View Full Version : Can we ban this word from here and anywhere else?

04-11-2009, 01:15 AM
The word is "economy".

Seriously does everyone think we have forgotten?

Can we phrase this differently or just be positive or something?

The second I am near a television or public radio.... economy this economy that. It's like we are all in prision and someone keeps mentioning that we are locked up.... no kidding! How dumb does the media think we are... then again most of the public is quick to forget, but not something like this. :mad2:

Please turn the word economy into *******

Just do yourself a favor and Kill Your Television.

That's all folks.

04-11-2009, 09:23 AM
No offense Dom but the ECONOMY means alot to us others that are NOT working but yet have a family of five to feed. I for one am interested in hearing about any kind of change (hopefully positive). Likewise on the olympics bid, i'd like to see this happen and happen fast.

Like i said, no offense, because i had your exact attitude when i was a little younger than you, in the mid to late eighties things were grim as well and many people out of work. All i could think at the time was "quit the whining" because i really didn't have any bills and on top of that not only was I working, i was also getting O/T.

I have never been so nerve wrecked in my life, that being said its almost lunchtime, time for another drink.

04-11-2009, 09:34 AM
nicely put justbob. eventhough i am working i feel bad for all the good employees that were let go. but i do not feel bad for the pieces of crap that were let go. and there was a lot of crap at our work.

04-11-2009, 09:49 AM
Atleast i haven't been officially laid off! I actually feel pretty good because i was like the seventh guy left at the shop, a shop that last year had 40-45 mostly decent workers. I've only been with this shop for four years now, the ones still there are ten years + guys.

A huge +1 on the workers who can't pull their own weight! Try and find a crack to slip into now!

04-11-2009, 11:22 AM
While it can be disheartening Dom because we see nothing but bad news, but there is good reason for optimism.
1st-The Dow is up 20% from where it was a month ago, it has had a 5 week sustained rally
2nd-Wells Fargo announced huge profit projections and Citibank announced they were profitable in the first quarter for the first time in a year and a half
3rd-Exisitng home sales rose for the second straight month

While I certainly wouldn't run out and drop all your savings on stuff, there is cause to keep a positive outlook. All of the above things happened before the stimulus package has been put into effect. Once that hits later this year we could see 2 quarters of growth in the economy which is officially pulling us out.

Experts are trying to pounce and since emotion rules the market, it is to their benefit to talk it down on TV so they can do more purhasing while stocks are low and make a killing when there is a rebound.

It is a crisis the lights of which we have never seen, we can't forget that the only thing that saved us from the depression was a monsterous world war and with nuclear weapons, that size war will probably not happen again. Bur seeing the dow come up almost 1000 pts in the last month means good things, while huge gains or losses certainly point to a volatile market, there are significant signs the banking and credit industry are stabilizing, which will mke it easier for people to spend money again. So keep your chins up, rely on your friends for emotional support and we can get through all of it together.

My cheerleading has finished, and I now realize that I just dropped a memo about the stock market on a car site-FAIL!!!!
vaporizer wholesaler (http://vaporizerwholesaler.com)

04-11-2009, 02:47 PM
Naa I completely stand by what I said.

As far as updates ya sure we all need them I guess, but when you hear it in a commercial with someone trying to sell you something or media just using the word so much it is annoying and getting to a point of being rude. "Due the the ecomony...." "Now that the economy is in a down fall it's a good time to invest, buy gold, buy buy buy!!!"

Would these people please shut up and just try to sell the product? Do not use the economy as a stepping stone to sell something. Like when some company made 9-11 coins out of the world trade center... that was sick.

All these commericals with e-trade or whoever uses the fake talking bady, it's so annoying and they have to mention that the economy is bad all the time. You cannot keep the news on for one minute without hearing the word economy twice unless the subject matter is about a crime. I'm glad I don't own a t.v. I didn't miss much and I dislike it even more.

04-12-2009, 07:19 AM
ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...ecomony...ecomony... ecomony...

04-12-2009, 07:28 AM
The problem with this Country can be fixed easier than you think.... to save America you must hire Americans. Having 300 illegal aliens in your manufacturing facility DOES NOT help. Outsourcing assembly overseas to save 3 cents DOES NOT help.

04-12-2009, 07:32 AM
how bout banning the word "BAILOUT" then

04-12-2009, 08:24 AM
Did you know the Federal Reserve is no more a part of the Federal Government than Federal Express is? It is a bank, owned by bankers, who loan money to the Federal Government to bail out failed corporations, spread democracy (war), and finance who knows what else. Enjoy paying your taxes, they go towards paying the interest on the money "we" borrowed from the Federal Reserve.

04-12-2009, 04:33 PM
Did you know the Federal Reserve is no more a part of the Federal Government than Federal Express is? It is a bank, owned by bankers, who loan money to the Federal Government to bail out failed corporations, spread democracy (war), and finance who knows what else. Enjoy paying your taxes, they go towards paying the interest on the money "we" borrowed from the Federal Reserve.

Yep.....Federal Reserve AND the POST OFFICE are private corporations......This "Government??" is in sad shape!!:shake:

04-12-2009, 05:08 PM
how bout banning the word "BAILOUT" then


If there ever were a more surefire way to prolong an ailing economy, bailouts are the key.

I agree with the original post though, I'm all for hearing news about the economy, it's just that most of the times what is reported isn't news, just a reiteration of the same sorry news from weeks prior.

I can't stand news media for this reason, I'm convinced Chapter 1 in the books is "Beating a Dead Horse". It is absolute torture to wake up every morning to the same thing every day on the news, that's why I rarely go to mass media news any more to even attempt to get informed.

04-12-2009, 06:45 PM
The word is "economy".

Seriously does everyone think we have forgotten?

Can we phrase this differently or just be positive or something?

The second I am near a television or public radio.... economy this economy that. It's like we are all in prision and someone keeps mentioning that we are locked up.... no kidding! How dumb does the media think we are... then again most of the public is quick to forget, but not something like this. :mad2:

Please turn the word economy into *******

Just do yourself a favor and Kill Your Television.

That's all folks.

"Son this world is rough and if a man's going to make it he's got to be tough"

Johnny Cash in "A Boy Named Sue"

04-12-2009, 11:51 PM
O.K. "MADE IN CHINA" Next time you go into a "Harley Davidson" dealer (Amercan made motorcycle) ??? ask them why all there wheels now come from China, and NOT Alcoa on Havard rd. in Cleveland ? Alcoa just lost them last month !!!

04-13-2009, 04:15 PM
"Son this world is rough and if a man's going to make it he's got to be tough"

Johnny Cash in "A Boy Named Sue"

Tells a good story, but I don't recall if the father and son got along years later... I've only heard that song a few times.

04-13-2009, 08:34 PM
My name is Sue! How do you do?

04-14-2009, 10:47 AM
Was it Ronnie Regan who said "A recession is when your neighbor gets laid off and a depression is when you get laid off."

It's all in one's perspective.
The early 80's were much worse then this. We lost real jobs, real industries we will never get back. This one hurts, but most of the money lost was on paper or bits and bytes. Most of the jobs will come back when the economy turns around. These problems were caused by unadulterated greed on Wall Street.