View Full Version : SeAL Motivational Poster

04-16-2009, 05:02 PM

04-16-2009, 05:14 PM
This is making the rounds in the Navy quickly. I received it in an email yesterday too:D

04-16-2009, 05:18 PM
Yeah there arn't a whole lot i get that can be posted here, figured this one is safe enuff to share, lol.

This is making the rounds in the Navy quickly. I received it in an email yesterday too:D

04-16-2009, 06:23 PM
that is one awesome piece of firepower there nice 50cal. and the poster rocks

SC Cheesehead
04-16-2009, 07:19 PM
:2thumbs: You Betcha!!

04-16-2009, 09:40 PM
DONT ****** With the SEALS:2thumbs:

04-17-2009, 06:29 AM
USA, USA, USA!!! Go SEALs... I'm still trying to understand why we don't just, as the old saying goes, "blow them out of the water" when these pirates are encountered. Sending a number of pirate vessels to Davy Jone's Locker ought to send a message loud and clear.

Dr Caleb
04-17-2009, 08:12 AM
I'm still trying to understand why we don't just "blow them out of the water" when these pirates are encountered.

Why can't you use overwhelming military power against a civilian merchant vessel? Think about that one for a bit.

Firstly, it's illegal. No state of war exists between Somalia and the US. Which is why I suggested in the other thread using a 'Letter of Marque' which would allow a private vessel to do just that, but with a specific mandate to only go after Somali flagged vessels in international waters.

Then, it's actually legal. And it doesn't look like you are picking on the neighbourhood 'special needs' kid.

04-17-2009, 10:29 AM
Yessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

04-17-2009, 10:50 AM
Why can't you use overwhelming military power against a civilian merchant vessel? Think about that one for a bit. First off who said they were using 'civilan merchant vessels'? Ever time I seea pic in the news it is always of a small boat, 50ft or less.

Firstly, it's illegal. No state of war exists between Somalia and the US. Which is why I suggested in the other thread using a 'Letter of Marque' which would allow a private vessel to do just that, but with a specific mandate to only go after Somali flagged vessels in international waters. We are not at war with the Somalia Govt. (at least not at this time), but we are at war with the pirates and others that would attack our ships or US citizens.

Then, it's actually legal. And it doesn't look like you are picking on the neighbourhood 'special needs' kid. If the 'special needs kid' is trying to be the block bully someone needs to set him straight.

My answers in red.

04-17-2009, 11:05 AM
Haggis we are not at War with the Somalia Government or the pirates. Read the war powers act of 1973.

O's Fan Rich
04-17-2009, 11:06 AM
and 3 at a time.......

04-17-2009, 11:14 AM
Haggis we are not at War with the Somalia Government or the pirates. Read the war powers act of 1973.

Yes, we are not 'OFFICIALLY' at war with the pirates, but when they attack US vessels and kidnapp US citizens and our military takes out three of them to rescue the hostage; sounds a little like 'war' to me.


04-17-2009, 11:20 AM
Yes, we are not 'OFFICIALLY' at war with the pirates, but when they attack US vessels and kidnapp US citizens and our military takes out three of them to rescue the hostage; sounds a little like 'war' to me.


No my Brother, thats flat out target practice. I bet they had some money on who would split the pumpkin first. After Obama gave the orders all bets were off. Easter Sunday and Bunnies, have a nice day.

04-17-2009, 11:20 AM
Why can't you use overwhelming military power against a civilian merchant vessel? Think about that one for a bit.

Firstly, it's illegal. No state of war exists between Somalia and the US. Which is why I suggested in the other thread using a 'Letter of Marque' which would allow a private vessel to do just that, but with a specific mandate to only go after Somali flagged vessels in international waters.

Then, it's actually legal. And it doesn't look like you are picking on the neighbourhood 'special needs' kid.

One flaw in your logic....

Although it's a "a civilian merchant vessel" there are pirates onboard. I'm sure the SEALs can pickoff the bad guys and leave the "civies" alone.

So what if it's illegal.

Pirating is illegal also.

I say blow them out of the water.

Who's going to stop us?

Dr Caleb
04-17-2009, 03:35 PM
First off who said they were using 'civilan merchant vessels'? Ever time I seea pic in the news it is always of a small boat, 50ft or less.

Exactly. If it's not a flagged warship, it's a Civilian vessel. If they are patrolling their own fisheries, and their own coast, they have that right. If they are taking private yachts and cruse ships hostage, in international waters then they are Pirates. But they are still Civilians.

Without a coast guard to monitor and prevent such illegal activities, Somali fishermen began organizing and arming themselves to confront waste dumpers and to collect fees from foreign vessels taking fish out of their waters. Middleton says what began as a legitimate fight against foreign exploitation turned into a criminal enterprise when everyone discovered its lucrative potential.

"Lots of people who are pirates now are not from coastal villages. They are not fishermen. They are from inside, former militiamen and they are motivated entirely by money. The fact that illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste still goes on in Somalia is excellent PR [public relations] for the pirates. It means that when they capture a ship and they talk to a news organization and say, 'We are just defending Somali waters,' and so on, that plays very well in the communities they need to get support from along the coast," he said.


One flaw in your logic....

Although it's a "a civilian merchant vessel" there are pirates onboard. I'm sure the SEALs can pickoff the bad guys and leave the "civies" alone.

So what if it's illegal.

Pirating is illegal also.

I say blow them out of the water.

Who's going to stop us?

It's not my logic, it's the International law of the Sea.



Ships and aircraft which are entitled to seize on account of piracy

A seizure on account of piracy may be carried out only by warships or military aircraft, or other ships or aircraft clearly marked and identifiable as being on government service and authorized to that effect.


Right of hot pursuit

3. The right of hot pursuit ceases as soon as the ship pursued enters the territorial sea of its own State or of a third State.

5. The right of hot pursuit may be exercised only by warships or military aircraft, or other ships or aircraft clearly marked and identifiable as being on government service and authorized to that effect.

Nowhere is there a right to 'blow them out of the water'.

Pirating is illegal, but they are civilians. Letters of Marque were introduced so that navies do not engage civilian vessels. It was left to private armies, or 'Privateers'.

A merchant vessel in territorial waters is off limits to a foreign navy - but fair game for a Privateer if the Letter of Marque allows it. This is the way it has been done for centuries.

As for, who is going to stop you - no one. But it will be one more answer to the question 'Why do they hate us?'. And so will it be the first time the Pirates put out a vessel not full of Pirates, but women and children.

04-18-2009, 05:41 AM
Dr Caleb, I like your logic on using Privateers to combat the pirates, but it would never work for the USA. The out cry from the half a commies in our country would be unbelieveable.

As far as blowing them out of the water, if it is observed that the vessel, regardless of size, is carrying armed persons, in a known area of pirate operation, it should be game on, you lose.

Enough is enough. We ARE the 800# Gorilla on the block. Start acting like it and things like this won't happen. Once again, kudos to B HO for sprouting some nuts.

04-18-2009, 06:28 AM

And this is precisely why I love my Barrett ...


04-18-2009, 08:30 AM
Off topic a little, but in the concept of the thread - our Navy! My son Chris informed me he is joining the Marines OCS - what a shock! He never mentioned anything but trying to join the Navy like his brother ('06 USNA). You can not describe the impact of such a decision on a father unless you experience it. Now I'll have two blue stars in the front window.

Glenn :burnout:

Dr Caleb
04-18-2009, 10:50 AM
My son Chris informed me he is joining the Marines OCS - what a shock!
Glenn :burnout:

Congrats! :up:

Dr Caleb
04-18-2009, 11:14 AM
Dr Caleb, I like your logic on using Privateers to combat the pirates, but it would never work for the USA. The out cry from the half a commies in our country would be unbelieveable.

As far as blowing them out of the water, if it is observed that the vessel, regardless of size, is carrying armed persons, in a known area of pirate operation, it should be game on, you lose.

Enough is enough. We ARE the 800# Gorilla on the block. Start acting like it and things like this won't happen. Once again, kudos to B HO for sprouting some nuts.

I understand the anger. But the law of the sea does not allow that. A Navy vessel can intercept, and detain, and ship them back to the country of the flagged vessel that was attacked for prosecution under local laws . . . but they cannot kill unless lives are in danger. A Privateer can put everyone off the ship at the nearest port and keep the ship as spoils, or sink it. Much more satisfying. And one less pirate ship to deal with.

Our destroyers in the area are faced with exactly the same problems, we intercept up to 4 pirate vessels a day. The pirates know better that to go toe to toe with our guys, as we will seize their vessels and ship them off to some of the nastiest jails on earth. Somalia might be a failed state, but Chad and Ethiopia are willing to accept Somali pirates. And nothing says 'we care' like a 3rd world jail.

You guys are the 800 pound gorilla, but if you become the prison yard bullies, anyone in prison will tell you that it will simply be 7 or 8 200 pound gorillas that jump you in the showers. I've had experience with Somalis and they are an odd bunch. They don't like authority, and if you kill one, 10 show up out of nowhere with AK's. And if you kill those 10, 100 show up with AKs and RPGs. And those 100 lead to 1000 . . . look at the history of any country who has tried to 'tame' the Somalis.

It's better if we just push them back to their own waters, and leave them alone.

04-19-2009, 03:39 PM
This is one of the posts that started with a statment that end with a lot of thought. I feel more infomed on the situation in Somali. And I liked the fact that it was a intelligent thread. Thank You all this thread is one of the best threads I've read.

04-19-2009, 05:00 PM
One of the 3 things the US Navy does is "keep the sea lanes open for traffic", pirates hinder that, kill all pirates.
200 miles off the coast of Somalia in a fast moving boat full of Somalians? Pirates. Kill all pirates. If they are hopelessly adrift or migrating, they won't be chasing you for help.
But what if there are women and children you say? Well, the 4th pirate that didn't get shot was estimated to be what, 16? They should have cut off his head and put it on a spike, ala Blackbeard's fate.
He also said about the saved Captain "We should have killed him when we had the chance, we will know better next time." See? That is the dichotomy of a criminal. Instead of normal person saying "Crap, I got caught, I'm going to do right from now on.", the criminal doesn't think that way, thier thoughts split from I got caught to how I will not get caught again. Somalia is a third world crap hole, they will not change, and that's all there is to it. They have been doing this crap for generations, and it will take generations to change it, if ever. Hell, we couldn't even bribe them to stop, they get paid too much in ransoms!! That's what needs to stop. Brief case full of loot? How bout brief case full of nuke. Or better, just bring them all here so they can live the American dream. Oh wait, Minnesota alone let in 20,000 at one time about 10 years ago, I guess that was a good start. Pffft.

Dr Caleb
04-20-2009, 09:04 AM
I feel more infomed on the situation in Somali. And I liked the fact that it was a intelligent thread. Thank You all this thread is one of the best threads I've read.

I hope I don't come off as 'preachy'. I hate people like that. ;)



Just more food for thought.

04-20-2009, 01:43 PM
This would take care of the Somali problem nicely:


SC Cheesehead
03-29-2010, 07:25 AM
Here's another one I just had passed along to me:

Egon Spengler
03-29-2010, 07:35 AM
Ohhhhh SEEEEAAAAAAL! My mistake

03-29-2010, 07:46 AM
Thats just awsome ......

03-29-2010, 09:15 AM
"to the shores of Tripoli"

SC Cheesehead
03-29-2010, 09:27 AM
"to the shores of Tripoli"

Roger, that!

03-29-2010, 10:25 AM
You guys are the 800 pound gorilla, but if you become the prison yard bullies, anyone in prison will tell you that it will simply be 7 or 8 200 pound gorillas that jump you in the showers. I've had experience with Somalis and they are an odd bunch. They don't like authority, and if you kill one, 10 show up out of nowhere with AK's. And if you kill those 10, 100 show up with AKs and RPGs. And those 100 lead to 1000 . . . look at the history of any country who has tried to 'tame' the Somalis.

This is true... Anyone remember the Battle of Mogadishu aka Black Hawk Down?




03-29-2010, 10:35 AM
Off topic a little, but in the concept of the thread - our Navy! My son Chris informed me he is joining the Marines OCS - what a shock! He never mentioned anything but trying to join the Navy like his brother ('06 USNA). You can not describe the impact of such a decision on a father unless you experience it. Now I'll have two blue stars in the front window.

Glenn :burnout:

Off topic or not I wish you and your son's the best.