View Full Version : UK archives all e-mail from EVERYONE

04-08-2009, 05:00 AM

Looks like Big Brother is alive and well in the UK.

Are we next?

04-08-2009, 06:47 AM
Interesting article. We have talked about archiving emails here, but we still only do enough for disaster recovery, not longer term storage. It's all about the money - the technology to do it is out there already, but the cost is prohibitive because of the amounts of storage needed.

As an interesting email side note, didja know that of our (the place where I work) incoming email on most days 85-90 percent is SPAM.

Dr Caleb
04-08-2009, 08:29 AM
As an interesting email side note, didja know that of our (the place where I work) incoming email on most days 85-90 percent is SPAM.

90% of all email traffic worldwide is Spam. All of it. Any idea the costs involved in the extra bandwidth and server capacity and power/cooling needed to deal with it?

Makes geeks like me want to put contracts out on spammers, just from the cost savings alone.