View Full Version : I Could be Wrong...

Paul T. Casey
03-13-2009, 02:30 PM
... and my mind is open to be changed, but here's my current thoughts. It seems a certian Mr. M has ticked off a few people around the nation. As of right now, I must stand behind him. Here's my rational in this matter:

Allegations have been made that he "misused" certian tuning items. Now the last time I checked, when you purchased a product, whether it was new or used, you could pretty much do what you pleased with it. A couple quick analogies would be a) you purchase a used computer at the local flea market. It happens to be loaded with the Excel program. You used this spreadsheet software to track your lawn mowing business. Now, you didn't outright purchase this program, so does that make your using it as part of your business wrong? Not in my book. Example b): I buy the lastest Bing Crosby album. My buddy likes White Christmas, but can't stand anything else Bing. He asks me, and I agree, to rip it from the CD and upload it onto his Christmas compilation. I have in effect taken this electronic data from where it can and put it someplace else. Again, I don't think this is wrong. After all, I did purchase this CD for my use as I saw fit. Nearest I can tell in this whole mess, Mr. M purchased (not stole) some tuning equipment, was savvy enough to alter these items to fit his needs, and used them to his benefit.

On to the next thing. Mr. M alleges that a certian privately owned electronic message board read his private messages. I've been over this here before, not in this exact sense, but the privately owned board is just that, privately owned. Whether this act is ethical or not is a moot point. Anytime you post up on any privately owned forum, be it written or electronic, that becomes essentially the property of the owners. They can pretty much do as they se fit with this info.

Mr. M is a lot of things. Some find him anywhere between annoying to obnoxious. The one thing I can't deny is that he, more than most here, is a Hot Rodder. He's unlocked some info contained in the tuning of Marauders that seems to improve performance. I have no experience with his work personally, but reading the threads here, he seems to have made people happy. To me, what he has done is about equal to buying used spark plugs, that have no value to the current owner, re-furbishing them to exceed their original performance level, and passing them on. Does he make a profit on them? Perhaps, but from what I have seen, it's minimumal. If he were to load a tune into your car that blew it up would he stand behind it? I don't know, but, in my not so humble opinion, you'd have a better chance with him than you would from most tuners out there.

I don't know how many of you folks hang out at the track, or go to the cruise nights. Next time you do, take a look around at the people there. Most of them are the "loose cannons," or "PITAS," or other lifeforms that don't quite get their round egos into the square holes of what is considered normallcy. I see one of them every morning when I shave.

One last thing that is perhaps of no real importance, but makes me wonder. It's the timing of this whole issue. It's not like Mr. M just started doing this. Why the big row now?

03-13-2009, 02:34 PM
So far I'm with you on this one!

03-13-2009, 02:35 PM
One last thing that is perhaps of no real importance, but makes me wonder. It's the timing of this whole issue. It's not like Mr. M just started doing this. Why the big row now?

It's not a coincidence.