View Full Version : See ya later

02-13-2009, 03:29 PM
Well, See ya!

I respected many of you guys, but I need a break. Most of you shopld follow. You guys are making this no fun anymore. It was about friend getting together and having fun. Marauders brought us together, but its the friends that keep us here.... Yeah SCCheesehead said that to me awhile back, since I sold my MM. Well isnt it funny that no one wants to be friends anymore? It seems like acting civilized is allowed anymore.

Ill run the photo challenge still, but I dont think ill be posting anymore. Its no longer fun. If anyone wants to take over the challenge feel free. My PMs will be replied to.

I need a break from this site. Many of you should do the same. Dont let the door hit me on the way out? I gotta feeling Rich wil be saying that.... Thanks.


02-13-2009, 03:32 PM
your taking this to seriously man. stick around buddy!

02-13-2009, 03:33 PM
Sorry to hear Adam.... I might not be too far behind ya though ..... I'm just getting real tired of all the nonsense going on around here lately:(

02-13-2009, 03:34 PM
your taking this to seriously man. stick around buddy!

Its not fun anymore. Im not taking it to seriously, its now hard to find a thread without someone calling someone a troll or posting useless crap.

you have my number

02-13-2009, 03:37 PM
No sense in taking a break. You add value to the site.

Everyone adds value to this site in one way or another.

Personally, I am sick of the posts today as well.

Were rules broken? Not all that much.

But when I start seeing insults of ones character or their mother, yesh, it p!sses me off!

In other words, knock off the insults to others and get back to acting like adults!

Everyonoe knows the difference between right and wrong.

Exercise your intellect and apply common sense. It's not rocket science.



02-13-2009, 03:38 PM
Adam don't go!

I'll keep my nonsence to a minimum.

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 03:39 PM
You guy's should start threads on the subjects you want to talk about then.
Why is everyone else responsible for posting things that are of interest to you?
Take the initiative and start a substantive post and see what happens.

O's Fan Rich
02-13-2009, 03:45 PM
Oh, and y'all really got to get to know me better... I got nothing against anyone.... and I'm really a nice guy, just ask me.

You guy's are just young red sox fans.... so, I have to give you a hard time... it's a LAW. But it's not personal, it's in fun.

Ask me something important, or to add an opinion on something that matters and I'll give you a straight answer....

But guy's I've been DEAD... they shocked my ass awake in the hospital after my heart stopped..... I learned NOT to take myself too serious.. I even sing to the tunes in my car, out loud with the windows wide open now!!!

02-13-2009, 03:45 PM
You guy's should start threads on the subjects you want to talk about then.
Why is everyone else responsible for posting things that are of interest to you?
Take the initiative and start a substantive post and see what happens.

This is the best statement of the day! Well said Rich! :beer:

02-13-2009, 03:46 PM
I agree alot of crap talking and not much about the marauder or the people on this site!!!!

02-13-2009, 03:48 PM
Oh, and y'all really got to get to know me better... I got nothing against anyone.... and I'm really a nice guy, just ask me.

You guy's are just young red sox fans.... so, I have to give you a hard time... it's a LAW. But it's not personal, it's in fun.

Ask me something important, or to add an opinion on something that matters and I'll give you a straight answer....

But guy's I've been DEAD... they shocked my ass awake in the hospital after my heart stopped..... I learned NOT to take myself too serious.. I even sing to the tunes in my car, out loud with the windows wide open now!!!

Rich is very funny and nice. so is Joe. and the whole "plus one post count" is just a joke

02-13-2009, 03:51 PM
You guy's should start threads on the subjects you want to talk about then.
Why is everyone else responsible for posting things that are of interest to you?
Take the initiative and start a substantive post and see what happens.

Even then they get filled with crap. Sorry Rich, I really do like ya, I just hate your team.:beer:

Mike said it best. I just dont want to fish through garbage. Look at my posts, they are in almost every topic around here... because it all interests me. However, when it all becomes flooded, it gets ruined.

I not expecting to have an Adam Forum- Only crap that interests me! No. I feel like threads that interst me and others are becoming flooded A LOT quicker than normal, and then the original part/ question is never answered.

02-13-2009, 04:12 PM
Come on now, don't leave over annoying posts. You'll just get annoying e-mails asking you "WTF?" (*cough* Charlie and Haggis) and "Are you still alive?" (*cough* Merc and knine *cough*) :D
This site is better than most t.v. shows as far as entertainment goes, and with the exception of Lou Dobbs, more important than any news programs! I regret my 11 months away, no telling what I missed, it's 11 months I could have gotten to know people here better, or met them at gatherings. Not to mention 11 lost months of post counts :rolleyes: But do what you have to do, it is still a free country. For the most part.

02-13-2009, 04:25 PM
Hate to see you go, it seemed that you liked it here. Everyone jokes around including you unless theres something i missed.

Example on your part:

Sorry Casey, I was running with the ciderblocks in my trunk, and well....

See when the I was driving on the highway I heard a loud banging noise. I figured it was justbob making noise in my trunk, since it was dark and he was all tied up.

I then see cinderblocks flying and realized he had untied himself and was throwing them out....

Im sorry I should really keep my MM.net members under better control. Sorry this will not happen again.

End example.

So stick around, spring around the corner and we'll be busy outside and not here 24/7 bugging each other.:beer:

02-13-2009, 04:32 PM
Yeah, the more good folks leave, the more the site will deteriorate. I'd just like to hear more about experiences people are having with their cars for a while. Seems like a lot of us are almost "modded" out. I mean, how much more can we do to our cars? THen again, we were all new to this at one time. If we leave now, who will help the newly initiated? I'd hate to think of a whole generation that wont have the same benefit of experience that I was able to enjoy.
I just think that would be sad. Like a new gunslinger coming to town to learn from the best, only to find a ghost town, tumbleweeds, and the crazy drunk still wandering the streets rambling about his latest rock band's fiasco in his chevy blazer (sorry, Dom! I just couldn't resist the mental image!).

Blk Mamba
02-13-2009, 04:36 PM
Cabin fever, I've not been here long, but I can see the change, in the time I've been here. I think it all goes back to not reading posts that don't interest you, and if by mistake you do read one, don't put in a smarta$$ remark.

02-13-2009, 04:39 PM
Cmon Adam. Even though you no longer own a Marauder, you still have friend's here.

02-13-2009, 04:47 PM
I wonder how this site would be if it was just square biz...
The threads earlier were funny...point blank...we were not talking about others or mothers UNTIL later in the day and I dont know how that started but it was clean FUN before that. If you want sqaure biz...IGNORE his "team."

The word for the year is REDUNDANT...

02-13-2009, 04:49 PM
I wonder how this site would be if it was just square biz...
The threads earlier were funny...point blank...we were not talking about others or mothers UNTIL later in the day and I dont know how that started but it was clean FUN before that. If you want sqaure biz...IGNORE his "team."

The word for the year is REDUNDANT...

WTF is square biz???? lol

02-13-2009, 04:55 PM
THere have been posts that made me mad enough to almost leave. I chose to stay around and now I just don't read posts from those individuals I don't care for.

Don't leave man, Take a break, walk around the block and take a breather. Your posts have always been good and informative. Stay around, just take a break.

My :twocents:.

02-13-2009, 07:36 PM
Cabin fever.

DING! DING! DING! we have a winner folks! Us northern guys really need spring... I WANT to drive my DTR.

Ps. I tried Mutt City, it ain't better. $.02

02-13-2009, 07:57 PM
Sorry to hear that Adam. I think I understand.

SC Cheesehead
02-13-2009, 08:00 PM
Sorry to see you go, take a break, then check back in....we'll be here waiting; and welcoming!

02-13-2009, 08:09 PM
I don't blame him.

He'll be back.... with a little surprise, and maybe a new username?

02-13-2009, 08:11 PM
I don't blame him.

He'll be back.... with a little surprise, and maybe a new username?

fusionrauder :dunno:

02-13-2009, 08:31 PM
"Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)"
Anybody old enough to remember that hit by The Four Seasons
from 1965?

Gotta Love It!;)

SC Cheesehead
02-13-2009, 08:46 PM
"Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)"
Anybody old enough to remember that hit by The Four Seasons
from 1965?

Gotta Love It!;)

You betcha! :up:


02-13-2009, 09:48 PM
"Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)"
Anybody old enough to remember that hit by The Four Seasons
from 1965?

Gotta Love It!;)

This is the song that I thought of when I read your post


02-14-2009, 10:24 AM
Let me give you some advice from some one who's been here since close to the beginning. Take it or leave it. I found this site after I knew I wanted a Marauder but before I actually bought one. Back in the Logan days. I knew when when I started hanging around that their would be some folks that I would like a lot more than others and that's certainly been true. I've always been impressed with the knowledge and helpfulness of many of the folks I've found here. What I enjoy, I read, what I don't, I pretty well ignore. Theirs plenty of everything on here, you just have to pick and choose. You don't need to correct every perceived wrong or take issue with every believed slight and don't keep getting in barking contests with a dogs.

Life is good, enjoy it.

02-14-2009, 10:37 AM
Well...we could always break away and make our own site....hahaha. Hot-rauder, you in?

I know, thats not funny.

02-14-2009, 12:25 PM
But guy's I've been DEAD... they shocked my ass awake in the hospital after my heart stopped..... I learned NOT to take myself too serious.. I even sing to the tunes in my car, out loud with the windows wide open now!!! :up: Well said Rich! Glad that the shock worked! I didn't get to the point of needing the shock, but got my jolts nonetheless. Life will never be the same, and putting this nonsense into its place is a step in the right direction.

Everyone should ask themself "Why does this bother me so much?" Then take a chill pill and relax, life's not worth being so upset about nothing.


Post count +1

02-14-2009, 01:00 PM
Well said Ken.

02-14-2009, 01:18 PM
That's it, I've had enough, I'm going to.....................Kentuck y.

O's Fan Rich
02-14-2009, 01:21 PM
Well said Ken.

Well said Bob!!!:D

02-14-2009, 01:25 PM
Well said Bob!!!:D
Even weller said Rich!:D

02-14-2009, 04:05 PM
Some great advise here:)

02-14-2009, 04:09 PM
WTF is square biz???? lol

Square biz = Square business...maybe its a local term. :dunno:

Ms. Denmark
02-14-2009, 05:16 PM
I knew whatcha ment. ;)

02-14-2009, 05:55 PM
Square biz = Square business...maybe its a local term. :dunno:

Must be.......... I'm from da hood too and I've never heard it:P

02-14-2009, 06:00 PM
I've never heard it here, but I've read it on a British website I visit (and amazingly it isn't a porn site), so I actually understood it.

02-15-2009, 05:40 PM
Let me give you some advice from some one who's been here since close to the beginning. Take it or leave it. I found this site after I knew I wanted a Marauder but before I actually bought one. Back in the Logan days. I knew when when I started hanging around that their would be some folks that I would like a lot more than others and that's certainly been true. I've always been impressed with the knowledge and helpfulness of many of the folks I've found here. What I enjoy, I read, what I don't, I pretty well ignore. Theirs plenty of everything on here, you just have to pick and choose. You don't need to correct every perceived wrong or take issue with every believed slight and don't keep getting in barking contests with a dogs.

Life is good, enjoy it.

Trilogy #152 gives a BIG AMEN to Trilogy#154

Gotta Love It!