View Full Version : Insurance questions

04-29-2009, 12:42 PM
Alright as many of you know I most likely totaled my Marauder last Friday. I have a few questions about the claims process as I have never had anything but repair work. My other accidents were without another vehicle involved so I was at fault.

Here is the situation, I t-boned this guy when he made an illegal left turn in front of me. The car is insured but it is his Mom's car, and she is the only person on the insurance policy. He does not have a license and from looking his record up online has done this type of thing many times before. He received 2 tickets and 2 witnesses say it was completely his fault

Now it has been 5 days since the accident we are both covered by Geico so should be no problem right. Well no one has even been to look at my car, his Mom is cooperating but they have not been able to speak with him so they cannot start the claims process.

I have to file against my policy to get the ball rolling if I want it done any time soon. Geico told me that I may never recoup my deductible because they may not be able to get in touch with this guy or something.

Does this sound like I will need to get a lawyer and sue my own insurance? $500 is $500 regardless of whose policy I have to file against. What can I do to push the issue with them and get them to start the process of filing against the other policy.

I don't want any money just my doctors bills paid and car totaled out without losing my deductible or my rates going up.

It is public record that this guy has a ton of driving violations. The Mom knowingly let her son drive without a license even though he was arrested 4 months ago for it the day after he got out of jail.

04-29-2009, 06:47 PM
You've made a claim against the other vehicle owner's policy, right? And you have a police report.

Call Geico and start going up the chain. Whoever you talked to before - now you want his supervisor.

Geico has a fiduciary responsibility to take care of you only if you file a claim against your own policy. I was very surprised when this was explained to me. But if your insurance company isn't making a payment based on your policy it is under no obligation to help you collect from the other party.

Where there's a claim with both parties insured by the same company, my insurance company waives the deductible. Geico may and may not have the same policy.

There is probably a state agency which regulates insurance. File a complaint. The worst that can happen is they tell you it's not a violation.

It will cost more than $500 to pay an attorney to help you collect. You might be screwed if Geico decides it is $500 in their favor to make you pay the deductible.

04-29-2009, 07:13 PM
You had an accident, and as long as you are not deamed at fault via the police incident report, you should be golden. If he made an illegal turn in front of you then that should be in the report and a ticket should have been given to the party at fault. The key thing here is the incident report.

04-30-2009, 03:05 AM
I would not sue my Insurance Co. as this will show on your record and may very well end up costing you more down the road!

You would think with both parties under tha same Insurance Co. the process would be would be steamlined in getting this resolved.

Keep making phone calls to Geico and run it up the flag pole gaining attention.

This may be your best option?

I don't understand why Geico is holding off because they cannot reach him. They can reach her correct?

It should be Geico's responsibility to work for YOU in getting this resolved.

Keep us posted please?

Good luck!


04-30-2009, 04:41 AM
This is my plan of action:
If I don't hear from my adjuster today by 9:30 I am calling her boss. I'm also calling the adjuster for the other policy. Gonna climb the ladder until I get some good answers.

Plan on contacting state agency because apparently when my wife called yesterday Geico told her they cannot start the claims process until the other driver has been interviewed. Florida state law suppossedly.

Well this guy is not going to give an interview because public records show he got out of Jail in November for guess what driving without a license and DUI. The very next day after he was released he was cited again for driving without a license. This case just closed at the beginning of April. This guys was swearing up and down he was going to jail. He has a record for things like this since he was 17 and now he is 32. His Mom let him drive knowing all of this and Geico is saying that they cannot process the claim on her policy until they do interview or have exhausted all other due processes such as the witnesses, Police report etc...
The have not done any off this yet and have essentially bullied me into filing against my policy telling me I would be reponsible for storage fee at the Tow yard if it was there to long. They wanted me to have it towed and sitting in my driveway and to keep paying on it until this was finished. They also couldn't give me a rental car under thier policy yet until after they had suppossedly contacted him.

When I get in touch with whatever the inusrance regulator agency for the state of Florida is I will be asking questions about this, because it seems they will not go out of their way to get in conatct with this guy. What I mean is do more than pick up the phone.

I feel bullied and pissed and I will be changing insurance carriers as soon as this is done. I have been with Geico for about 15 years and this is how they treat a customer in good standing, with maximum coverage, vs someone who has basic BS coverage, lets her son illegally drive himself around in her P.O.S. 95 Buick.

04-30-2009, 05:36 AM
Holy crap! Geico suxs...say what you want but thats horseshit....you need a rental NOW you need your car fixed NOW,people pick on me for keeping Allstate but any claim we have ever had was handled fast and efficiently.Here in CT anyways,Of course I live in the birthplace of insurance so that may help.Use the sweet honey approach at first ,but i that don't work take off the mask and show them the Bear.

04-30-2009, 06:09 AM
WOW! I have state farm and have NEVER had an issue with any repair. Geico wanted more than double!

P.S. Do you have the cell phone# to the owner of the branch? I do.

04-30-2009, 08:18 AM
Hmm, Geico treated me well last year when I hit a deer. It sounds like your state law is sticking it to you. Was the mother ticketed for allowing her low son to drive the vehicle? In NYS she would have been. Contact the investigating LEO and see if he can do that. It may asist your claim.

As far as going up the ladder with Geico, DO IT. I had problems with the bodyshop and my wife managed to go way up the food chain in Geico, removing pieces of behind along the way, (she's very good at that) and the problem was fixed forthwith. I had the general manager of the repair company (6 locations) personnaly return my car to me on the 4th of July weekend last year, on his personal time.

04-30-2009, 08:20 AM
WOW! I have state farm and have NEVER had an issue with any repair. Geico wanted more than double!

P.S. Do you have the cell phone# to the owner of the branch? I do.

Must be the difference in states, the State Farm agent I spoke with said to stick with Geico as couldn't come close to their price. ($400 difference for 6 months)

04-30-2009, 10:01 PM
Retain counsol asap!!!!!!!!!!!

05-02-2009, 01:57 PM
Geico is giving you the shaft.I just went through similar situation 2 weeks ago.I parked my second car in a far away spot but a '' Big Dummy'' found it and hit front fender and bumper.Police did report and were witnesses.This was on Sunday.He had State Farm and by the time I went to work the next day at 3PM my car was in the repair shop and I had a rental car.State Farm went overboard to try and please me.The guy who hit me was also from out of state. Two people from my insurance company called and said if the other insurance company gave me any problems they would put some fire under their behinds.A week later I had my car back.They should only have to talk to the mom who has the insurance.I'd say a lawyer was last resort.Change insurance companies. PM me if you have questions.:flamer:

05-05-2009, 12:06 PM
Well it is all totaled out. I sent receipts for various parts that were installed on the car and they pro-rated them. Getting back almost another $2k on top of the total price of the MM.

The claim on the other drivers policy is finally moving forward and they have sent me a check to cover my deductible. They are continuing against the claim on my policy for now as the auto damage portion is nearly finished. It is easier to continue to move forward this way and transfer the claim over after. I should have my checks in a week or so and be ready to start shopping again for a new to me MM. I will also be getting refunds through my lender for my Gap insurance as I don't have to use it with the pay out total and for my wheel and tire warranty package.

I still have to go to therapy for my neck and back for a few more weeks. The only outstanding issue is the accident reaggravated a old injury in my wrist that I had surgery on twice before. It has been fine for 7-8 years with no problems and feels like it was before I had the ligament damage repaired. Again I don't want money just want to be able to play basketball, softball, hit the gym, and work on my car without any problems again. If I can't or it will be a long bad process then we will see.

The problems with the other claim were misstated by the adjuster. It was the driver they had talked to and not the policy holder. That is why they were having problems moving forward with the claim process. They seem to have gotten this worked out and both of our adjusters figured out where each others cubicle is located at in the same office. I sped up the process and sent the police report myself along with a email stating how happy my experience was working with them so far. I told them that I thought the mother was criminally negligent in letting her son drive the car and asked why she hadn't been ticketed also. I also let them know I didn't want to have to take legal action but could and would if needed. This seemed to cheer them up a little bit and their claims adjuster has been a whole lot friendlier and cooperative since then.

I still don't have legal counsel as I'm hoping it will not resort to that but I have talked with a friends attorney. He said even if I did not want to hire a lawyer right away to keep all of my documentation and if needed I still could do it in a few months. I'm trying to avoid it if I can but have a good plan of action if the need arises.

Baaad GN
05-05-2009, 12:20 PM
Hmmm the old neck injury!!!!!!!!!! LOL

05-05-2009, 01:38 PM
You see, Geico can be your friend......just keep that hammer over their head. I had to threaten them with being responsible for paying me an extra $5,000 if they didn't let me have the opportunity to remove my blower. They obliged and then some. They now ask if I'm going to modify my cars. :whistle:

05-07-2009, 03:50 AM
Alright as many of you know I most likely totaled my Marauder last Friday. I have a few questions about the claims process as I have never had anything but repair work. My other accidents were without another vehicle involved so I was at fault.

Here is the situation, I t-boned this guy when he made an illegal left turn in front of me. The car is insured but it is his Mom's car, and she is the only person on the insurance policy. He does not have a license and from looking his record up online has done this type of thing many times before. He received 2 tickets and 2 witnesses say it was completely his fault

Now it has been 5 days since the accident we are both covered by Geico so should be no problem right. Well no one has even been to look at my car, his Mom is cooperating but they have not been able to speak with him so they cannot start the claims process.

I have to file against my policy to get the ball rolling if I want it done any time soon. Geico told me that I may never recoup my deductible because they may not be able to get in touch with this guy or something.

Does this sound like I will need to get a lawyer and sue my own insurance? $500 is $500 regardless of whose policy I have to file against. What can I do to push the issue with them and get them to start the process of filing against the other policy.

I don't want any money just my doctors bills paid and car totaled out without losing my deductible or my rates going up.

It is public record that this guy has a ton of driving violations. The Mom knowingly let her son drive without a license even though he was arrested 4 months ago for it the day after he got out of jail.

i just had an accident on 4/1. car was almost totaled but they fixed it. i was rear ended by a ford excursion, we both have allstate. u first need to get a lawyer and go to the doctor ASAP. use ur PIP (personal injury protection), this pays u for the days u miss out of work and pays for ur healthcare coverage due to the accident up to a certain amount which is located on ur declaration page. mines is up to 2500.

in any accident, the person that was ticketed is always deemed at fault. u can sue them for pain and suffering etc. DO NOT contact ur insurance, let ur lawyer do everything. since the other person is at fault and most likely, their insurance is going to pay for the damages u should NOT have to worry about ur insurance going up.....his mom's may skyrocket tho...lol

05-07-2009, 04:49 AM
Was the guy given a ticket for making the "illegal left turn in front of you"?

05-07-2009, 05:38 AM
Was the guy given a ticket for making the "illegal left turn in front of you"?

either way his lawyer should be able to pull up the case number and see if any tickets were issued.

05-07-2009, 06:05 AM
i just had an accident on 4/1. car was almost totaled but they fixed it. i was rear ended by a ford excursion, we both have allstate. u first need to get a lawyer and go to the doctor ASAP. use ur PIP (personal injury protection), this pays u for the days u miss out of work and pays for ur healthcare coverage due to the accident up to a certain amount which is located on ur declaration page. mines is up to 2500.

in any accident, the person that was ticketed is always deemed at fault. u can sue them for pain and suffering etc. DO NOT contact ur insurance, let ur lawyer do everything. since the other person is at fault and most likely, their insurance is going to pay for the damages u should NOT have to worry about ur insurance going up.....his mom's may skyrocket tho...lol

If you ever wanted confirmation as to why we are now living in a "sue" happy Nation...

The MM owner just wants to be made whole...I believe that you should absolutely be checked out by a Doctor but if a clean bill of health is issued, move on....

I respect how the MM owner is handling the situation. We do not live in a perfect world and regardless of how much of our children's money Obama spends, it NEVER will be...

05-07-2009, 04:55 PM
If you ever wanted confirmation as to why we are now living in a "sue" happy Nation......
Yep, I noticed that too. Far too many people out there looking for "free money" and supplemental income. :rolleyes: