View Full Version : ATTENTION! Midwest Mafia/Windy City Crew

04-10-2009, 03:28 PM
I will be in Chicago (Marauderless, FAIL) around April 22nd to April 28th for a wedding. Wondered if anyone might want to catch the White Sox/Blue Jays game on April 26th. Sunday, 1:05. I'm going to see about getting like a 10 pack of tickets. Anyone?

04-10-2009, 07:58 PM
I might jump on board if this is an invite or we can hangout after. I would go if I could bring my girlfriend... she is the one who likes sports. :D

Let me know if it's cool.

Either way have fun!

04-10-2009, 09:00 PM
WORKING! What else are you doing the rest of the week?

04-11-2009, 06:58 AM
Dom and Takedown, we have a rehersal, and everything else associated with a big Italian wedding. (It's my gal Amy's brother that's getting hitched) All of Amy's family and friends are from Chicago, plus my Dad's whole side of the family, so we will be visiting all of them fo sho, and sight seeing in between. I can't wait, havn't been up there in a year and a half!

04-11-2009, 07:42 AM
I will be in Chicago (Marauderless, FAIL) around April 22nd to April 28th for a wedding. Wondered if anyone might want to catch the White Sox/Blue Jays game on April 26th. Sunday, 1:05. I'm going to see about getting like a 10 pack of tickets. Anyone?

I won't be available that weekend :bigcry: Have fun anyway :D

04-11-2009, 08:48 AM
I'm up for hanging out, i just hate sports.....unless i'm playing.

04-11-2009, 09:52 AM
Sure, or we can have a party at our place. :up:

04-11-2009, 10:07 AM
Bob, I hate the White Sox, but the Cubbies have no home games while I'm there! Either way, :beer: <----this will happen.
Zack, your plan sounds as good or better. We'll get the 2 gals from Orland Park together. We can all pm cell numbers before we are in town. Well except for me and Bob we already have each others, muhahahhaaaa...

04-11-2009, 08:17 PM
You're a SOX fan deep down inside!

04-11-2009, 11:25 PM
Tell them to postpone it a week and you can hit the JC Whitney show with us,after all,it's only a wedding.lol

04-13-2009, 04:21 PM
Dom and Takedown, we have a rehersal, and everything else associated with a big Italian wedding. (It's my gal Amy's brother that's getting hitched) All of Amy's family and friends are from Chicago, plus my Dad's whole side of the family, so we will be visiting all of them fo sho, and sight seeing in between. I can't wait, havn't been up there in a year and a half!

I highly reccomend hanging out at Zacks when you can.

Let me know what's going on with Sox tickets.