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03-17-2009, 06:40 PM
3.0 FINALLY (http://tastyblogsnack.com/)
Today was a preview of the 3.0 software for the iPhone. This is a pretty crucial time because everyone is all up in arms about the Palm Pre and we are just patiently awaiting to see what Apple will do to compete.

Sadly, the release of the new update won’t be available until the summer for us but the developer beta is ready to go for them to start working on those new apps taking advantage of all the new features!

What I’m most excited about is that FINALLY there will be copy & paste. In addition, one the biggest features lacking in mail, is search.. which will also FINALLY be available! These are two such simple features that should have never been left out in the first place.. but I guess that’s Apple’s little way of teasing us along for 2 years. Hoping. Waiting..

For the iPod touch users, it will be a $9.95 update and not all features will be available to iPhone 2G owners like MMS and Stereo Bluetooth.. Keep reading for some keynote highlights from this morning.


• 25,000 apps in the App Store.
• 98% apps were approved in 7 days or less. There have been more than
• Over 800 million downloads of all apps total in just 8 months


• COPY AND PASTE!!!! You double tap on a piece of text and it will automatically place a bubble above it with the option to cut, copy or paste the current selection. To bring up the paste option, you just have to double tap again. To make a bigger selection of text, double tap and then drag where you’d like the text to end. You can also drag this text around. To undo a paste, just shake your phone!

• You can now send more than one photo by copying and pasting them into the Mail app.
• Use landscape (wide keyboard mode) in applications SMS, notepad, mail etc.
• New message app supports MMS! (Really, it’s about time) Send and received photos through the network.
• Voice memos that you can record edit, share and email directly from the app
• New calendar support! gcal! Subscriptions, .ics format, exchange
• Stock app added news and more details.
• SEARCH IN MAIL!!! finally! ..and other applications: Contacts, notes, calendar, iPod
• New Spotlight home screen that will let you search all of your applications.
• YouTube improvements!! ratings, subscriptions and profiles!
• Notes sync with iTunes, Shake to shuffle, WiFi auto-login, Stereo Bluetooth, parental controls, call log, iTunes account creation, anti-phishing, meeting invitations and more.


• 1,000 new APIs: In game voice chat, iPod library access, proximity sensor, audio recorder, battery life, streaming audio and video, data detectors, text selection, UI alert view, shake API and GPS
• In-app purchases: Subscriptions for magazines, additional levels for games, and eBooks. Example, new Sims game — You will be able to buy items directly inside the game from the app store for $0.99 — this is really changing the revenue game for developers!
• Turn by Turn directions apps using Google Maps API
• Peer to Peer connectivity using bluetooth - Multiplayer gaming / sending business cards wirelessly

• With the new SDK, accessory developers will be able to make custom applications that can communicate directly with the accessory. Example: FM transmitter, blood pressure monitor, insulin meter

• Push notification for apps — Alerts appear like SMS, badges show up on the app icon, and audio alerts will be heard in the background. The battery life is said to only decrease by 23% while on other devices using background processes killed the battery life 80% — But still, with over 9 pages of apps and maybe 50% with with push notifications, my phone will last for 10 minutes!


Sims 3: You will be able to purchase items directly from the application, playing music from the stereo using your music library.

LiveFire: First person shooter game.. You shake to jump, push-notify to play together with your friends, buy new weapons using real money. This could get pricey!

TouchPets: A social networking app for your virtual dog. Set up play dates using push notification, buy items for your pet like clothes, toys, food!

Leaf Trombone: Much like the Ocarina, but not..

Let me know what you think of the updates! Are you excited? Angry? Happy? Glad? Hoping for something else that wasn’t announced?

03-17-2009, 06:46 PM
Sounds great.

WinMobile/Palm phones have been doing alot of this stuff for years. :P

03-17-2009, 06:49 PM
BUT its not the iPhone.

UAW 588
03-17-2009, 06:58 PM
I can't wait for my update. I've had my iPhone since Christmas and I can't put it down. I'm always checking mm net for updated posts. Got to love technology.:banana2:

03-17-2009, 07:02 PM
I enjoy my wife's Iphone, I just can't reason with the monthly bill!

03-17-2009, 07:08 PM
The iPhone is finally catching up with the real world and will start to compete with big boy phones instead of being a trendy accessory that can barely perform useful tasks.

Wow... it has all those apps and it still couldn't receive real picture messages... until now.

Welcome to 2001 Apple.... welcome.

03-17-2009, 07:10 PM
People either love it or hate it.

03-17-2009, 07:13 PM
People either love it or hate it.

As a toy it seems great, as a phone it's crap. My co-worker has one and the sound is terrible, I can hardly understand him. And it drops calls all the time. His other cell phone works just fine in the exact same building.

03-17-2009, 07:20 PM
I have had no problems with mine.

Are they using the 3g?

I love the iPod.
I have all my drug software for work and all my medical calculations on it.
Best for me.

03-18-2009, 06:19 AM
The new gen iphone sounds nice. However...

Can I upgrade the storage or replace the battery on the fly?

If the answer is no to either of those questions, epic fail.

I never have to charge my phone when out and about no matter how heavy the use or how bad the signal is (and AT&Ts network is much worse than other carriers here), because I carry a spare battery. I have unlimited storage because if I run out, I can always get another (or larger) micro SD.

The faster network idea is great. I'm sure I'll like it in 2014 when it reaches me... :)

Also, I am not much of a texter/emailer -- every now and then I need to reply to someone while away from my desk -- but with a full keyboard I am faster than I could ever be on the iphone.

03-18-2009, 06:27 AM
Finally!! That is great that they get these features. I do love my I-phone. I have had other phones with almost as many features, but on the I, they are so much easier to use that I use them all the time. I would be truly lost with out it.
I would like to see them add some features to the camera. The pictures it takes are of outstanding quality, but it would be nice to zoom and such.
Plus, they were supposed to drop all songs on I-tunes to .49 and no protection this April. I have not checked to see if that is occuring.
I bought my first I-pod about a year and a half ago. Once I was past the learning curve on it, I loved it. If I had not bought it I would probably have not bought the I-phone. The I-phone may not be the best at everything, but it is the best package in a phone. The Apps for it blow everything else out of the water.

03-18-2009, 08:15 AM
The Apps for it blow everything else out of the water.

This sounds like someone who hasn't used anything but an iphone.

There are FREE apps that do just about anything for winmobile phones, in addition to folks that will write them for you if you find something you need that hasn't been done and know who to ask.

App store? I don't PAY for apps! The ppc geeks share them...

03-18-2009, 09:35 AM
App store? I don't PAY for apps! The ppc geeks share them...

A lot of them are free at the APPS store and many other free ones around elsewhere.

I have used other phones and they don't compare to the complete package.

03-18-2009, 01:49 PM
Complete package?

I have my entire music library - over 46 GB, for my phone, and therefore everywhere I go.

Package that.

I never need to plug in my phone. Can an iphone do that?

Having a preference is fine. Comparing functionality, so far the iphone has two killer flaws.

A lot of them are free at the APPS store and many other free ones around elsewhere.

I have used other phones and they don't compare to the complete package.

03-19-2009, 03:25 PM
I never need to plug in my phone. Can an iphone do that?

I charge my phone every 2 days.
Its fine thats regular use.

O's Fan Rich
03-19-2009, 03:55 PM
But can I run Windows Mobile on it?
I need something that can do that......

03-19-2009, 04:04 PM
But can I run Windows Mobile on it?
I need something that can do that......

It can.

03-19-2009, 05:29 PM
First of all, not real evidence until something is released retail. There are at least a dozen apps out there that make a WM phone look and behave just like an iphone, too. But this begs the question --

Secondly, why bother? If you want/need a WM phone, get one. If you don't, then don't. It's like someone getting a Touch Pro/Fuze and then trying their damndest to make it look just like the iphone. Downright silly, IMO.

I fail to see a situation where someone is going to need both. 95% of the functionality is the same. If you have a specific business need that requires one or the other, there is your choice. I have had a laptop for 5 years (well, 3 different laptops but I've had the ability) that could dual boot. Never once needed to.

I'm typing this on a macbook running windows (because I run software not available on the mac or it wouldn't matter - all of my coworkers use OSX), and the crossover beta is buggy, just as an iphone running WM will be, not to mention very slow.

Buy the phone you want for your needs.

It can.

03-19-2009, 05:31 PM
BUT its not the iPhone.

which means its not for tools.....