09-25-2003, 09:11 PM
one year ago......
I was driving a 1984 old Jeep Grand Cherokee with 32,000 miles.
My wife was just starting to feel the effects of being slightly pregnant.
I got all the computer time at home I ever needed or wanted.
I thought Vortech was a kind of air conditioning system used in movie theatres.
Driving was something i did to get from here to there.
Reinhart, I thought, was the name of a general in WWII
My Jeep was black and used locts of premium gas.
I did not own a leather jacket.
I thought Trilogy was the name of a startrek episode, possibly the one where Q made an ass of himself.
one year later.......
i grin when i drive
i got lots of new friends
I got to meet know a bunch of cool knowledgabe people -- Mac, Marty, LML, Logan, Marty, Chapel, Mrk, Zack, ust to nme a few..
I spends hours dreaming of ways to sneek out for a drive [damn, i forgot to buy that box of paprerclips i needed for work - better run out and get them now]
I have a new appreciation for Chicken
i got a son - named him after the feeling i get when i drive my car.
A suoerchip was a new kind of a potato chio tha less carories.
but you know what?....
i still drive a black car thst drinks it's weight in gas.
some things never change,
They say having a chold changes your life forever; the MM did that too.\\
I was driving a 1984 old Jeep Grand Cherokee with 32,000 miles.
My wife was just starting to feel the effects of being slightly pregnant.
I got all the computer time at home I ever needed or wanted.
I thought Vortech was a kind of air conditioning system used in movie theatres.
Driving was something i did to get from here to there.
Reinhart, I thought, was the name of a general in WWII
My Jeep was black and used locts of premium gas.
I did not own a leather jacket.
I thought Trilogy was the name of a startrek episode, possibly the one where Q made an ass of himself.
one year later.......
i grin when i drive
i got lots of new friends
I got to meet know a bunch of cool knowledgabe people -- Mac, Marty, LML, Logan, Marty, Chapel, Mrk, Zack, ust to nme a few..
I spends hours dreaming of ways to sneek out for a drive [damn, i forgot to buy that box of paprerclips i needed for work - better run out and get them now]
I have a new appreciation for Chicken
i got a son - named him after the feeling i get when i drive my car.
A suoerchip was a new kind of a potato chio tha less carories.
but you know what?....
i still drive a black car thst drinks it's weight in gas.
some things never change,
They say having a chold changes your life forever; the MM did that too.\\