View Full Version : Citigroup

03-05-2009, 10:06 AM
Their stock is now worth less than an ATM fee. EPIC FAIL.

03-05-2009, 11:52 PM
Their stock is now worth less than an ATM fee. EPIC FAIL.
Why do you pay ATM fees? I use my bank ATM = no fees. You = FAIL.

03-06-2009, 04:40 AM
I don't use Citigroup or pay ATM fees, this post was just to show how bad things have gotten lately. When a banks stock sinks that low, it's pretty alarming. Marauder!

03-06-2009, 05:01 AM
I don't use Citigroup or pay ATM fees, this post was just to show how bad things have gotten lately. When a banks stock sinks that low, it's pretty alarming. Marauder!

MTA fees are getting pretty ridiculous these days.

03-06-2009, 06:02 AM
Citi Bank pulled a epic bait and switch on me one time. If the entire company went down the tubes today I could care less. The slimes of the banking world.

03-06-2009, 06:05 AM
That's how I feel about Chase. Bastidges.

03-06-2009, 06:35 AM
That's how I feel about Chase. Bastidges.

Hmm, I've been a Chase credit card customer since 1976 and everything has been as expected. I'm sure someone somewhere has a horror story for every banking institution in business.

03-06-2009, 06:37 AM
MTA fees are getting pretty ridiculous these days.So are ATM fees! :D


03-06-2009, 08:02 AM
When I was posted in Mumbai, India from 2000-2003 the US State Department pouch (mail) system was hit by that guy sending anthrax to everybody. It killed a guy in our pouch room in Washington. The pouch was the only way we got mail in Mumbai. I called Citibank and told them I would be sending my ($70) payment (that was the balance, not the monthly payment) as soon as possible for both my Citi Mastercard and Citi Visa card. After we cloroxed the entire pouch room wearing green bio suits and and soaked all mail bags, the pouch system was reopened and we started getting (irradiated) mail about 6 weeks later. I had no problem with Mastercard but Citi sent my Visa card to collection for the $70. Again, I had never even carried over a balance in my life on either card. When I found out about it I immediately paid it off and then cancelled my Visa card. Skip ahead two years and I get parolled from Mumbai and posted to Dallas. I go to buy a house and my formerly perfect credit rating now has a big steaming turd indicating my credit card had gone to collection once. Therefore, I did not qualify for the best interest rates, (I did ok, but better rates were available if that one blip wasnt there). Ask me if I care if Citibank crashes and burns.

03-06-2009, 08:16 AM
When I was posted in Mumbai, India from 2000-2003 the US State Department pouch (mail) system was hit by that guy sending anthrax to everybody. It killed a guy in our pouch room in Washington. The pouch was the only way we got mail in Mumbai. I called Citibank and told them I would be sending my ($70) payment (that was the balance, not the monthly payment) as soon as possible for both my Citi Mastercard and Citi Visa card. After we cloroxed the entire pouch room wearing green bio suits and and soaked all mail bags, the pouch system was reopened and we started getting (irradiated) mail about 6 weeks later. I had no problem with Mastercard but Citi sent my Visa card to collection for the $70. Again, I had never even carried over a balance in my life on either card. When I found out about it I immediately paid it off and then cancelled my Visa card. Skip ahead two years and I get parolled from Mumbai and posted to Dallas. I go to buy a house and my formerly perfect credit rating now has a big steaming turd indicating my credit card had gone to collection once. Therefore, I did not qualify for the best interest rates, (I did ok, but better rates were available if that one blip wasnt there). Ask me if I care if Citibank crashes and burns.

You need to find a attorney who hates Citi Bank. That is really :bs: