View Full Version : Ricers in my Neighborhood

05-06-2009, 11:39 AM
The neighbors 17 year old daughter has fallen in love with a ricer. I've seen him around a couple of times but never had any issues till now.
I was out in the front yard doing some yard work when I thought I was being attacked by a Bee. I heard this loud annoying buzzing that kept rising and falling off. I looked around and noticed an all grey primered Nissan something or other (naturally been lowered and tinted, with a big assed fin on the back) parked in front of my neighbors house. Then out comes the duaghter and the d bag that is driving the loud annoying car gets out. Ahhh what a tool. Sideways hat, baggy pants, tshirt so long you could use it as a car cover. SHortly after that they turn on the stereo inside the car. I am bombarded with thumps and booms and the sound of his entire car rattling from the bass. This goes on for about 15 minutes. :mad2:Just as I am about to explode and go kill me a ricer they turn it off. Before I finish my yard work they decide to leave, they go out and start the fart can up and rev it for about 10 minutes before finally pulling off. As they drove past me the disgust must have been evident on my face because they waved and displayed a ***** eating grin. Now then, the hooligan in me wants to wait till I see them down there again, fire up the big black car and do a big smokey burnout right next to thier little pi$$can car. :burnout:The police officer in me wants to sit down the street in my squad car and the next time I see them stop them for noise ordinance (stereo and exhaust) and hit them in the pocket book. I know the dad and unfortunatly he is a tool, so I can't really go talk to him. I've been to the house a couple times while working for domestic issues and he was generally at fault. I guess I could talk to the kid the next time I see him and tell him this is a quiet neighborhood and it needs to stay that way.

My question is... What would you guys do?

05-06-2009, 11:43 AM

05-06-2009, 11:44 AM
Get in the police car and THEN do a big smokey burnout! :D

05-06-2009, 11:45 AM
Call DOOM the exterminator :hotrice:
It was probably one of those stupid maximas :flamer:

05-06-2009, 11:48 AM
ALL of the above...let him know you got your eye on him before, during and after work...but dont get too crazy with it, where he can press charges. Am I a mean person...or would I be a bad officer? OH well!!!

05-06-2009, 11:50 AM
Call DOOM the exterminator :hotrice:
It was probably one of those stupid maximas :flamer:

FAIL...stop startin sh!!!!!!!t. probably a sentra!

05-06-2009, 12:07 PM
FAIL...stop startin sh!!!!!!!t. probably a sentra!

Nope I'm pretty sure it was one of those crappy maximas. :down:

05-06-2009, 12:10 PM
Actaully Doom I'm gonna side with her cuz she's cuter, it was a Sentra... Sorry.

05-06-2009, 12:13 PM
Hater. :razz:

05-06-2009, 12:17 PM
Sorry :rolleyes:... Its just that her avatar pics are so much better.

05-06-2009, 12:20 PM
Look at the pretty face in my avatar :D

Egon Spengler
05-06-2009, 12:21 PM
I think we all know how I feel about that!:lovies2:

Sorry :rolleyes:... Its just that her avatar pics are so much better.

05-06-2009, 12:34 PM
I think we all know how I feel about that!:lovies2:

Dude...... I think you need a REALLY cold shower!:D

05-06-2009, 12:48 PM
My question is... What would you guys do?
I would let it go and try my best to ignore the situation. Just smile, wave and bite your tongue. If you have been there on a "domestic" or two already, you already know how sour those deals can turn quickly. No need to turn your property or your MM into a potential target. JMHO.

BTW --- I'd start looking for a different neighborhood.

05-06-2009, 12:51 PM
Go out and talk to the kid and have him show his car to you. You may have more in common than you think! Some of these kids are pretty sharp and know cars. Remember you were that age once and the neighbors talked about you. I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D

05-06-2009, 01:21 PM
I would much rather have my rumbling as the topic of conversation as opposed to my farting...
I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D

05-06-2009, 01:30 PM
I would much rather have my rumbling as the topic of conversation as opposed to my farting...

Knowing pops it was probably a mixture of BOTH. :bounce:


05-06-2009, 02:24 PM

<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 755455" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1>Go out and talk to the kid and have him show his car to you. You may have more in common than you think! Some of these kids are pretty sharp and know cars. Remember you were that age once and the neighbors talked about you. I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D </TD></TR><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>05-06-2009 12:48 PM

I bet hack has the skills to get it done too....I say do what you have been trained to do..turn a neg. into a pos.

05-06-2009, 02:29 PM
Go out and talk to the kid and have him show his car to you. You may have more in common than you think! Some of these kids are pretty sharp and know cars. Remember you were that age once and the neighbors talked about you. I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D

This is probably what will end up happening. I can't be too big of a jerk since they know where I live right? And I was once a kid with a loud car too.. not because I had a fart can, but because the muffler fell off. Maybe I can turn him into a Ford kid and not a Ricer.

05-06-2009, 02:33 PM
Ya explain to him the problem with his muffler. No one ever respects something that sounds like a bee.

05-06-2009, 02:34 PM
This is probably what will end up happening. I can't be too big of a jerk since they know where I live right? And I was once a kid with a loud car too.. not because I had a fart can, but because the muffler fell off. Maybe I can turn him into a Ford kid and not a Ricer.

He only wants someone to listen to him! Good luck and let us know how it turns out.:)

05-06-2009, 02:44 PM
Still want to do a big smokey burn out next to him in the street. :seesaw: ahh the battle of good and evil inside...

05-06-2009, 04:22 PM
Go out and talk to the kid and have him show his car to you. You may have more in common than you think! Some of these kids are pretty sharp and know cars. Remember you were that age once and the neighbors talked about you. I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D
You are completely right pops! I was and still am "one of those guys"!
I bet you two would have more in common than you think.
She must be hot, meatheads like you are describing seem to always get the hotties. Maybe move closer to ugly girls?:dunno:
Offer him a race?:banana2:
Or send him towards me.:D

Thats all I could offer.

05-06-2009, 04:26 PM
Still want to do a big smokey burn out next to him in the street. :seesaw: ahh the battle of good and evil inside...

Invite him along when you do the burnout. :D

05-06-2009, 06:29 PM
pull him over and ticket him 4 the exhaust.

When you get his ID note his address, I bet he still lives at home with mommy and daddy in a decent nieghborhood and all his nieghbors hate him as much as you do.

Take the merc over to his place and leave a pair of black lines right in front of his parents driveway.

If by chance he doesnt live at home with mommy and daddy, then just give him parking tickets every week and then have it towed and impounded.

05-06-2009, 06:38 PM
Actaully Doom I'm gonna side with her cuz she's cuter, it was a Sentra... Sorry.



05-06-2009, 06:40 PM
Go out and talk to the kid and have him show his car to you. You may have more in common than you think! Some of these kids are pretty sharp and know cars. Remember you were that age once and the neighbors talked about you. I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D

fail. if he knew anything he wouldnt put anything besides a stock spoiler on the back of his car...lol

was he of latino descent???

Joe Walsh
05-06-2009, 06:44 PM
I would let it go and try my best to ignore the situation. Just smile, wave and bite your tongue. If you have been there on a "domestic" or two already, you already know how sour those deals can turn quickly. No need to turn your property or your MM into a potential target. JMHO.

BTW --- I'd start looking for a different neighborhood.

I agree with Charlie...you will lose this battle.
Idiots like that don't care about other people's property and will vandalize your property just because 'you hassled them'.
I have morons racing up and down my street all the time, but I refrain from flagging them down and telling them to obey the speed limit and that there are lots of kids playing near the street....I would only be encouraging them to do something bad to my cars or my house.

05-06-2009, 07:01 PM
Go out and talk to the kid and have him show his car to you. You may have more in common than you think! Some of these kids are pretty sharp and know cars. Remember you were that age once and the neighbors talked about you. I know they talked about me at 2 in the morning as I was rumbling down the street!:D

Ditto what John says,the kid isn't necessarily a punk just because of his clothing style,taste in music and cars or his parents.You've had 17 years to raise your daughter to have good thought processes and horse sense,do you think if he was a punk she'd be going out with him? Sooner or later you're going to have to trust her judgement.
Give the kid a chance,check out his car and ask him questions about it and listen to him,if he's a car guy he'll enjoy telling you about his ride and the mods he's made.Then you can invite him to check your MM out and take him for a ride in it and show him what an American full size sedan can do,but don't talk down to him or lecture him,I'll bet if you show him the kind of respect you would've liked to have gotten at his age you may find he gives you respect too.That'll help you to get to know more about him too and it'll ease your mind about the kid your daughter is seeing or if he's a POS you can send him on his way.Heck you might even gain a helping hand when you're doing some wrenching.

05-06-2009, 07:26 PM
OH NO...OH HELL NO! Between me and my neighbors on either side of me we are up 24 hours a day because we work at different times ,we are old crazy ****ers and we took back our neighborhood 10 years ago when this **** started.The only kids that boom music in our hood are the kids visiting and then the LOCAL kids tell them to turn it off and warn them about us 3.I own a construction business,my neighbors own a local pizza joint and work at the state pen so we are all know how to talk to people.Talk to the kid with a none threatening tone and tell him how you feel,if he is an ass-hat then take it to the next level.The 3 of us followed a kid home one night when he parked his car we followed him right to his front door and had words with his parents with him standing right there...man you should have heard the screaming after the front door shut.

05-06-2009, 07:57 PM
I'd attempt to confront the kid in a polite way, and whatever results from that, take it from there. It would be nice to splatter some rubber on his front hood and bury him in smoke!

05-06-2009, 08:43 PM
lol, we had problems like this once. but just for a little while. we had a guy in a lowered civic, with fart can exhaust, wing, different colored body panels, and what must have been a trunk full of subwoofers. and he would drive fast til he got in front of houses, then he would slow down to about 10 miles per hour and blast his subs til he got to the stopsign. this continued until one day when my dad was parking his truck from work (he's a LEO and drives an unmarked F150). Sure enough, i hear the BOOM BOOM BOOM of the subs and here comes the civic. my dad sat in his truck and waited for the little car to go by, before pulling out behind him, and almost parking on top of the trunk, flashing his lights and tapping the air horn. You guys should have seen the look on this kids face. turned white as a sheet, music went off instantly, and then after about 5 minutes of "conversation" he went on his way, never to return again :-)

05-06-2009, 08:46 PM
another one was a guy cruising through in a mazda or something like that, with loud subs. he stopped at the stop sign and my dad crossed the street in front of him, went over and tapped on his window, smiling the whole while. then when the kid rolled the window down, my dad showed him his badge and the smile went away. i believe the conversation went something along the lines of, "UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO PULL YOU THROUGH THIS WINDOW, I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR CAR COME THROUGH HERE WITH LOUD MUSIC AGAIN." and that was the end of another loud car. sometimes being nice works, but if the kid is a d-bag, sometimes you gots to put the fear of god into them. lol, thats how i grew up and i'm a good kid, decent grades, drive a Panther, what more could you ask for :-D hahaha

05-06-2009, 08:48 PM

05-06-2009, 10:58 PM
The neighbors 17 year old daughter has fallen in love with a ricer. I've seen him around a couple of times but never had any issues till now.
I was out in the front yard doing some yard work when I thought I was being attacked by a Bee. I heard this loud annoying buzzing that kept rising and falling off. I looked around and noticed an all grey primered Nissan something or other (naturally been lowered and tinted, with a big assed fin on the back) parked in front of my neighbors house. Then out comes the duaghter and the d bag that is driving the loud annoying car gets out. Ahhh what a tool. Sideways hat, baggy pants, tshirt so long you could use it as a car cover. SHortly after that they turn on the stereo inside the car. I am bombarded with thumps and booms and the sound of his entire car rattling from the bass. This goes on for about 15 minutes. :mad2:Just as I am about to explode and go kill me a ricer they turn it off. Before I finish my yard work they decide to leave, they go out and start the fart can up and rev it for about 10 minutes before finally pulling off. As they drove past me the disgust must have been evident on my face because they waved and displayed a ***** eating grin. Now then, the hooligan in me wants to wait till I see them down there again, fire up the big black car and do a big smokey burnout right next to thier little pi$$can car. :burnout:The police officer in me wants to sit down the street in my squad car and the next time I see them stop them for noise ordinance (stereo and exhaust) and hit them in the pocket book. I know the dad and unfortunatly he is a tool, so I can't really go talk to him. I've been to the house a couple times while working for domestic issues and he was generally at fault. I guess I could talk to the kid the next time I see him and tell him this is a quiet neighborhood and it needs to stay that way.

My question is... What would you guys do?

30-06 VS Nissan 4 cylinder motor..... My $$$ is on the 30-06. :D

05-07-2009, 12:30 PM
[QUOTE=Bluerauder;755454]I would let it go and try my best to ignore the situation. Just smile, wave and bite your tongue. If you have been there on a "domestic" or two already, you already know how sour those deals can turn quickly. No need to turn your property or your MM into a potential target. JMHO.

He (they) know were you live. And your not home all the time and you have a good job and know better = too much to lose !! Better to ignore or befriend as other's say. Good Luck hope the ricer is a better individual then the girls father.

Aren Jay
05-07-2009, 12:52 PM

05-07-2009, 01:32 PM
Keep your cool. Remember off duty disputs ( traffic )are not look on favorably by your bosses.
If the condition continues I would talk to the young man and tell him the error of his ways.
I think he will get the point.
Stay calm and professional.

05-07-2009, 04:14 PM
The neighbors 17 year old daughter has fallen in love with a ricer.
Oh yeah ... and stop eyeing up the 17 year old --- you D.O.M. That's really what's bugging you, right?? :rofl:


05-08-2009, 05:33 AM
Oh yeah ... and stop eyeing up the 17 year old --- you D.O.M. That's really what's bugging you, right?? :rofl:


NEgative sir... She is built like a fireplug. :eek:

I have decided to ignore the problem and hope it goes away. I talked with the other neighbor and he said that he had already spoke with Dad and the kid about the noise. Evidently Dad and kid were not very receptive to his request and basically told my neighbor to piss off. So I'm gonna stay away from all that.

05-08-2009, 01:15 PM
^^^ See... you were checking out that fireplug, you D.O.M! ^^^

05-08-2009, 03:51 PM
Oops,sorry,I misread your first post,I thought the daughter was yours.

05-09-2009, 08:05 AM
Fireplugs need love too!

Aren Jay
05-09-2009, 09:52 AM

05-11-2009, 03:23 PM
Take Johns advice.

Sounds like the kid didn't come from the best home either...

Just talk to him, maybe he's saving for something more of your liking. ;)