View Full Version : People suck!

04-16-2009, 06:34 PM
Coming home today in bumper to bumper traffic my lane came to an end with a bunch of cones and a stalled pickup. I put my left signal on and after a truck and trailer passed I saw some room and started to move over. Then this guy in a red F150 come flying up horns blasting like I cut him off. I thought he was being nice and letting me in but I guess I was wrong. Then he paints himself to my bumper. As soon as we get past the stall I get back in the right lane. Here comes F150 right on my butt. I stretch my legs a little to get some room and he's still gaining on me. Now I'm thinking he's either gonna hit me to teach me a lesson or follow me off the highway and start an altercation. Either way I'm not sticking around. As my exit was coming up I thought for sure he'd follow me but instead I see him writing down my plate number. I'm sure he's going to report me as some kind of wreckless driver but he was scarring the crap out of me. I haven't had a ticket in over 18 years and only one accident too. I just hope the police understand my side of the story if they contact me.

04-16-2009, 06:47 PM
Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong.:dunno: Crap drivers like that are all over this area. This morning some bum was doing about 30 in the left hand lane for blocks and blocks, whole line of us slowly going by in the right lane, I had cruise set at the speed limit, 35, (lots o' schools round here) and as I am creeping past he decides to edge over into my lane. I hit the horn but not the brakes, keep putzing along, a-hole speeds up and jerks at me this time puts both passenger tires in my lane. I slam the horn this time, but again, not the brakes. I was last in line, he could have easily maintained 30 and just fell in behind me but nnnnnoooooooooo. He finally realized I wasn't scared and fell in behind me and turned a couple hundred feet after that. Now I ask you, what kind of r-tard does that? If i'd hit the brakes and let him over, just to have him turn in front of me, I'd have been livid. Stupid people are everywhere, not just in your area.;)

04-16-2009, 06:48 PM
I wouldn't worry about the incident.
In this case if there was any violation it has to be witnessed by a Police Officer in order to take any legal action.
Glad you kept your cool.

04-16-2009, 06:55 PM
What an ass whole ….I wouldn’t worry about it. Sounds like a PMSing driver. He is probably having his period. :D

04-17-2009, 03:46 AM
He figgered you were an old timer in a tricked out MGM.......pickin' on old folks is a favorite pastime for A$$HATS!!!:rolleyes:

Worry NOT.....you will hear nothing more from this IDIOT!!:shake:

Paul T. Casey
04-17-2009, 04:05 AM
Only read the title, and quite frankly, I'm glad that some people suck, and quite well I might add.

04-17-2009, 04:07 AM

04-17-2009, 04:18 AM
Can't prove squat, cop has to witness you doing the deed. Anybody can call in a complaint, I'd say the F150 is the perp for tailgating at those speeds. My reaction to cars "drafting" me at any speed is to take my foot OFF the gogo pedal and coast.Go around or go slow. I don't take up room in the passing lanes unless I am passing.Just my .02 worth.

Mike Poore
04-17-2009, 04:35 AM
Not to worry you unnecessarily; but perhaps he is a cop or is employed by them, and runs your plate, planning on looking you up later. You know what the truck looks likes, just keep your eyes peeled for it showing up in your neighborhood. Even though it's a small number, there are vindictive jerks carrying badges, y'know.

Most likely, though the nut case will find someone else to vent upon in the next few minutes, or go home and beat up his wife/kids, and kick the dog, then forget all about you. ;)

04-17-2009, 05:16 AM
I would not sweat it you will never hear anything back POlice will tell him there is nothing they can do! I have some crazy &^^&% driving like a fool on the interstate I just gave her a look she was in & out of diff lanes and cutting people off. Well I live in the country and as I found out she also lived out there she passing me at a stop sign well Iam not one to let things go sometimes so when she proceed to pass me (in my wifes taurus 24vDoHC motor runs good) I step on it and were side by side she is not letting out of it and here comes oncoming traffic and she is in there lane I back off and stay right behind her about a mile down the road she makes a left Iam so mad by now I follow to give her a piece of mty mind she pulls into a driveway I pull in behind her then I hear screeching tires I look back and here come her BF to save the day I jump out of my vehicle and he comes running up to my car I say whats up youre little GF just almost killed about 5 people he has a large pipe in his hand and he says what is youre F-in problem quickly I grabe the pipe from his hand and say DO you want to get hit with this pipe? Dont run up to someones veh with a weapon yelling unless you plan on using it by now the BF is shaking I throw the pipe about 50yards and proceed to drive thru there yeard to leave as he is behind my car well I guess he followed me home about 10 minutes later the county sherrif is knocking on my door Iam dumbfounded this guy came at me with a weapon and I took it from him now Iam gonna get in trouble WTF cop talks to me for 10 minutes and says that is not the story there are telling him I say of course there not gonna tell you the truth. But what Iam telling is the cold hard truth. Cop finish by saying he will be writing a report and send to PA and IT may not go anywhere up to the prosecuted attorney well That was over a 1 1/2 ago and never heard anything back so something this small you will be fine I usssually dont have a temper that bad but it was a really bad day at work. This guy was about 5'3" and about 115 lbs Iam 6'4" and about 200 I think after I got out of the car he knew it was not a fair match it just P^^^^* me off that he thought when I saw that pipe I would turn around and run but he figured wrong that is not in my personallitty! which has gotten me in trouble in the past mostly when I was younger and no wife and kids to take care of.

Egon Spengler
04-17-2009, 05:30 AM
Tell them that you had room and he accelerated up on your a$$... Tell them he was tailgating you and driving erratically and that you feared for your life so you decided to put some distance between the two of you and when you got off the highway you were going to call in the road rage, but he stayed on the highway. You probably won't be getting a call though. I bet he never even called it in.

04-17-2009, 05:37 AM
I'm more of a mind the idiot is going to your dmv or a cop friend and get your name and address and pay your car a visit in the middle of the night,or get stupid with you or your property.You might want to stop a cop and explain the situation to him and ask if you can have the dmv deny giving your info to anyone due to the incident.

04-17-2009, 05:44 AM
Yet another example of how NASCAR has ruined driving in America. Everyone thinks they own a 'race' car and everyone thinks they need to be competitive and everyone thinks 'rubbin is racin'.

Your experience is typical and happens to me 3-4 times a day in my 45 minute commute. The Marauder's power and agility have gotten me out of more than one idiot's way!

04-17-2009, 07:35 PM
Nothing happened yet. Thankfully both my cars are in the garage all of the time and I can see my car from my cube and I keep it covered there too.

04-17-2009, 08:20 PM
Nothing happened yet. Thankfully both my cars are in the garage all of the time and I can see my car from my cube and I keep it covered there too.

the driver cant do anything. the time has passed and there wasnt any cameras im sure so there is nothing they can say. they have no proof of nothing. word of mouth isnt good if police didnt see it. so no need to hide

04-19-2009, 10:41 AM
I'm more of a mind the idiot is going to your dmv or a cop friend and get your name and address and pay your car a visit in the middle of the night,or get stupid with you or your property.You might want to stop a cop and explain the situation to him and ask if you can have the dmv deny giving your info to anyone due to the incident.

Your DMV gives out personal details????

If we report a plate, we get nothing. Only the police file will have personal info pulled for the plates, and you never get access to that. I'd think just giving out info to anyone about a plate is borderline crazy! What if a stalker used it to find/hurt someone. Would the DMV be partially liable in a court of law?:confused:

Oh yeah, see my avatar?:)

04-19-2009, 07:31 PM
Riding with the Posse we hear a lot of citizen's calls to the Sheriff's Office about other drivers. Dispatch sends a deputy who tries to make contact. Sometimes contact is made and an "HBO" is usually called in a few minutes later. Unless the driver/car has violations that need to be handled the party is "talked to".

(HBO = handled by officer)