View Full Version : Tax the miles we drive?

02-20-2009, 09:40 AM
updated 7:50 a.m. ET, Fri., Feb. 20, 2009<SCRIPT language=javascript> function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n = document.getElementById("udtD"); if(pdt != '' && n && window.DateTime) { var dt = new DateTime(); pdt = dt.T2D(pdt); if(dt.GetTZ(pdt)) {n.innerHTML = dt.D2S(pdt,((''.toLowerCase()= ='false')?false:true));} } } UpdateTimeStamp('6337073103072 00000');</SCRIPT>
WASHINGTON - Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn — an idea that has angered drivers in some states where it has been proposed.
Gasoline taxes that for nearly half a century have paid for the federal share of highway and bridge construction can no longer be counted on to raise enough money to keep the nation's transportation system moving, LaHood said in an interview with The Associated Press.
"We should look at the vehicular miles program where people are actually clocked on the number of miles that they traveled," the former Illinois Republican lawmaker said

There was more to the story, rediculous.

02-20-2009, 09:46 AM
*IF* they were to remove the gas tax part, then I'm all for it, but that won't happen.

Those of us with lower MPG cars (that would be everyone here) SHOULD be in favor of "miles driven" versus "gallons purchased." It levels the playing field for the trucks and MMs out there.

I don't think this will fly, though.

Joe Walsh
02-20-2009, 09:50 AM
That makes perfect sense from a government standpoint...

I mean.....it is far too simple to just tax every gallon of gas sold for infrastructure maintenance...

Imagine the GIGANTIC government agency that would have to be created to track everyone's mileage...
and then they'd make the agency BIGGER, to catch people who purposely under-report their yearly mileage!
and then they would need an EVEN BIGGER agency to prosecute those offenders!
and then they would have to increase the gasoline tax to help pay for the GI-NORMOUS government agency!

I'll wait for Nancy Pelosi's view on this proposal...

SC Cheesehead
02-20-2009, 09:51 AM
*IF* they were to remove the gas tax part, then I'm all for it, but that won't happen.

Those of us with lower MPG cars (that would be everyone here) SHOULD be in favor of "miles driven" versus "gallons purchased." It levels the playing field for the trucks and MMs out there.

I don't think this will fly, though.

DT, agreed. I think that the move toward higher mileage vehicles, hybrids, etc. has impacted the gov't revenue stream, and this is an attempt to start recouping.

What I'm afraid of is the "mileage tax" being added on, over and above the gallon taxes already in place. Gotta pay for that "stimulus" somehow. :rolleyes:

Joe Walsh
02-20-2009, 09:58 AM
DT, agreed. I think that the move toward higher mileage vehicles, hybrids, etc. has impacted the gov't revenue stream, and this is an attempt to start recouping.

What I'm afraid of is the "mileage tax" being added on, over and above the gallon taxes already in place. Gotta pay for that "stimulus" somehow. :rolleyes:

We finally start reducing our gasoline consumption, like they've been trying to do for years...and now they cry: "We don't have enough gas tax revenues!"

So, they will try some way to 'F' us...probably like you said Rex;


02-20-2009, 10:35 AM
I'll wait for Nancy Pelosi's view on this proposal...

She's too busy with her taxpayer-funded vacation to Italy. For her and her family along with a bunch of other politicians. Same ones that bitched about the auto execs using corporate jets. Oh, and she's from California, they don't have any problems with fiscal responsiblility there, do they?

O's Fan Rich
02-20-2009, 10:48 AM
The added revenue is to go towards "infrastructure and roads and bridges".... ok,,,, what if they did away with the prevailing wage rules and just help contractors to spec?.... Think that would help keep costs down?

02-20-2009, 08:45 PM
I read that Obama recently turned the idea down. I guess he does not want to sour his approval rating during his first term. Who knows? Maybe he will ponder the idea until after the 2010 elections and see if he still has Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the dem majority before begining to pursue it. This is more like "Change I can't Believe!"

Blk Mamba
02-20-2009, 09:29 PM
Legalize recreational marijuana, and tax the **** out of it.