View Full Version : Do not do this when you workout

02-20-2009, 11:22 PM
Do not go commando in gym shorts. You will smell as bad as used diaper, the breeze is a horrible feeling on the way back to the car when it is 19 outside, bench pressing is nice, but not everyone will like the view when you are on your back...

Just a public service announcement. Check your gym bag to make sure you have clothes before you go.

The only reason for going commando in the shorts was because I was waring my PJ pants under my jeans. Kinda half commando.

Ok just remember. Commando in the gym is no fun.

P.S. the thread has a point. :D

02-20-2009, 11:28 PM
Do not go commando in gym shorts. You will smell as bad as used diaper, the breeze is a horrible feeling on the way back to the car when it is 19 outside, bench pressing is nice, but not everyone will like the view when you are on your back...

Just a public service announcement. Check your gym bag to make sure you have clothes before you go.

The only reason for going commando in the shorts was because I was waring my PJ pants under my jeans. Kinda half commando.

Ok just remember. Commando in the gym is no fun.

P.S. the thread has a point. :D

After being at the gym today, and almost every day..... Dom, bring undies.

The only thing I hate about the gym is the old guys that are comfortable walking around nude in the locker room. I understand some people need to change, but dont act like its flop your stuff around time. GET IT DONE!

And oddly enough Dom, the scent of being commando would be terrible. Bet you guys dont think your butt sweats that much. Clean your stinker good, and itll still smell lmao

good thread Dom!

02-21-2009, 01:53 AM
^^^ nothing a little water jet can't handle, huh dom? ^^^

02-22-2009, 09:29 AM
Do yourself a favor and use cologne in the zone.

02-22-2009, 10:20 AM
Thanks Dom, I come to MM for the latest fasion faux pas.

02-22-2009, 11:30 AM
Yes, common sense would prevail in this case. Plus, I can't think of a better place to hold your junk in place, than the gym.

02-22-2009, 11:45 AM
I think i'm gonna be sick.

02-22-2009, 11:54 AM
I think i'm gonna be sick.

Tis' a lil bit of MuSk in the air!!!

02-22-2009, 12:42 PM
When I was stationed at my second command, the showers were community type, big square tiled room, about 40 shower heads sticking out of the walls. Everyone had to shower after PT. There was a guy who was, how to put this politely, huge. In the junk department. When God was passing out "Shazaaaaaam's!", I think I did okay. This guy got the "ShaZAAAAAAAMMM!", the "By The Power of Greyskull!", AND the "Let's Get Ready To RUMMBLLLLLLLLE!". He was only about 5 feet 3 inches tall, I actually think that thing stunted his growth when it took over control of his body to keep itself alive. We would have a workout that would have you rolling around on the ground, throwing up in pain afterwards, but when they cut us loose, everybody was off like a shot to the showers, no one wanted to be there when he walked in. Not alone, anyway. He would stop at his locker, grab his portable stereo, and blast Jethro Tull on the way to the shower and in the shower. I don't know about afterwards, I never hung (no pun intended) around. When he'd walk in there would be 50 of us trying to use 30 shower heads, he had all ten to himself on which ever wall he picked. We would all turn sideways and wash so we could keep him in our periphrial (spell check) vision. One time, and I don't know if it was on purpose, a bar of soap popped into the air and landed in the middle in the floor and was spinning around the drain. Dude just broke into a big grin and waited for someone to try and get it. I think half of us were nervously laughing and half were actually crying a little bit. To this day whenever I hear "Aqua Lung" I cringe and look over my shoulder, and try to think of a happy place.

02-22-2009, 06:13 PM
When I was stationed at my second command, the showers were community type, big square tiled room, about 40 shower heads sticking out of the walls. Everyone had to shower after PT. There was a guy who was, how to put this politely, huge. In the junk department. When God was passing out "Shazaaaaaam's!", I think I did okay. This guy got the "ShaZAAAAAAAMMM!", the "By The Power of Greyskull!", AND the "Let's Get Ready To RUMMBLLLLLLLLE!". He was only about 5 feet 3 inches tall, I actually think that thing stunted his growth when it took over control of his body to keep itself alive. We would have a workout that would have you rolling around on the ground, throwing up in pain afterwards, but when they cut us loose, everybody was off like a shot to the showers, no one wanted to be there when he walked in. Not alone, anyway. He would stop at his locker, grab his portable stereo, and blast Jethro Tull on the way to the shower and in the shower. I don't know about afterwards, I never hung (no pun intended) around. When he'd walk in there would be 50 of us trying to use 30 shower heads, he had all ten to himself on which ever wall he picked. We would all turn sideways and wash so we could keep him in our periphrial (spell check) vision. One time, and I don't know if it was on purpose, a bar of soap popped into the air and landed in the middle in the floor and was spinning around the drain. Dude just broke into a big grin and waited for someone to try and get it. I think half of us were nervously laughing and half were actually crying a little bit. To this day whenever I hear "Aqua Lung" I cringe and look over my shoulder, and try to think of a happy place.

Im 5'4".....:P

02-22-2009, 06:17 PM
Very good thread, I have been working out at gyms for bout 35 years, and ha ha ha!! to my amazement there were many interesting characters which added to the gym experience lol. If 1 of the older guys ;) at you, well yu can fill in the blanks :D calone in the mens locker room would not be a good idea

02-22-2009, 10:28 PM
Do yourself a favor and use cologne in the zone.

Or at least some pit stick.

02-22-2009, 10:47 PM
haha, dom, when i saw the title of this thread, the first thing that came to mind was the Scrubs episode when Todd said, "Hmmm... Should I take a dookie before or after I workout???" "Hmm... After." And you see him in the gym, trying to bench something before he grunts and goes ooops... hahahahahaha

02-23-2009, 02:37 PM