View Full Version : Can I return my transmission?

03-19-2009, 12:15 AM
This is in reguards to my Blazer... shocking right?

Last winter I had the transmission replaced from AAMCO. They offered a warrantly no one could match and well as having stores all over the country incase a "problem" occured if I was out of Chicago.

The day I got it back it already gave me a problem. I was doing doughnuts in a parking lot in the snow and when I was done it didn't want to shift out of first. Reverse still worked, but drive was nothing more than first. I took it back the next day and said it was stuck in first, but didn't say what I did. They said it was fine and didn't even open the tranny up.

A week went by and I drove it to Scottsdale, AZ and on the way back it broke down in Texas. The thing just acted like it went into neutral when I was doing around 60. Got it fixed that same say saying something came off, but as soon as I drove it 2 blocks it started doing it again. My friend and I were stuck in Texas for days and it actually caused to miss the first week of college because we didn't go straight back to Chicago fearing it was going to break again one other night.

Well after all of that it was okay again until now. It has been sitting in my parents garage for a week and I just noticed tonight a nice puddle of oil came from the transmission and that about did it. I want the money back and I don't care if they yank the broken POS tranny outta there, I want it out.

It is still under warranty like I said and it only has about 6,000 miles on it. I believe if something goes seriously wrong in less than 12,000 miles I will have a chance of getting a refund or something.

Does anyone know how to deal with this situation?


Bradley G
03-19-2009, 03:41 AM

03-19-2009, 03:46 AM
...I was doing doughnuts in a parking lot in the snow...

Dumb A**.

Joe Walsh
03-19-2009, 04:10 AM
This is in reguards to my Blazer... shocking right?

Last winter I had the transmission replaced from AAMCO. They offered a warrantly no one could match and well as having stores all over the country incase a "problem" occured if I was out of Chicago.

The day I got it back it already gave me a problem. I was doing doughnuts in a parking lot in the snow and when I was done it didn't want to shift out of first. Reverse still worked, but drive was nothing more than first. I took it back the next day and said it was stuck in first, but didn't say what I did. They said it was fine and didn't even open the tranny up.

A week went by and I drove it to Scottsdale, AZ and on the way back it broke down in Texas. The thing just acted like it went into neutral when I was doing around 60. Got it fixed that same say saying something came off, but as soon as I drove it 2 blocks it started doing it again. My friend and I were stuck in Texas for days and it actually caused to miss the first week of college because we didn't go straight back to Chicago fearing it was going to break again one other night.

Well after all of that it was okay again until now. It has been sitting in my parents garage for a week and I just noticed tonight a nice puddle of oil came from the transmission and that about did it. I want the money back and I don't care if they yank the broken POS tranny outta there, I want it out.

It is still under warranty like I said and it only has about 6,000 miles on it. I believe if something goes seriously wrong in less than 12,000 miles I will have a chance of getting a refund or something.

Does anyone know how to deal with this situation?


Let them attempt to repair the transmission, as it is still under warranty. It sounds like a leaking seal or gasket. Is it still shifting properly?
Next time try to drive normallly for a week or two with the new transmission to be sure that it is working properly BEFORE doing any stuntwork.
Right now it is 50/50 as to WHO caused the problem.

And hope that no member on this site works for, or has a relative who works for AAMCO.

03-19-2009, 05:27 AM
Let them attempt to repair the transmission, as it is still under warranty. It sounds like a leaking seal or gasket. Is it still shifting properly?
Next time try to drive normallly for a week or two with the new transmission to be sure that it is working properly BEFORE doing any stuntwork.
Right now it is 50/50 as to WHO caused the problem.

And hope that no member on this site works for, or has a relative who works for AAMCO.

Dom, just because the transmission is rebuilt does not mean you can go right out and abuse it. It needs a breakin period also. This sounds like a self inflicted wound. If you wanted a racing transmission you should have purchased one. Let them fix it and then don't abuse it out of the gate. :(

03-19-2009, 05:30 AM
The day I got it back it already gave me a problem. I was doing doughnuts in a parking lot in the snow and when I was done it didn't want to shift out of first.

Does anyone know how to deal with this situation?

It sounds like the problem is between the seat and the pedals.

03-19-2009, 06:39 AM
Give them a call,talk nice to them and make an appointment to bring it in and give them a chance to make good on it.Don't mention your stunt driving with it or b!tch at them.Try treating them like you'd like to be treated.If they screw it up there's plenty of time for that later. Take it from one of the world's biggest hot heads that the first thing that happens when you lose your temper is YOU LOSE. If you need a ride to drop it off give me a call,I'm still not back at work yet,and I can be very diplomatic when I put my mind to it,plus I have a lot of years experience in the auto parts business that helps when dealing with shops.
Put a good trans cooler on it too.Getting stuck,doing donuts,or burnouts builds a LOT of heat in the trans.

03-19-2009, 06:44 AM
This is in reguards to my Blazer... shocking right?

Last winter I had the transmission replaced from AAMCO. They offered a warrantly no one could match and well as having stores all over the country incase a "problem" occured if I was out of Chicago.

The day I got it back it already gave me a problem. I was doing doughnuts in a parking lot in the snow and when I was done it didn't want to shift out of first. Reverse still worked, but drive was nothing more than first. I took it back the next day and said it was stuck in first, but didn't say what I did. They said it was fine and didn't even open the tranny up.

A week went by and I drove it to Scottsdale, AZ and on the way back it broke down in Texas. The thing just acted like it went into neutral when I was doing around 60. Got it fixed that same say saying something came off, but as soon as I drove it 2 blocks it started doing it again. My friend and I were stuck in Texas for days and it actually caused to miss the first week of college because we didn't go straight back to Chicago fearing it was going to break again one other night.

Well after all of that it was okay again until now. It has been sitting in my parents garage for a week and I just noticed tonight a nice puddle of oil came from the transmission and that about did it. I want the money back and I don't care if they yank the broken POS tranny outta there, I want it out.

It is still under warranty like I said and it only has about 6,000 miles on it. I believe if something goes seriously wrong in less than 12,000 miles I will have a chance of getting a refund or something.

Does anyone know how to deal with this situation?

Thanks."AAMOCO" Problem found !! Sorry, you've been had. You will loose, time, money, and have no car, for some time because they can keep it for as long as they want to fix the problem ! Demand that it is to be stored (INSIDE), that my help ? Good luck.....!!!

03-19-2009, 08:00 AM
So you are out tearing it up and now expect them to fix it for free under warranty? Yeah, right.

03-19-2009, 08:46 AM
So you are out tearing it up and now expect them to fix it for free under warranty? Yeah, right.

I think a rerepair is doable, but a refund.......Yeah, right! Best suggestion, reread the fine print on your waranty, that will answer your question.


03-19-2009, 12:43 PM
I have never had a problem with a transmission after having fun in the parking lot. It shouldn't have broke no matter what. Even the Marauders tranny was fine doing that when it was 100% stock with 90,000 miles.

So everyones advice is to take it back, but probably no refund. Alright, here I go.

Joe Walsh
03-19-2009, 03:58 PM
I have never had a problem with a transmission after having fun in the parking lot. It shouldn't have broke no matter what. Even the Marauders tranny was fine doing that when it was 100% stock with 90,000 miles.

So everyones advice is to take it back, but probably no refund. Alright, here I go.

Not so fast grasshopper!!

Because of your confidence in "parking lot donut stuntwork" NOT EVER harming any transmission, I would point this fact out to AAMCO.
Let them know that any good, freshly rebuilt transmission should be able to handle what you dished out to their inferior AAMCO unit!

03-19-2009, 04:05 PM
As pointed out in another post ...If anyone from AAMCO reads this account of what you did then the paper the warranty is written is not better then bland paper.

Go back keep a civil mouth and ask then to check it out. Do not make demands!

Go back and read every reply above and try and learn something from you mistakes.

03-19-2009, 04:18 PM
As pointed out in another post ...If anyone from AAMCO reads this account of what you did then the paper the warranty is written is not better then bland paper.

Go back keep a civil mouth and ask then to check it out. Do not make demands!

Go back and read every reply above and try and learn something from you mistakes.
I guess us "mature guys" think alike,eh? :beer:
Too bad it took so long to get as smart as we are now.

03-19-2009, 04:48 PM
Sorry, but how does doing doughnuts in a snowy parking lot affect an automatic any differently than if one were, say, trying to get out of an icy parking space? Y'ever see anyone rock their car back'n'forth trying to get out? That's gotta be much harder on a trans than bumping up the revs a dozen times or so while in gear. Especially since there's a whole lotta forward-to-reverse-to-forward shifting going on when rocking.

Now, if one did a 180, and vehicle started travelling backwards while the transmission is still in a forward gear.... that might do some harm. But on snowy pavement? Maybe if the wheels suddenly got traction, but that's a lot of maybe's.

I'd say go back and demand repairs under the warranty. But, read the warranty over carefully first, so you're prepared to deal with their excuses. Better hope there was no mention of a break-in period.

Joe Walsh
03-19-2009, 04:56 PM
Sorry, but how does doing doughnuts in a snowy parking lot affect an automatic any differently than if one were, say, trying to get out of an icy parking space? Y'ever see anyone rock their car back'n'forth trying to get out? That's gotta be much harder on a trans than bumping up the revs a dozen times or so while in gear. Especially since there's a whole lotta forward-to-reverse-to-forward shifting going on when rocking.

Now, if one did a 180, and vehicle started travelling backwards while the transmission is still in a forward gear.... that might do some harm. But on snowy pavement? Maybe if the wheels suddenly got traction, but that's a lot of maybe's.

I'd say go back and demand repairs under the warranty. But, read the warranty over carefully first, so you're prepared to deal with their excuses. Better hope there was no mention of a break-in period.

I agree...a little playing around shouldn't have killed the transmission.
Spinning up the automatic and putting some HP through it while barely moving air over the tranny cooler will cause the fluid to get a tad warm.
Heat kills automatic transmissions.
No matter what...a wise person would drive the freshly rebuilt transmission NORMALLY for a few days to make sure that it is functioning properly and not leaking.

03-19-2009, 05:04 PM
I think it was more than "donuts" however the point here is how to handle getting the repairsdone to the transmission.

If Dom keep's him wits about him and act the right way (civil) he has a chance?

Blowing your top and making demands is not the way.

03-19-2009, 07:09 PM
As a general rule if someone says they where doing a few donuts it was MUCH more then that stop being a baby and own up to your mistakes...ask gammy for more money and get a new tranny.

03-20-2009, 09:05 AM
I learned a long time ago to take care of what you have/baby it. Things get pretty expensive... LOL, but we'll see what I do when I get supercharged.

03-21-2009, 05:55 AM
Give them a call,talk nice to them and make an appointment to bring it in and give them a chance to make good on it.Don't mention your stunt driving with it or b!tch at them.Try treating them like you'd like to be treated.If they screw it up there's plenty of time for that later. Take it from one of the world's biggest hot heads that the first thing that happens when you lose your temper is YOU LOSE.

If Dom keep's him wits about him and act the right way (civil) he has a chance?
Blowing your top and making demands is not the way.

Now I am not saying anything about any fault in this particular situation because I don't truly know any of the facts at all.

But man, you guys are giving out advice that everyone needs to live by in general. There are a particular few in this world that choose to do things their own way, instead of the proper way, and then make it a mission to get their own brand of revenge when their path fails. Fortunately, Karma has a way of sorting that out and gives them a difficult, and often very expensive road to navigate.

Now in this case it does look like the OP has given the company the chance to fix the problem at least. Trust me, some people out there don't even bother to extend that basic courtesy. I hope you choose to continue that course and only give it up when it's clear that they cannot help you. If you ask yourself whether you have been completely honest and have done everything you can to give them the chance to make it right and can honestly answer that you have and that they are not doing their part, then it is probably time to start looking for other means.

But always keep a cool head and be honest and civil. If you did something wrong then you know it. If you don't feel that you did, you know that too. Either way, treat those who probably do honestly want to help you with the respect they deserve and give them a fair shot at helping you. Making demands or threatening them with anything is just not the answer. That will get you left out in the cold and pissed off at the world quicker than anything.

I wish you the very best with this and hope you get it sorted out as quickly and easily as possible.
