View Full Version : everyone has a price

02-21-2009, 11:43 AM
:)How many times a week do people ask you about your MM? Resently I was followed to work by a cop in a charger. Noy speeding or brakin any law I did noy know what to do. When I got to work and park he pull in behind me. Waiting for the worst he get out, starbucks in hand and a half smile on his face and says(like a hyper preteen) "hey man is that a MARAUDER"!!!
It seems to me I get asked 3 or 4 times a week about my silver MM. I don't mind, it kinda cool having something that people like and or respect. What gets me is they ask how much will I sell it for. "Sell my Marauder"? Are they crazy or just don't have any since? So I tell them its not for sale after I laugh in there face. when they keep asking I tell them 35,000. They leave me after that:flamer:
So with this said I think I will never sell the coolest F ing car ever made. long live the Mercury Marauder!!!!

02-21-2009, 11:58 AM
Next time someone asks you if they seem serious and like a good addition to our family point them to the site here.They can learn plenty and there are a bunch of members here who are looking for a new good home for their baby,unfortunately.
If they're bling heads just shine them on with the $35,000 price.

Fourth Horseman
02-21-2009, 12:18 PM
I know a lot of people are going to go, "Sure... right, pal" when I say this, but honestly I don't think I would sell my Marauder at any price. This is the car I've always wanted and I'm finally closing in on my performance goals for it. Give it up after all this time and hard work? Not going to happen. Besides, the looks on the faces of M5 and AMG drivers as I smoke 'em is just priceless. :cool4:

02-21-2009, 02:03 PM
I know a lot of people are going to go, "Sure... right, pal" when I say this, but honestly I don't think I would sell my Marauder at any price. This is the car I've always wanted and I'm finally closing in on my performance goals for it. Give it up after all this time and hard work? Not going to happen. Besides, the looks on the faces of M5 and AMG drivers as I smoke 'em is just priceless. :cool4:

I wish mine was mechanically solid, I would still have her :bigcry:

But I will own another one, how long down the road is tough to tell, the Mach1 is gettting boosted, so Im not gettting the MM for any performance lol, and there are other 4dr v8 cars that caught my eye.... Good thing I can always compare to a MM.

02-21-2009, 02:44 PM
I have two guys after me to sell. Somedays?????:)

02-21-2009, 05:10 PM
I just say not for sale. :D

SC Cheesehead
02-21-2009, 06:21 PM
I routinely get asked if I want to sell the Bluesmobile.

I tell 'em that only 327 Blues were made, and then give 'em a wink and ask how much do they think I should ask for the car. They usually just frown and walk away.

02-21-2009, 06:28 PM
Agreed. It wasn't even mine yet but I decided I'd never sell it during the first test drive.

Black Dynamite
02-21-2009, 07:10 PM
Nobody ever says anything about my car to me..........:alone:

I've heard one or 2 "nice cars" and a guy at a gas station told me he liked what I had done with my Grand Marquis....:argh:

02-21-2009, 07:33 PM
I get that alot...I just ask how much they wanna spend...they never answer...:dunno:

02-21-2009, 07:48 PM
i had a cop pull me over just to look at my car. he came up to my window and i said what did i do. he goes nothing i just wanted to see your car up close. so i showed and alll was well. brandon

02-21-2009, 09:38 PM
Ya don't think I will ever sell mine either unless something really bad happens. When I was still looking for a Marauder of my very own I came across a guy locally in CA that was selling his, didn't have a price so I knew it was probably high, contacted him by email and asked and he told me $39,000, :eek: he said it is more then it was when he bought it new but said the car is worth even more and tried to convince me that I would be getting a deal. It did only have 1,000 some odd miles on it and pin stripeing (which I don't really like on this car), but I have no intention of paying more for a car then it was off the lot. Different in that he actually was trying to sell the car not just shining on hopefuls. Some people.

02-22-2009, 07:19 AM
On the rare occaisions whe someone asks me how much, my standard response is 50,000 USD. I love these stupid cars.

02-22-2009, 07:49 AM
I was looking at Challengers last fall and the dealer kept looking out the window at mine and was paying no attention to me at all, finally he says "well i'll go see what they'll offer you on trade in". I said HAH! "they'll" can't afford it! I said, in reallity i had no intention on a trade because i could do no wrong in keeping that car. Your price would never be enough to satisfy me. Then i said besides, the Challenger is just a toy, i still need a four door for the kids and a fast car. He then laughs a little thinking that i'm joking and i said "race ya for pinks".:P

Funny thing is, he wanted 20% down with no test drives allowed saying they're selling like hot cakes and if i don't order one then i'll never get my hands on one! Last i counted there was about fifteen in ALL colors sitting since december. I bet i could test drive one now and get a better price.:rolleyes:

SC Cheesehead
02-22-2009, 08:46 AM
I was looking at Challengers last fall and the dealer kept looking out the window at mine and was paying no attention to me at all, finally he says "well i'll go see what they'll offer you on trade in". I said HAH! "they'll" can't afford it! I said, in reallity i had no intention on a trade because i could do no wrong in keeping that car. Your price would never be enough to satisfy me. Then i said besides, the Challenger is just a toy, i still need a four door for the kids and a fast car. He then laughs a little thinking that i'm joking and i said "race ya for pinks".:P

Funny thing is, he wanted 20% down with no test drives allowed saying they're selling like hot cakes and if i don't order one then i'll never get my hands on one! Last i counted there was about fifteen in ALL colors sitting since december. I bet i could test drive one now and get a better price.:rolleyes:

Bob, tell him you'll consider taking one in trade, your pick, he gets the MM plus pays you $15K to boot. :D

02-22-2009, 08:58 AM
I don't want to rip him off, i'm too nice of a guy. Maybe $10k.

02-22-2009, 09:11 AM
I tell people that whatever it costs to buy 2 Marauders and Trilogize both is the selling price for mine!

SC Cheesehead
02-22-2009, 09:17 AM
I don't want to rip him off, i'm too nice of a guy. Maybe $10k.


But then again, Bob, to paraphase the dealer, "if you don't take this deal then you'll never get your hands on one!" :D

02-22-2009, 09:28 AM
I was looking at Challengers last fall and the dealer kept looking out the window at mine and was paying no attention to me at all, finally he says "well i'll go see what they'll offer you on trade in". I said HAH! "they'll" can't afford it! I said, in reallity i had no intention on a trade because i could do no wrong in keeping that car. Your price would never be enough to satisfy me. Then i said besides, the Challenger is just a toy, i still need a four door for the kids and a fast car. He then laughs a little thinking that i'm joking and i said "race ya for pinks".:P

Funny thing is, he wanted 20% down with no test drives allowed saying they're selling like hot cakes and if i don't order one then i'll never get my hands on one! Last i counted there was about fifteen in ALL colors sitting since december. I bet i could test drive one now and get a better price.:rolleyes:

The 2 problems with the Challenger are

1 - They make a V6 model
2 - They will make too many of them if Chrysler doesn't fold.

Just like my wife's '07 Charger R/T... too many and they make a V6 model. Will never have exclusivity like 11,052 Marauders.

I can pull up at a light in my Marauder and everyone looks at it.... not so in the Charger......

Same thing on the highway..... no Crown Vic effect with the Charger.....

02-22-2009, 06:35 PM
I'd sell mine for 35K, buy an Audi Quattro V8 (from the early 90s) and mod like crazy. Same sleeper/4 door looks as a MM, but with the Quattro system. As with the MM, don't knock them until you actually drive one.

The end result would be a car just like the MM, but with the bonus of all-wheel drive and a 5 speed manual trans.

02-22-2009, 07:22 PM
[quote=silvermm254;721988]:)How many times a week do people ask you about your MM? [ unquote}

All the time. fella asked while in Wally world this past week if I was the guy who owned the Marauder in the parking lot, (he already knew) said he wanted to buy one. I pointed him to this site.

Texas Highway Patrolman stopped me to see one up close. He told me that he said to himself after he lit me up "gee, I hope he don't run". Ha.

02-22-2009, 09:01 PM
Lately I have had too many 6k to 8k offers from the crowd that puts wagonwheels on anything big and four door. I got them to shut up and go away by telling them to shut up and go away.


02-22-2009, 09:37 PM
Everything I own is for sale for the right price.

02-23-2009, 06:33 AM
If approached by an agressive buyer, I'd do $20k-$25, pay off my note and use the rest to track down a DPB Marauder and do it all again :)

02-23-2009, 07:28 AM
I must always have that "Not For Sale" look on my face. :dunno: I have only had one person in 5 years ask "How much?" and I just smiled and said "Not Yet".