View Full Version : incline parking

04-27-2009, 08:02 AM
can parking your car on a steep incline (backed in/nose down) effect anything under the hood, internally? :confused:

04-27-2009, 08:07 AM
can parking your car on a steep incline (backed in/nose down) effect anything under the hood, internally? :confused:

Your kidding right? :shake::shake::shake::shake:

If your :confused: maybe you should be riding a bicycle.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-27-2009, 08:09 AM
My friend had an early 90's cadillac deville with a plastic baffle assembly in the fuel tank that broke loose and was moving around. When he parked in a certain way on hills, with less than a certain amount of fuel in the tank, we wouldn't be able to start the car and we'd have to reposition it. Thats about all I have ever heard of re: parking on inclines and a car functioning

04-27-2009, 08:15 AM
can parking your car on a steep incline (backed in/nose down) effect anything under the hood, internally? :confused:

No, only when you park upside-down...


04-27-2009, 08:16 AM
only an idiot responds with a slick comment.
..sad u took seconds out of your life to type that and no one laughed. maybe you should consider riding one you might feel better about yourself.

04-27-2009, 08:17 AM
No, only when you park upside-down...


..im sure

04-27-2009, 08:18 AM
My friend had an early 90's cadillac deville with a plastic baffle assembly in the fuel tank that broke loose and was moving around. When he parked in a certain way on hills, with less than a certain amount of fuel in the tank, we wouldn't be able to start the car and we'd have to reposition it. Thats about all I have ever heard of re: parking on inclines and a car functioning

would you know where our assembly are in the tanks?

04-27-2009, 08:26 AM
only an idiot responds with a slick comment.
..sad u took seconds out of your life to type that and no one laughed. maybe you should consider riding one you might feel better about yourself.

I ride one at least 2 or 3 times a week.......

I don't ask stupid questions.

04-27-2009, 08:36 AM
I ride one at least 2 or 3 times a week.......

I don't ask stupid questions.

exactly why i dont need to ride one seems like itll make someone reply with idiot responces. u reply with stupid answers. it takes a stupid person to know what a stupid question is. Questions are asked on this site for info. and if you weren't too busy trying to feel good you would have seen someone actually replied with having an issue pertaining to what i asked so if that's a stupid question take more time out of your bike riding life posting stupid stuff on everyone's questions. because they all have asked for info.

until then im done replying wasting my time posting to you. :flamer:

Blk Mamba
04-27-2009, 08:36 AM
Depending on how heavy, I've heard of big cars, slipping the parking paw and moving. I have never seen this happen, BTW if you are concerned, use the parking brake.

04-27-2009, 08:55 AM
Depending on how heavy, I've heard of big cars, slipping the parking paw and moving. I have never seen this happen, BTW if you are concerned, use the parking brake.

yet another INFORMATIVE reply!

yes i do use my parking brake. just wondering if there would be any other concerns. the incline was pretty steep, wasn't the average

04-27-2009, 08:58 AM
I know when I park my Marauder...and a few other cars on an incline...or decline...lol...when I put it in gear it makes a clunking sound. So if the fluid is not level for a long period of time I think it will just be a rough shift...nothing more.

04-27-2009, 09:15 AM
I know when I park my Marauder...and a few other cars on an incline...or decline...lol...when I put it in gear it makes a clunking sound. So if the fluid is not level for a long period of time I think it will just be a rough shift...nothing more.

...yet another INFORMATIVE reply!

Joe Walsh
04-27-2009, 09:56 AM
I know when I park my Marauder...and a few other cars on an incline...or decline...lol...when I put it in gear it makes a clunking sound. So if the fluid is not level for a long period of time I think it will just be a rough shift...nothing more.

That could be the parking 'pin'.
It will cause a clunking noise when it is under a heavy load (weight of car on incline) and is pulled out of "Park" and into "Drive".

Park (P) – This selection mechanically locks the transmission, restricting the car from moving in any direction. A parking pawl prevents the transmission—and therefore the vehicle—from moving, although the vehicle's non-drive wheels may still spin freely. For this reason, it is recommended to use the hand brake (or parking brake) because this actually locks (in most cases) the rear wheels and prevents them from moving. This also increases the life of the transmission and the park pin mechanism, because parking on an incline with the transmission in park without the parking brake engaged will cause undue stress on the parking pin. An efficiently-adjusted hand brake should also prevent the car from moving if a worn selector accidentally drops into reverse gear during early morning fast-idle engine warmups.

Joe Walsh
04-27-2009, 09:59 AM
I know of friends who off-road their trucks on some serious inclines, and occasionally they will uncover the oil pump's pick up tube from the oil in the pan.
They know when this happens, due to '0' psi on the oil pressure gauge and the valves/lifters start to clatter because they have no oil....:eek:

04-27-2009, 10:02 AM
can parking your car on a steep incline (backed in/nose down) effect anything under the hood, internally? :confused:
I park mine nose down in my driveway almost every day. That's about a 10% grade -- 1 foot drop for 10 foot run). No problems noted in more than 5 years. Any steeper than that and I'd worry about rain and the tailpipes in heavy blowing rain/thunderstorms.

04-27-2009, 02:13 PM
In the parking garage where I work, about half the garage is made up of spaces on the up/down ramps (which are kinda steep) and the other half of the garage is flat spaces (no incline).

My crackpot theory is that since I park here five days a week, and start up cold at the end of each day, it's better to park on the flat end of the garage just in case. I'm no mechanic, but I wonder if maybe the first few seconds things could be a little dry (oil-wise) if I parked on a steep incline as opposed to parked on a level surface.

I drive all the way up to the eighth floor so that I can park amongst the empty spaces to cut down on door dings. I figure the little extra effort will save me cash in the long run. Might as well park on the flat end too. :)

04-27-2009, 02:40 PM
I know when I park my Marauder...and a few other cars on an incline...or decline...lol...when I put it in gear it makes a clunking sound. So if the fluid is not level for a long period of time I think it will just be a rough shift...nothing more.


Usually, when I park on an incline or decline, I first put the car in Neutral with foot on brake pedal, then apply then Parking Brake, then let off the brake pedal (the car will roll an inch or two until the Parking Brake grabs) and then put the car in Park. This [usually] puts most of the weight/stress on the Parking Brake rather than the Transmission.

Just my procedure...

04-27-2009, 02:56 PM
Depending on how heavy, I've heard of big cars, slipping the parking paw and moving. I have never seen this happen, BTW if you are concerned, use the parking brake.

I used to have this problem often parking in my driveway after I had a rebuild trans installed in my Lincoln. Had to shove the shifter hard into "P" to keep it from slipping. Before I realized this, I had placed a jack stand behind the front wheel to keep it from rolling... Forgot about it the next morning... CRUNCH

04-27-2009, 03:13 PM
I can't say for sure what happens to a Grand Marquis - but nothing bad happens to a Mercury Marauder when parked that way. You're asking the wrong forums.

04-27-2009, 03:37 PM
thanks for all of the GOOD info

04-27-2009, 03:39 PM
my family has a shop in hollywood and in dade county. we build drag cars but do work on other performance cars and trucks. what are you looking to get done??

For someone whose family is that deep into mechanics, you sure do ask some odd questions. Even basic install questions (on simple bolt ons :eek:). Did your family ban you from their shop or something cause I thought you would be teaching us a thing or two since many here are deep into drag racing.

ALL of us learn here so I mean no offense. In fact, some members have had their Marauders for almost 6 yrs. and been here almost that long too and yet STILL learn from this great site.

Just found it odd and I really mean no disrespect.

04-27-2009, 03:44 PM
The answer given by Joe Walsh is exactly right. You don't hear anyone talk about this type of parking affecting the transmission anymore. But many years ago, it was common knowledge. And the technique used by W4LTD was what was taught as the proper way to park on an incline, as well as turning the front wheels so that if the car did roll, it would quickly bump the curb and hopefully that would lessen the chance that the car would roll down the hill. If this technique wasn't used, you would usually have a hard time getting the tranny in gear, and when it did go in gear, it would make a very loud Clunk sound.

Joe Walsh
04-27-2009, 03:58 PM

Usually, when I park on an incline or decline, I first put the car in Neutral with foot on brake pedal, then apply then Parking Brake, then let off the brake pedal (the car will roll an inch or two until the Parking Brake grabs) and then put the car in Park. This [usually] puts most of the weight/stress on the Parking Brake rather than the Transmission.

Just my procedure...

Mine too!

You don't hear anyone talk about this type of parking affecting the transmission anymore. But many years ago, it was common knowledge. And the technique used by W4LTD was what was taught as the proper way to park on an incline, as well as turning the front wheels so that if the car did roll, it would quickly bump the curb and hopefully that would lessen the chance that the car would roll down the hill. If this technique wasn't used, you would usually have a hard time getting the tranny in gear, and when it did go in gear, it would make a very loud Clunk sound.

I had forgotten about this!....I was taught the 'turn your wheels towards the curb' method by my uncle who lived in hilly Scranton, Pa.

04-27-2009, 08:35 PM
For someone whose family is that deep into mechanics, you sure do ask some odd questions. Even basic install questions (on simple bolt ons :eek:). Did your family ban you from their shop or something cause I thought you would be teaching us a thing or two since many here are deep into drag racing.

ALL of us learn here so I mean no offense. In fact, some members have had their Marauders for almost 6 yrs. and been here almost that long too and yet STILL learn from this great site.

Just found it odd and I really mean no disrespect.

last i checked i could ask whatever i pleased, its not a dumb question. and many times i could be asking the question for someone else. and if anyone read the post i said my FAMILY builds them not me. i could help by contacts and any info i knew and to rewind on top of that i came from chevy motors. im clueless when it comes to ford motors and panthers etc. ive said this before. so "banned from the shop" i think not try again. if i knew it all i wouldnt be on here. many here may be into drag racing im not my chevy was a play toy more of a show car with a huge motor. my MGM was my knock around car i only cleaned it up cuz all of my MM friends talked so highly of the cars potential. im not looking to get race knowledge clone no MM or nothing im jus looking to make the bastard run better then the snail it was and help who ever i could if its for me or a friend who asks me and if i dont know so i ask you all. if its a problem to anyone dont click to open it move on with your life and find something else to look into. so no disrespect taken petty stuff or people will never get to me

04-27-2009, 08:41 PM
I know when I park my Marauder...and a few other cars on an incline...or decline...lol...when I put it in gear it makes a clunking sound. So if the fluid is not level for a long period of time I think it will just be a rough shift...nothing more.

It makes a clunking sound because you MUST put the parking brake on when parking on an incline or decline. That clunking sound is your transmission transitioning harshly into drive, your grinding and shearing off metal from your transmission everytime you hear that clunk/harsh grinding noise just by putting the car from Park to Drive on a hill when you don't use the e-brake on a hill.

Try to park your car even on the steepest hill, it doesnt matter. When you stop to park, when you come to a complete stop, put on the parking brake WHILE your foot is still on the footbrake, then put the car in Park. Then hold the foot brake, release the parking brake, put the car into Drive and you won't hear or feel that harsh grind!!

For all automatic cars, when you park on a hill, you need to put on the parking emergency brake that way you dont break your transmission. This is especially important, trust me as many owners dont read their owners manual and don't understand the importance of this. They think that the parking brake is only for a feeling of "added security" when parking on a hill. No thats not true, it is also for the safety of your transmission. More transmissions break from this then from harsh driving in my opinion as I've seen many cases especially in japanese cars.

My friends honda accord ex-L v6 2004 case was so severe, the car made extremely loud clunking/grinding noises when parking on a hill without the parking brake as hes never used the e-brake. As soon as I told him about the parking brake, the noise completely disapeared just as if you parked on a level surface. Unfortunately, his transmission had experienced so much grinding and shearing that he needed to replace the Tranny for $3,500!! Of course there are also other factors possible to this, but just letting you guys know!

04-27-2009, 08:44 PM
I think if you park on a hill your driveshaft can snap into 16th's

04-27-2009, 09:12 PM
I think if you park on a hill your driveshaft can snap into 16th's

If they were made out of twigs! :lol:

04-27-2009, 09:13 PM
If they were made out of twigs! :lol:
its actually a banana, tell me how a maintained 130mph feels thru your driveline :D

SC Cheesehead
04-28-2009, 01:33 AM
last i checked i could ask whatever i pleased, its not a dumb question. and many times i could be asking the question for someone else. and if anyone read the post i said my FAMILY builds them not me. i could help by contacts and any info i knew and to rewind on top of that i came from chevy motors. im clueless when it comes to ford motors and panthers etc. ive said this before. so "banned from the shop" i think not try again. if i knew it all i wouldnt be on here. many here may be into drag racing im not my chevy was a play toy more of a show car with a huge motor. my MGM was my knock around car i only cleaned it up cuz all of my MM friends talked so highly of the cars potential. im not looking to get race knowledge clone no MM or nothing im jus looking to make the bastard run better then the snail it was and help who ever i could if its for me or a friend who asks me and if i dont know so i ask you all. if its a problem to anyone dont click to open it move on with your life and find something else to look into. so no disrespect taken petty stuff or people will never get to me

Ummmmm, maybe it's time for a :pill:.....:rolleyes:.