View Full Version : lojack tracking system

03-11-2009, 10:23 PM
lets talk about it.

I know its not brand new, but I dont know anyone round here with it.

How much?

What exactly is it, just a homing signal or GPS signal to track?

Doesnt it need to be hooked up to the battery for power?

If so, then unless you get tricky in wiring it in to the ignition or something, than it can be defeated easy?

03-11-2009, 10:40 PM
Around here I think the setup runs about $700.00

03-12-2009, 12:45 AM
Lojack is an eraser sized transmitter and receiver. The installer hides the unit in your car and taps into a 12 volt source which charges the internal battery so it has two power sources. He then enters the unit number into the Lojack database.

When the vehicle is stolen, there is a subcarrier on FM radio stations which broadcast the signal to activate the unit by Lojack. FM radio stations have lots of saturation power so they are the best choice to activate the unit. Once the unit is activated, the receiver is no longer needed, but the transmitter will transmit a packet burst every few seconds or so with your ID. This time constant is randomized so the odds of two stolen vehicles transmitting at the same time is minimized.

The transmit frequency is in the 170 mhz band. When the unit squawks, the police have a Lojack direction finder in their vehicle. In the center of the directional panel, there is a spot where the number comes up, they call it in and the car type can be indentified. Every time the unit transmits, a heading will come up on the display. The way that works is there are 4 electrically spaced VHF antennas on the top of the patrol car which are switched on and off in a circular fashion quickly and fed into a direction finder and the receiver is used to listen to the whirring sound of the antennas being switched on and off in a circular motion. The antenna or antennas that are closest to the vehicle will create an anomoly when beat against the receive frequency that the transmitter is "talking on" when it is transmitting.

That will cause the unit to pinpoint which antennas are strongest even though they are just inches apart. This triggers the LEDS on the panel which relate to direction.. (It looks like a compass) and the cops follow that direction to the vehicle.

There are Sat and cell based units as well, they use GPS or cell tower info to relay the info to a dispatch center. Cell based units can use triangulation or cell tower info or gps or any combo of, and Sat can do the same. Onstar is pretty nifty in that a dispatcher can activate lights or raise and lower the doorlocks if the police want to be discreet in their apprehension.

03-12-2009, 02:27 AM
I am selling something for $350 that I never even opened. PM me if interested.

03-12-2009, 01:25 PM
Someone I know...has Lojack. I took the car to have it installed. It was $500, and it took about an hour for the tech guy to get it all in.

It saves monthly on insurance, and it's worth every penny to have peace of mind.

03-12-2009, 04:16 PM
wow richy..... that explains it right there

03-12-2009, 05:55 PM
Someone I know...has Lojack. I took the car to have it installed. It was $500, and it took about an hour for the tech guy to get it all in.

It saves monthly on insurance, and it's worth every penny to have peace of mind.

:D Wonder who it is??

Worth every penny. I wish I had it on the MM but never did. Most dealerships offer it now when you buy the car... or if you complain enough about the service, you cna get it installed for free.... ask me how I know!;)

03-12-2009, 08:15 PM
I got one on my 03 Mustang Cobra Vert. I think it ran around 350 from the dealer when I bought the car. Sounds like prices hae gone up. Been thinking of getting one for the MM. Guess I'll have to save more than I thought.

03-12-2009, 08:58 PM
I may have to recheck the price on these. I want one.

03-12-2009, 10:23 PM
Having had a car lifted, I was going to get one for the Marauder, but then I found this:

http://www.ryderfleetproducts.com/cgi-bin/ryderfp/safety/lj/LoJackcoverage.jsp?BV_SessionI D=@@@@1398219671.1236921588@@@ @&BV_EngineID=ccceadefmfhhlgfcfk mcgfmdfoldflm.0


If a thief steals a Lojacked car in Chicago and immediately drives it north on I-94, he can be out of Lojack coverage before the owner realizes the vehicle has been stolen. :/

03-12-2009, 11:11 PM
http://www.ryderfleetproducts.com/cgi-bin/ryderfp/safety/lj/LoJackcoverage.jsp?BV_SessionI D=@@@@1398219671.1236921588@@@ @&BV_EngineID=ccceadefmfhhlgfcfk mcgfmdfoldflm.0


Im covered :D

03-13-2009, 05:47 AM
It is also dependant on having a police agency that has the equipment to track the device. I have to believe that is few and far between outside a major metro area. I know no one in our county has the capability. Then again car theft is not a major issue here.

03-13-2009, 06:03 AM
Im covered :D

Just so long as they don't take your car to WV or west of Frederick County, MD.