View Full Version : Be careful out there guys. I just about got carjacked today

04-06-2009, 10:10 PM
So anyway, heres how it all starts. I go to my moms job in orland park and there is a girl that works there thats one of the managers. My mom said that she would fire her friend to her because she doesnt do work. While, her friends has gang affiliations apparently. Anyway, i go to drive home and i take southwest highway home. As I am driving home, around college drive and SWhighway, i get this ******* in a green windstar follow me driving and booking it. He is crawling up my ass, thought it was because of me doing the speedlimit. Anyway, i go to turn onto harlem ave and sure enough, i see these idiots follow me down harlem. Around 105th i see them flash gang signs at me and see a nissan SUV fly up on my ass. Sure enough, after the fact, i see these idiots at around 100th throw a couple beer bottles at my car. I nail it to get away and they are following me. I get to the light at around 98th or so and one guy is behind me and one next to me. I am at a redlight, one of the guys gets out, and pulls on my doorhandle. I go to reach under my seat for my breaker bar and he backs off a bit, and he goes to nail my window, nails it once with his fist, I book it through the red and take off. He gets back into the van and they chase me along with the nissan. The nissan gets behind me and the can gets ifnront of me and Tries to box me in. The nissan hits me from behind and causes me to hit the van. I nail the brakes and get hit again. I just nailed it again, went across 2 lanes of traffic and got onto the exit to go onto 95th. They booked it and went down harlem, didnt bother me again. I take the cloverleaf, go pull into a parking lot nearby and called the cops. Cops supposedly had people all up and down harlem. Car got towed to my dads place.

While, supposedly my mom tells me about job stuff after this, and sure enough, she has went to work and supposedly spoken to another employee and said she would **** ME up, not my mom. Long story short, the stupid ***** and me got into it over my job back when i was working for circuit city and how " I STOLE HER POSITION" at circuit. Yeah, shes a PC technician (rolleyes).

Same look as her on the guys that did this (what colors she wears they wore), same race, same style if ya get my point. Just ****ing great.

04-07-2009, 12:15 AM
Crazy. In tough times or not, you've always gotta watch your own back and that of those close to you. You did the right thing by not engaging them. It's crazy that they actually hit you. Hard not to get boxed in there. Gotta keep a cool head. Hope they lay off and you can get your car fixed.

04-07-2009, 04:55 AM
or just get a CCW liscense and show them the barrel ends.

04-07-2009, 06:00 AM
I dont think he is old enough to have a CCW...

Just remember....anything you do in the heat of the moment must be self defense...
ie...breaker bar...dont get yourself in trouble...and always be aware of your surroundings.

04-07-2009, 06:21 AM
dont forget as well that your car is your first self defense weapon. Just look at cops and what the crown vics can do. I had a problem like that once when I was younger scared the hell out of me till I rammed the S.O.B's off the road! Sorry to hear about this at least your O.K. An dont forget a windstar aint going to beat a marauder lol.

04-07-2009, 06:49 AM
^^^^As much as I love my car I would gladly use it as a self defense weapon anytime.

Glad to hear your ok and it didn't get out of hand (could of been worse). If god forbid something happens again and you get a weird feeling call the cops again and put them on speaker phone.

Something like this happened to a friend of mine several years ago and the 911 operator told him to put his flashers on and do what he felt was necessary to get away but not endanger himself anymore, he relayed all of his turns and locations and was lucky enough after 7-8 mins to drive by a state trooper who had got the car and was told to look for a car with their flashers on, the vehicle chasing my friend took off while the trooper pursued them while my friend trailed behind a distance.

04-07-2009, 07:06 AM
Go to a batting practice place and keep either tokens or a membership card from there in your car. Then keep a cheap batting helmet and a nice ALUMINIUM bat in your ride at all times.

There you have your "take-a-nap-stick".

04-07-2009, 09:52 AM
I have begun carrying my .45 with me just about everywhere I go. My Wife is asking why I all of sudden started wearing sports coats to work.

04-07-2009, 10:03 AM
or just get a CCW liscense and show them the barrel ends.

In Chicago? Good luck. If I remember correctly, honest average law abiding citizens don't get to carry handguns.

04-07-2009, 10:38 AM
No concealed weapons in this state, and no one can legally own a firearm in Chicago at all! Ridiculous.

Crazy story btw man, could you have PIT'd the car in front? And I'm assuming this was with your daily right?

04-07-2009, 11:01 AM
Dang Ryan! Next time USE that CVPI for what it was made for if they start ramming you. I'm glad to hear your alright. +1 on calling 911 imediately, put it on speaker, set it next to you and relay cordinates to them. Very smart thing to do!

Do not get out of the car ever! And a lesson i learned at your age with gang bangers in Aurora, ALWAYS LEAVE AN OPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never get your self blocked in, no matter where you are, even if your not in trouble! Remember curbs CAN be jumped and street signs CAN be plowed over. Just look out for innocent people, and head right to where you always see cops hanging out.

When you get my age, married, handfull of kids, you tend to think well ahead and be prepared for the worst. If your story would have happened to me..........................Yo u'd be reading about another Marauder in need of serious repair! My car is my weapon and i couldn't give two craps about it in a situation like you described. Safety first.

04-07-2009, 12:41 PM
No concealed weapons in this state, and no one can legally own a firearm in Chicago at all! Ridiculous.

Not true. You can have one as long as it was registered in 1974 or before. Generations can pass down the gun too because registeration discontinued after 1974... I maybe a year or two off.

Even retired police officers cannot carry a gun and I think that's a little messed up.

Then again we are talking legally here.

Glad to hear you are ok. Stay safe out there. I have been a victim of gang violence myself, but not that bad.

04-07-2009, 12:46 PM
I have been a victim of gang violence myself, but not that bad.

Mosh pits at a Spice Girls concert don't count. :lol:

04-07-2009, 03:30 PM
damn. yeah, good to hear you got out of there ok. Things like that are why i just got my CCW permit. A .40 Glock, and the CVPI are a formidable force. and i agree, as much as i love my car, it's a 4000lb weapon. thankfully i dont have to worry about much gang violence here in central indiana

04-07-2009, 05:49 PM
judged by 12 then carried by 6...nuff said

04-07-2009, 10:44 PM
Not true. You can have one as long as it was registered in 1974 or before. Generations can pass down the gun too because registeration discontinued after 1974... I maybe a year or two off.

Even retired police officers cannot carry a gun and I think that's a little messed up.

Then again we are talking legally here.

Glad to hear you are ok. Stay safe out there. I have been a victim of gang violence myself, but not that bad.

Dom, I think it was 82 or so, but still, theres thousands of criminals out there, and us law-abiding citizens can't even protect yourself in your own home in this stupid city.

And yea retired police, or military can't even register one in Chicago.

There is a town in Texas somewhere that not only encourages, but supposedly obligates homeowners to own a firearm.

04-07-2009, 10:56 PM
judged by 12 then carried by 6...nuff said

^^^ Do what you must in self defense ^^^

04-08-2009, 02:36 AM
...dont forget as well that your car is your first self defense weapon.

Time to get a Go Rhino (push-bar) and do a PIT on them!

(Glad to hear you made it out unscathed) :eek:

Jake Steel
04-08-2009, 02:54 AM
ted nugent for president 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god bless america!!!! Glad to hear your okay...

04-08-2009, 03:48 AM
Dom, I think it was 82 or so, but still, theres thousands of criminals out there, and us law-abiding citizens can't even protect yourself in your own home in this stupid city.

And yea retired police, or military can't even register one in Chicago.

There is a town in Texas somewhere that not only encourages, but supposedly obligates homeowners to own a firearm.

Yea, thanks so much for B HO.

04-08-2009, 07:58 PM
or just get a CCW liscense and show them the barrel ends.

Not in Illinois....welcome to the Obamination of Orland Park

04-08-2009, 08:04 PM
Dom, I think it was 82 or so, but still, theres thousands of criminals out there, and us law-abiding citizens can't even protect yourself in your own home in this stupid city.

And yea retired police, or military can't even register one in Chicago.

There is a town in Texas somewhere that not only encourages, but supposedly obligates homeowners to own a firearm.

When we lived in Colleyville, TX, the local LEO told my wife she should keep her S&W in her purse, but she could carry a long gun anywhere in the open, but they preferred if she carried a shotgun that she carry it with the barrels open.

04-08-2009, 08:25 PM
If they are gang bangers and you shoot them dead you've done us all a service.
Forensics "Schmenzicks" they'll NEVER match it. Did you get a plate number?

Probably overkill, but I'd like to step out and shoot to kill *every* last one of them -- head shots work best.

Oh next time your life is threatened and assh0le is next to your window, cut the wheel and run him over.

Wow makes me mad to hear about that. Purchase a 5 pump - cut it down keep it under the seat.

04-09-2009, 07:36 PM
These bitches are body on frame for a reason...

Good luck putting one out of rolling comission without one hell of a fight.

04-09-2009, 08:01 PM
Fighting for what you love is great, good to hear that you still have your MM good luck hope justice get served.

04-10-2009, 01:07 AM
Mosh pits at a Spice Girls concert don't count. :lol:

Try grand theft auto and not the video game.

04-10-2009, 03:40 AM
Remember with gang-bangers you not only have to fight the one, but every last member out there. Do not start something you are not ready to finish.