and admiration towards trying to whittle someone down to a nub....... AJ may rub some people the wrong way, but he is supposedly being ignored..... Yet people can't stop talking about him....... I just can't stand seeing people getting ganged up on, and I would never do it just to fit in....... Sorry if this post makes me an outcast but thats just the way i am.

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 10:43 AM
Very good points Ms. D............ But that's what I'm having trouble understanding in this situation.......... These are people that I have great respect and admiration towards trying to whittle someone down to a nub....... AJ may rub some people the wrong way, but he is supposedly being ignored..... Yet people can't stop talking about him....... I just can't stand seeing people getting ganged up on, and I would never do it just to fit in....... Sorry if this post makes me an outcast but thats just the way i am.It makes you a guy with a conscience. ;) It's OK to call someone on their behavior while still respecting who they are. You have a good head on your shoulders. :)

02-15-2009, 11:09 AM
Very good points Ms. D............ But that's what I'm having trouble understanding in this situation.......... These are people that I have great respect and admiration towards trying to whittle someone down to a nub....... AJ may rub some people the wrong way, but he is supposedly being ignored..... Yet people can't stop talking about him....... I just can't stand seeing people getting ganged up on, and I would never do it just to fit in....... Sorry if this post makes me an outcast but thats just the way i am.That's the best thing I've read on here in a while.

02-15-2009, 11:39 AM
My whole rub with the situation here is this:

We own a car that was designed to be a musclecar from Mercury. It is portrayed as a car with drag racing heritage and built with racing parts and a stance that says "don't **** with me". We are racing and modding the car in every sense of the word, out racing them on weekends with the boys and beers, and yet we join hands here and are expected to act like we're in church! WTF?

We don't slap each others wrists when we're at the track yelling F this or SOB that. No, we are men with our toys acting like it. We throw fits when we can;t get traction, break a motor (GDMF!) and so on. yet we log on here and the worst thing we can say is "boobie" and then that is frowned upon.

No, if you want to be a car site, then BE a car site. if you want to be a church or your mothers living room, then look elsewhere.

THAT is the problem I have here.

02-15-2009, 12:10 PM
Just for one thread, for one week. We show how we really feel about our troll with no moderation. At the end of the week when the smoke clears, then the mods can delete the thread and hopefully our message will be sent in force.

Im for it.

You mean like this??? Read from post #20 down:


Sorry Silverauder, the devil made me do it...

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 12:22 PM
I just want to know who " Laura " is? LOL

02-15-2009, 12:43 PM
Just for one thread, for one week. We show how we really feel about our troll with no moderation. At the end of the week when the smoke clears, then the mods can delete the thread and hopefully our message will be sent in force.

Im for it.

Logan did this once a while back he started a "new" site call the "Darkside" and let members post whatever they could type. IMHO some members NEVER recovered from that folly. You might think it will make you feel a whole lot better if fire all your guns at once at someone. When the somke does clear you see how wrong it was. Best to just ingor those that bug you:) You will be a lot happier in the end:up:

02-15-2009, 12:56 PM
I don't mind the verbal slaps and jabs at someone when they are asking for it. You have to be careful what you post, there are people (myself included) who will crack a joke whenever the opportunity presents itself. If it's something technical and informative, I leave it at that, I don't say "your post sucks" or "your current mod/project sucks". Some folks will burn your post to the ground if you actually ask for everyones opinion, but you should expect comments from one end of the spectrum to the other when you ask for it. Personal attacks are all fine and dandy by me (and even at me) if you ask for it, but you run the risk of meeting that person and it might not turn out quite so funny in person. I will visit here 20 years from now, still driving the Marauder (God willing), and will still laugh whenever someone says boobies. I just wish there was a set donation price to be able to curse like a sailor, I hate erasing and retyping, lol. Oh yeah, I'm done with this thread, :censor:'s!

02-15-2009, 01:05 PM
Logan did this once a while back he started a "new" site call the "Darkside" and let members post whatever they could type. IMHO some members NEVER recovered from that folly. You might think it will make you feel a whole lot better if fire all your guns at once at someone. When the somke does clear you see how wrong it was. Best to just ingor those that bug you:) You will be a lot happier in the end:up:

I remember that mistake. Ya know, some of this is just plain good fun :cool:

Dr Caleb
02-15-2009, 01:09 PM
Logan did this once a while back he started a "new" site call the "Darkside" and let members post whatever they could type. IMHO some members NEVER recovered from that folly. You might think it will make you feel a whole lot better if fire all your guns at once at someone. When the somke does clear you see how wrong it was. Best to just ingor those that bug you:) You will be a lot happier in the end:up:

+1 +2 +3

That experience was nasty for me, to see just how a great group of people could turn into such an ignorant mob. Logan know who I 'was' even he was amazed at the level of hate directed towards people.

Let's never replicate that event. mmmkay?

02-15-2009, 01:34 PM
Very good points Ms. D............ But that's what I'm having trouble understanding in this situation.......... These are people that I have great respect and admiration towards trying to whittle someone down to a nub....... AJ may rub some people the wrong way, but he is supposedly being ignored..... Yet people can't stop talking about him....... I just can't stand seeing people getting ganged up on, and I would never do it just to fit in....... Sorry if this post makes me an outcast but thats just the way i am.

You may be less of an outcast than you know......;) Its too bad whats happened here.

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 02:36 PM
AJ's latest stunt only reinforces that his aim is to disrupt, not contribute. Thankyou Mods for closing it down.

02-15-2009, 02:36 PM
Did you all see what Aren Jay did? I am glad that someone finally saw the BS that was coming from him...Thanks Mod!! :up:

02-15-2009, 02:37 PM
AJ's latest stunt only reinforces that his aim is to disrupt, not contribute. Thankyou Mods for closing it down.

I hope its a long vacation

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 02:42 PM
I hope its a long vacationI'm voting him off the island....or to put it like Donald Trump "Your fired!"

02-15-2009, 02:47 PM
I hope its a long vacation

I hope that it is a permanent ban. He has demonstrated repeatedly that he just can't take a hint or be a positive force here on the site. He has gone from annoying to disruptive to destructive in the last few months. It is time for him to join "Menace" in the ranks of the permanently banned.

I'm voting him off the island....or to put it like Donald Trump "Your fired!"

Off the Island??? I want him Off the Planet. He has been a negative force here for the past 12-18 months. Just took some folks longer to recognize it. :o

02-15-2009, 02:53 PM
I hope that it is a permanent ban. He has demonstrated repeatedly that he just can't take a hint or be a positive force here on the site. He has gone from annoying to disruptive to destructive in the last few months. It is time for him to join "Menace" in the ranks of the permanently banned.
Off the Island??? I want him Off the Planet. He has been a negative force here for the past 12-18 months. Just took some folks longer to recognize it. :o

I can't agree with you more. I don't know what more of a message we had to send to explain this guy was a issue. I'm glad he proved what we were saying all along.

02-15-2009, 02:56 PM
What did i miss?

Boobies, there i said it.

Ms. Denmark
02-15-2009, 03:05 PM
What did i miss?

Boobies, there i said it.Aren't any of you guys leg men? :confused: LOL

02-15-2009, 03:26 PM

02-15-2009, 03:27 PM
Actually prefer short, and a couple extra pounds, my oppositte.:)

Nevermind about what i missed, i see clearly now.


02-15-2009, 03:46 PM
Aren't any of you guys leg men? :confused: LOLOf Course! And I've met Mr Man, so I'll stop right here!!:D:D


02-15-2009, 03:55 PM
Aren't any of you guys leg men? :confused: LOL

I prefer the Total package :D

02-15-2009, 04:32 PM
ALRIGHTY THEN, you asked for boobies, and here they are


god awfull fugly things, can not understand the attraction...

O's Fan Rich
02-15-2009, 04:45 PM
Logan did this once a while back he started a "new" site call the "Darkside" and let members post whatever they could type. IMHO some members NEVER recovered from that folly. You might think it will make you feel a whole lot better if fire all your guns at once at someone. When the somke does clear you see how wrong it was. Best to just ingor those that bug you:) You will be a lot happier in the end:up:

Yeah... I called my self "Poor_Short" there.... Thought it was funny!!

02-15-2009, 05:17 PM
I am so glad some of you remember that awful site and the HATE that was posted.

Every site hits bump now and then let hope that more are around the next bend:up:

Joe Walsh
02-15-2009, 08:17 PM
AJ's latest stunt only reinforces that his aim is to disrupt, not contribute. Thankyou Mods for closing it down.

Did you all see what Aren Jay did? I am glad that someone finally saw the BS that was coming from him...Thanks Mod!! :up:

I hope its a long vacation

I'm voting him off the island....or to put it like Donald Trump "Your fired!"

I hope that it is a permanent ban. He has demonstrated repeatedly that he just can't take a hint or be a positive force here on the site. He has gone from annoying to disruptive to destructive in the last few months. It is time for him to join "Menace" in the ranks of the permanently banned.

Off the Island??? I want him Off the Planet. He has been a negative force here for the past 12-18 months. Just took some folks longer to recognize it. :o

Awwww Crap!!!....:(

I missed the Troll's latest stunt!

Someone 'PM' me with the details!

This will make my YEAR!!!!!

02-16-2009, 11:19 AM
Aren't any of you guys leg men? :confused: LOL

Only with chickens. Anything else - they just get in the way. :P

Egon Spengler
02-16-2009, 11:24 AM
You can keep your legs and boobie... I want me some booty!

02-17-2009, 09:28 AM
Do you guys realize ridiculously silly some of you are acting? So the guy post's some off the wall stuff....... BIG DEAL!....... Get over it.... Why are you guys letting it get to you so much? This whole fight fire with fire thing isn't working. So can we ALL..... PLEASE just grow up a little:beer:
The origional question ^^ My question that went unanswered to MERCMAN VV

Is it personal?
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->With the comment you added to Zack's deleted post, it makes me think it was a personal slam on your part. Is this why he "earns" so many frequent "vacations"?http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 02-16-2009, 12:55 PM Zack (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=404) This message has been deleted by MERCMAN (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=976). Reason: pushing the enevlope again satan??

I was not offended by the pics, but I am when a moderator calls someone SATAN. I'm sorry, but IMHO you made a boo-boo. My :twocents:, but name calling, especially that one, isn't right. Earin.

It is apparrent that no-one is above this behavior. I never got a response to my query. When a Mod attacks a member with this type of venom, I think your answer is clear.

Color me VERY DISAPOINTED. :depress:

O's Fan Rich
02-17-2009, 09:56 AM
Satan is actually a title given to the fallen angel that craved worship for himself.
His actual name, is not known. Fitting for one who slanders God not to be known by his name.

02-17-2009, 10:11 AM
Satan is actually a title given to the fallen angel that craved worship for himself.
His actual name, is not known. Fitting for one who slanders God not to be known by his name.

His name was Lucifer.

02-17-2009, 10:28 AM
The origional question ^^ My question that went unanswered to MERCMAN VV

Is it personal?
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->With the comment you added to Zack's deleted post, it makes me think it was a personal slam on your part. Is this why he "earns" so many frequent "vacations"?http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 02-16-2009, 12:55 PM Zack (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=404) This message has been deleted by MERCMAN (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=976). Reason: pushing the enevlope again satan??

I was not offended by the pics, but I am when a moderator calls someone SATAN. I'm sorry, but IMHO you made a boo-boo. My :twocents:, but name calling, especially that one, isn't right. Earin.

It is apparrent that no-one is above this behavior. I never got a response to my query. When a Mod attacks a member with this type of venom, I think your answer is clear.

Color me VERY DISAPOINTED. :depress:

Ya know ,, that is a private joke between Zack and I. If you got your nose tweaked, thats your problem. Try to not read more into a comment that you need to. Zack is a big boy, and if he was offended by my calling him Satan, he would have spoken up,,because he has NO problem doing that. Turn your sensitivity meter down a bit

02-17-2009, 10:49 AM
My whole rub with the situation here is this:

We own a car that was designed to be a musclecar from Mercury. It is portrayed as a car with drag racing heritage and built with racing parts and a stance that says "don't **** with me". We are racing and modding the car in every sense of the word, out racing them on weekends with the boys and beers, and yet we join hands here and are expected to act like we're in church! WTF?

We don't slap each others wrists when we're at the track yelling F this or SOB that. No, we are men with our toys acting like it. We throw fits when we can;t get traction, break a motor (GDMF!) and so on. yet we log on here and the worst thing we can say is "boobie" and then that is frowned upon.

No, if you want to be a car site, then BE a car site. if you want to be a church or your mothers living room, then look elsewhere.

THAT is the problem I have here.

^^^This is why John Friel is my friend.

02-17-2009, 10:59 AM
Ya know ,, that is a private joke between Zack and I. If you got your nose tweaked, thats your problem. Try to not read more into a comment that you need to. Zack is a big boy, and if he was offended by my calling him Satan, he would have spoken up,,because he has NO problem doing that. Turn your sensitivity meter down a bit
I had the sensitivity turned down, that's why I sent a PM to get a read on where you were at with that comment. As when people use God's name in vain, I equally don't like someone being called Satan. Again, I tried to get the picture, but no answer came. So am I to assume that the nose quip is also an inside joke too?......no, wait, "it's my problem". I didn't choose to have a big nose.:mad2:

02-20-2009, 05:19 PM
I had the sensitivity turned down, that's why I sent a PM to get a read on where you were at with that comment. As when people use God's name in vain, I equally don't like someone being called Satan. Again, I tried to get the picture, but no answer came. So am I to assume that the nose quip is also an inside joke too?......no, wait, "it's my problem". I didn't choose to have a big nose.:mad2:
Wow, a good nose joke and no takers? Oh well. Public appology to Mercman for me being too sensitive on this one. I guess I shouldn't type under the influence of metaphores. Sorry Mercman.