View Full Version : My milestone

04-24-2009, 06:50 AM
Well its been just over a year now for me and i've met alot of great people from here! I've put countless dollars in mod money! And last year was the first I ever showed and raced my baby!!!!!!

Thanks to all for putting up with me for so long, even after meeting me in person LOL!!!

Thanks for helping me out with knowledge on the mods, and how to use them at the track!

Thanks for helping me gather some balls and take it to car shows and actually get an award!!!

I can't believe that i'm still married after 3000 post counts!!!!!

Now she hates the car and this laptop:lol:but she still deals with me.

Thanks everyone, Bob

HOO HOO................FIVE FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-24-2009, 06:53 AM
Well its been just over a year now for me and i've met alot of great people from here! I've put countless dollars in mod money! And last year was the first I ever showed and raced my baby!!!!!!

Thanks to all for putting up with me for so long, even after meeting me in person LOL!!!

Thanks for helping me out with knowledge on the mods, and how to use them at the track!

Thanks for helping me gather some balls and take it to car shows and actually get an award!!!

I can't believe that i'm still married after 3000 post counts!!!!!

Now she hates the car and this laptop:lol:but she still deals with me.

Thanks everyone, Bob

HOO HOO................FIVE FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say after meeting you in Kentucky is; the next time you shower use soap and water. :lol:

04-24-2009, 06:56 AM
Bob your wife must know my wife as I get the same flack. You learn to duck or change the subject of the car when it comes up:rofl:

It was good to meet you(and the rest of the gang) in Looseville this year:up:

Keep up the good work!

04-24-2009, 06:59 AM
Way to go biscuits! :up:

Ms. Denmark
04-24-2009, 07:13 AM
Bob, anyone with a sense of humor and a Marauder is my kind of guy. You've got both! You can stay.:D lol

04-24-2009, 08:45 AM
HOO HOO................FIVE FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your 5th Flag. :up: Get used to it ... 'cause there ain't no higher level.

Was nice to meet you in Louisville, KY. :D

Ms. Denmark
04-24-2009, 09:39 AM
You gotta find a way to get the wife involved in your "hobby". My guess is that if she came along and met your cyber friends in person she would be hooked too. Take Mr. Man as an example. Yes, he did encourage me to buy my Marauder, but at first wasn't sure about all the "people" that came with it once I got on the site. He's been out to every meet I've attended, knows you guys by name and really enjoys the friendships we've made. It's something we can enjoy together. The whole thing....cars and people....are addicting. (In a good way) Bring her to Indy!;)

04-24-2009, 09:47 AM
Not too sure INDY is a possibility anymore. I haven't worked in a month(hence all the posting lately) and that alone will take a good while to catch up on.:(

She's just never been very social is all, but your right on one thing, the ones she has met she has liked alot. And she used to take to car addictions (four Camaro's in the past) but with the kids, it has seemed to disapear.:(

She does still have a great interest in building a kit dream coupe someday when the money is there and the kids are out. And honestly I hope that day doesn't come to quick.:beer:

Ms. Denmark
04-24-2009, 11:57 AM
Hey Bob, I hear ya on the "not working" deal. I'm posting a lot more too. Thank God for cyber friends! ;) Keep the faith.:)

04-24-2009, 12:11 PM
Bob, anyone with a sense of humor and a Marauder is my kind of guy. You've got both! You can stay.:D lol
I don't know...........sense of humor..............uh......... ..never seen it. ;)
5 flags in a year, the wifie is a little right me thinks. :eek:

05-02-2009, 12:16 PM
Now she hates the car and this laptop but she still deals with me. "Justbob"

Congrats... BTW Bob, my strong arms will hold you tight if she ever lets you go!

05-04-2009, 05:12 PM
you do need to bring your wifey out to events. she did not seam to be antisocial when i went to your house. im sure if you do bring her out she will let up on you and your love for mm.net.