View Full Version : ****in Employers

03-28-2009, 10:49 AM
I have been interviewing my ass off, and i just got a good one going on at a auto service shop as a service writer .

Pretty much they interviewed me, told me a pay rate.

I got a call back, payrate was 10 percent less, said that they had to have me under a different part of this place becauase of my age, and that i would work as a writer.

Sound like im getting screwed here?

03-28-2009, 10:55 AM
Take it and keep looking. Saw an almost 10% unemployment rate on the news last night. Remember:" I was looking for a job when I found this one" Good Luck, E.

03-28-2009, 10:59 AM
I concur, take the offer.^^

O's Fan Rich
03-28-2009, 11:03 AM
Are you 17?

And you're looking to be a Service Writer?
And you're cursing at someone offering you a job doing that?

Wow... times sure have changed.......

03-28-2009, 11:04 AM
I wasnt given a offical offer yet. I was given a cup to pee in first.

Rich, its not that, its that i have a feeling i wont do that.

I was car installation manager for a year and change over at circuit city as well as a service writer at another shop. Its not the job itself that im cursing at, its the contradictory comments.

SC Cheesehead
03-28-2009, 11:40 AM
Hey, if you think you're getting screwed, don't acept the offer, but IMO, knine's got it pegged. Take the job if they make a formal offer and keep your eyes open for something else that may come up. It's always easier to get another job if you're already working.

03-28-2009, 11:41 AM
You must start somewhere and the bottom of the ladder is usually it. Get some more experience and see where you are in a year. If you don't like where you're at, then speak to your boss and show him your strengths and accomplishments. If he/she doesn't agree with you assesment then look elsewhere for employment. Remember, you're only 17 and at that age you are still legally a kid.

03-28-2009, 12:01 PM
Hey, if you think you're getting screwed, don't acept the offer, but IMO, knine's got it pegged. Take the job if they make a formal offer and keep your eyes open for something else that may come up. It's always easier to get another job if you're already working.Good advice. :up:


Blk Mamba
03-28-2009, 12:48 PM
I've met you, you are a very smart young man, you will go places, be patient.

BTW you comming to POTP?

03-28-2009, 12:56 PM
Are you 17?

And you're looking to be a Service Writer?
And you're cursing at someone offering you a job doing that?

Wow... times sure have changed.......

+1. Try working an internship before you complain. Even then, suck it up and soldier on. THAT is what gets you most places, not ability or experience.

03-28-2009, 01:03 PM
Yes, you are getting screwed.
Yes, take the job.

All the previous advice applies.

03-28-2009, 01:37 PM
Get a job and be happy these days...

03-28-2009, 01:40 PM
I will tell you what the problem is- I am not kidding either. Are you here illegally? Will you work from dusk until dawn for $5.50/hr cash? Will you work with no benefits? Will you keep quiet about unfair labor or dangerous working conditions? Will you take your money and walk away and question why so little? If you answered NO to any of those - you are not what they're looking for. Since December 9th I have been on rotation with the Highway Patrol and spend a lot of time working the interstate where the widening project is going on. I think I have seen three people who speak English. If you're college educated and skilled you're screwed - like my brother. If you're a pee-on who will slave day and night and not say a word about the horrid conditions.... welcome aboard!!! Thanks Obama for your stimulus!!!!!!!

03-28-2009, 02:58 PM
I will tell you what the problem is- I am not kidding either. Are you here illegally? Will you work from dusk until dawn for $5.50/hr cash? Will you work with no benefits? Will you keep quiet about unfair labor or dangerous working conditions? Will you take your money and walk away and question why so little? If you answered NO to any of those - you are not what they're looking for. Since December 9th I have been on rotation with the Highway Patrol and spend a lot of time working the interstate where the widening project is going on. I think I have seen three people who speak English. If you're college educated and skilled you're screwed - like my brother. If you're a pee-on who will slave day and night and not say a word about the horrid conditions.... welcome aboard!!! Thanks Obama for your stimulus!!!!!!!

Excuse me but wasn't the same thing going on in the Reagan AND Bush Administration???? I think it was part of Reagan's tinkle down (I mean trickle down) economics,,,,,

03-28-2009, 03:01 PM
Agreed - our present situation was left TO Obama, not caused by him.

Congress, on the other hand...

Excuse me but wasn't the same thing going on in the Reagan AND Bush Administration???? I think it was part of Reagan's tinkle down (I mean trickle down) economics,,,,,

03-28-2009, 03:26 PM
I am not pointing fingers - I just happen to believe that our wonderful stimulus package will guarantee anyone a job that will work like a slave. If you're educated - you're screwed.

Marauder M.C.
03-28-2009, 03:49 PM
If you don't take the job, there will be plenty of people lined up to fill the position. Job openings are a rarity these days.