View Full Version : phone stolen!

02-23-2009, 09:18 AM
hey guys, my friend was completely trashed this weekend and lost his phone outside somewhere. we called and such to see if we could find it, but no dice. Today i got a text from it telling me that my buddy has a nice phone, and thanks for it. so i am curious if there's anything we can do to find out where it is. i know the local pd can triangulate a phone if they dial 911, but that's it. is there any other way that anyone knows of to find a lost phone or is he gonna have to get it shut off and buy a new one? i figure if anyone knows about stuff like this, i may as well ask my friends at mm.net :D thanks

02-23-2009, 09:30 AM
Chaulk it up as a loss, and go buy a new phone. Think of it as a life lesson on needing to get "trashed"

O's Fan Rich
02-23-2009, 09:30 AM
if he has not reported it stolen yet, he's foolish.

02-23-2009, 09:34 AM
Chaulk it up as a loss, and go buy a new phone. Think of it as a life lesson on needing to get "trashed"
haha, thats what i told him. lost all his pictures, numbers, etc etc. i told it was karma for being hammered underage. lol. and O's Rich Fan, i think he said he was gonna wait til tonite (because he knows everything, right? lol) to report it stolen in the case that someone turns it in. which i really dont think will be the case. lol

02-23-2009, 09:57 AM
Text him/her back and tell him/her that there is a reward for the phone with no questions asked....or at least the sim card...so your under aged trashed friend can get his numbers back....

02-23-2009, 10:04 AM
1. Report it as lost ASAP.

2. Asked for it to be shut off NOW!!

3. Get a replacement phone.

02-23-2009, 10:04 AM
well judging from the text message the guy sent me, he probably won't go for that, but it can't hurt to try. i'll forward this idea on to him. lol, he thinks because my dad's a police officer that i can work magic and have the phone come right back

02-23-2009, 10:22 AM
Text him/her back and tell him/her that there is a reward for the phone with no questions asked....or at least the sim card...so your under aged trashed friend can get his numbers back....
yeah. that was no dice. he texted back, "your this guy can get another phone cuz im gonna keep his. it's a nice phone." lol, i made it a little nicer than he was tho. and made it so everyone can read it because he used abbreviations for damn near every word.

02-23-2009, 10:23 AM
Turn the service off! This guy will make sure you have a big bill if you do not get it shut off.

02-23-2009, 10:31 AM
that's what i told my buddy. apparently his brother is getting it turned off tonight. idk why he can't just do it himself, but it's not my phone/money. lol. then im gonna get to listen to him complain about how the guy ran his bill up. he lost it saturday, so he's had it at least that long. i dont think i could go that long without my phone...

02-23-2009, 10:37 AM
yeah. that was no dice. he texted back, "your this guy can get another phone cuz im gonna keep his. it's a nice phone." lol, i made it a little nicer than he was tho. and made it so everyone can read it because he used abbreviations for damn near every word.

Wow what a D-bag. Its bad enough to lose the phone but to be taunted as well!

Besides, I dont think he should be that hard to find. :D


02-23-2009, 10:46 AM
lol, i know, right? stupid college students. im actually transferring to IUPUI junior year so i can work full time while i go to school. living here is a waste of money. and i dont like most of my peers.

02-23-2009, 10:52 AM
haha, thats what i told him. lost all his pictures, numbers, etc etc. i told it was karma for being hammered underage. lol. and O's Rich Fan, i think he said he was gonna wait til tonite (because he knows everything, right? lol) to report it stolen in the case that someone turns it in. which i really dont think will be the case. lol

That's why you should use "backup assistant" for all your numbers. With it you can access your phone book online, and add or remove numbers.

02-23-2009, 11:09 AM
the "backup assistang" would probably have been a good idea. i have all my numbers saved into my computer through about 20 minutes of typing in wordpad and have all my pictures downloaded weekly, lol. mabye he'll learn something from this one

02-23-2009, 12:23 PM
tell your friend to buy a belt clip phone holder for his next phone that way some wigger wont get his hands on it

Egon Spengler
02-23-2009, 12:44 PM
http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1po26J1_ae9Vt9x6Rc2KNGr8kg3tB LV3XRH6H25Qa9nb40CgodLEWW1rlC3 ZcQqbV3f7gLyVH7qGo

02-23-2009, 12:51 PM
His service provider cant figure out where the phone is?

O's Fan Rich
02-23-2009, 01:43 PM
His service provider cant figure out where the phone is?

Why should they care?
The phone is his personal property, they only provide the service for it. Unless he has theft protection for it, why should they care?
If he puts his service on hold, activates avnew phone, they've done their thing.

You young people expect too much sometimes!

02-23-2009, 02:17 PM
Why should they care?
The phone is his personal property, they only provide the service for it. Unless he has theft protection for it, why should they care?
If he puts his service on hold, activates avnew phone, they've done their thing.

You young people expect too much sometimes!

My thoughts exactly Rich.

It's not your providers responsibility to know where your phone is.
Verizon offers a backup service for your contacts.

Anyways...if they DID find where the phone is, what are you going to do? Knock on his door and take it back? Doubtful.

Consider it a life lesson. He shouldn't be drinking underage anyways...he played the game and lost. At least it was just his phone and not something serious.

Is common sense lacking? My first thought if i knew my phone had disappeared would be to call verizon and have it shutoff. Duh!

02-23-2009, 02:48 PM
Crap like this i just couldn't let go! I would get an itemized list of dialed numbers, get my own address's from that and trianglate a beat down on his not so funny punk a**! What would Clint Eastwood do?

02-23-2009, 03:16 PM
Why should they care?
The phone is his personal property, they only provide the service for it. Unless he has theft protection for it, why should they care?
If he puts his service on hold, activates avnew phone, they've done their thing.

You young people expect too much sometimes!

Some companies can locate it if you report it as stolen and they use internet. Why should they care, it can help get a customer for life. If someone switches phone companies at the end of their contract to constantly get the best deal they may be able to keep someone by providing a service such as helping them recover a stolen phone.

With that said, people need to be more careful with their property and others need to be more honest and not just keep it and taunt people that they posses the stolen phone and have no intentions of returning it.

Also to the op your friend is an idiot for waiting this long to report it as stolen to his provider and police. Think of the havoc this person could potentially cause through pictures on the phone, access to friends numbers, not to mention the extra charges on the phone. He should talk to his provide and find out what numbers have been called in the last few hours from that phone, it's part of the billing info and since he has not cancelled he should have access to that. Call those numbers and try to get a name of someone go to the police as those people probably know who has the phone.

The police have better things to do than track down a phone like that, but that is likely the easiest way to try and get it back. I remember a thread on another board a while back involving something similar with a sidekick being left in a cab in new york. They eventually got it back.

02-23-2009, 03:57 PM
My thoughts exactly Rich.

It's not your providers responsibility to know where your phone is.
Verizon offers a backup service for your contacts.

Anyways...if they DID find where the phone is, what are you going to do? Knock on his door and take it back? Doubtful.

Consider it a life lesson. He shouldn't be drinking underage anyways...he played the game and lost. At least it was just his phone and not something serious.

Is common sense lacking? My first thought if i knew my phone had disappeared would be to call verizon and have it shutoff. Duh!

wow. actually an update. The phone came back, to the front desk of the dorms about an hour ago, with a very low battery, but was no worse for the wear. I tried what SID said and told him if he took it to the front desk that there would be a reward for it and no questions asked. I guess when he went to turn it in and collect the reward, he handed the phone over only to find out there was no reward. my RA was the one on duty at the time and said the gentleman looked quite upset about not getting his hundred bucks, but i suppose it all worked out. and Rocknthehawk, no, obviously common sense does not reside within his skull, as he was drunk, underage, and outside wandering around smoking on our "smoke-free campus". it makes me sad when im only 19 and feel mature compared to the 20+ year olds that live on my floor

O's Fan Rich
02-23-2009, 04:15 PM
now.... get the phone log.... see what numbers were called during the loss....

02-23-2009, 05:39 PM
haha, good call sir. i'll pass that idea on

02-23-2009, 05:48 PM

*sigh* why did I bother.

Lost phone?

Lucky it returned.

02-23-2009, 05:49 PM
I'm with justbob on this one...i would use all means in my power to tract this ass wipe down...

02-23-2009, 09:05 PM
haha, i'll leave that up to eric. not my phone, so im not that dedicated. had it been mine however, i would most def try and track the scumbag down :-)

02-23-2009, 09:06 PM
I bet he does have a nice phone, but I say what goes around comes around, he'll get his!

02-24-2009, 02:39 AM
I bet he does have a nice phone, but I say what goes around comes around, he'll get his!
Yep,you don't get anything for nothing,sooner or later you pay for everything.
It's too bad that one thing they don't teach in college is good plain old horse sense.

02-24-2009, 12:09 PM
lol, i know, right? stupid college students. im actually transferring to IUPUI junior year so i can work full time while i go to school. living here is a waste of money. and i dont like most of my peers.

I know some one that ewi pooie....his name is Goerge Hill...he currently resides in San Antonio....nice guy...

02-24-2009, 05:19 PM
so alls well ends well?

02-26-2009, 06:41 PM
yep. it's all good. lol