View Full Version : Proud Veteran

04-16-2009, 05:57 AM
Say what you will but, it makes me very sad that our Gov't would even think to classify any veteran this way. It casts a bad light on all of us.
Shame on you Janet Napolitano. Will this message be monitored and put me in a risk group?
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/...vr-vwD97J67100 (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iY4U7grAdfoZTwVsntWagLqv r-vwD97J67100)

04-16-2009, 06:12 AM
Our politicans are nothing, but selfrightous hipocritical criminals.

04-16-2009, 06:22 AM
"...Glen M. Gardner Jr., national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, disputed claims that Homeland Security analysts were describing veterans as terror threats.
"The report should have been worded differently, but it made no blanket accusation that every soldier was capable of being a traitor like Benedict Arnold, or every veteran could be a lone wolf, homegrown terrorist like Timothy McVeigh," said Gardner, a Marine veteran from Round Rock, Texas. " It was just an assessment about possibilities that could take place."

If the commander of the VFW took this stance, then I don't think we are getting the entire story, as usual in politics...

I am in no way "fond" of some of our government's practices, but it may have been taken out of context like most statements are when there are partisan views...

04-16-2009, 08:07 AM
All this uproar is more political BS. From what Ive heard the report issued by Homeland Security to law enforcement was an intel overview on possible threats from all directions, including right wing extremists. These reports come out all the time, its just some political hacks currently on the outs are trying to get mileage out of this report. As both a veteran and a retired LEO I would like to add that being a veteran doesnt exactly excuse anyone from being a nutcase, ie McVeigh, Nichols, Oswald, Whitman ect... No government agency is "anti-veteran".

04-16-2009, 10:19 AM
Watch Lou Dobbs, get the real deal, this is old news. Not saying don't post it, but I'm already over it. The info was compiled by a "group", given to another "group", who gave it to another "group", who leaked it after they didn't agree with it. I would like to thank them for it, it deserves a lot of peoples attention. There are men and women who are all military, all day. House decorated with awards, all they talk is military, super proud to have served and don't change once they retire. Those people have GOT to be pissed to be lumped in with terrorists.