View Full Version : Our Wives

10-06-2003, 06:39 PM
My wife wrote this recently. I wonder how many of your wives feel the same :)

I used to be his number one gal,

His wife, his lover, his very best pal.

Now I’m feelin all out of whack,

For now his chic is all dressed in black.

She fast, she’s slick, she’s decked out in leather…

He is always with her, no matter the weather.

With her he is so very attentive,

Even if I offer plenty incentives.

Dealing with the loneliness is getting ever so harder,

For now he is awaiting her super-charger.

He is freakin obsessed, my life is on hold,

I think it is time they bother were told.

I don’t get candy, kisses or flowers,

She gets whatever it takes to add to her power.

He gazes at her, gives me but a glance…

But now it is time I take a stance.

He may touch her softly so as not to scratch,

But guess what marauder?

You have met your match.

No longer will I sit by, wallowing in distress.

My man is mine, I won’t allow a mistress.

He spends too much time on maurader.net,

But not for much longer,

I am willing to bet.

She may be sexy, she may be hot.

But that isn’t anything I haven’t got….

So you had better take heed, you had better watch out,

Your WIFE is back in

And your marauder is out!

10-06-2003, 06:41 PM

10-06-2003, 06:45 PM
That it was all in good fun. My wife is hilarious! She just loves to needle me about my car because I tease her about her dog :)

10-06-2003, 07:14 PM
My wife loves the Marauder. Today I finally talked her into driving it since it was supercharged. It was funny watching her tentatively give it gas! Eventually she learned the point the boost comes on, and how fast she can accellerate without smoking the tires! I did get her to do a semi decent burnout from a light, but we will have to find a nice big empty parking lot so she can experience the bone jarring feeling of smoking the tires for at least 30 seconds to get the full effect! She was very happy that the mods I have made so far really havent affected the daily drivability of the car, so, Mission Accomplished so far!

10-06-2003, 07:19 PM
I'm gonna just sit back and watch all the responses!!


10-06-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Marauderer
She just loves to needle me about my car because I tease her about her dog

Ah, a fellow Honda Civic owner! How does she like it? What model year?


10-06-2003, 07:47 PM
Dog - Honda, I get it :)

Oh, for real she loves it too, in fact I would have waited until after the first of the year to buy it if it wasn't for her urging me on. My wife is a lead foot and a half. Her favorite car was a Buick Regal that I built with a 403. Now that car ran like a Spotted Ape! Only problem was that I cheaped out and didn't send it off to the speed shop for a good cleanup, I honed out the cylinders myself and put it together; it ended up using a little oil, but boy did it go! Funny thing is I didn't hear about all of her adventures in that car until years later and now she wants be let loose in my new baby - OHHHHHH NOOOOOOO. I'm scared to death that I won't get to drive it anymore after I install the SC!

I keep telling her that she has her weimaraner that she treats like a little girl; she has hers, I have mine :)))) Somehow, I don't think it's going to work.. I think I see a second Marauder looming ominously in my future!

10-06-2003, 08:11 PM
Come on now, let's get real...

I don't have a "wife" anymore, but I have been married, and my former XYL took a similar stance with me back in 1985 over my 1979 Camaro. We divorced in 1986.

I do have a very, very very important G/F today, which isn't much different from being married I suppose, emotionally speaking that is, and we have discussed this new "force" or influence in our lives. and we have agreed on certain facts.

My Marauder stays...Period.

I remember saying..."Dice it up anyway you want, lady, get with this new program, or, rub up against it. This is as new to me as it is to you, and I HAVE TO follow it. One of you will stay, the other will be replaced, new models announced every year, K? You steer..."

And steer she does, but she doesn't park well...

10-06-2003, 08:15 PM

10-06-2003, 08:22 PM
Well what can I say? I pick the wife up for lunch in gold '03 GM loner car and she remarked what a good looking car!

Too much BLACK??????????????

But then again it is my car not hers!!

These thing have a way of working themselvs out........................

10-06-2003, 08:32 PM
hmm. lets see.
1. I don't have to bring my MM flowers or candy
2. My mm performs well ALL days of the month
3. My mm will take me to gentleman's clubs, wait on me, and then take me home with no complaints.
4. The only anniversary I have to remember is 3 months or 3,000 miles
5.I can comment on another cars headlights or rear end and not get "the look" from my MM.
6. None of my MM accessories have to be appraised with a jewlers loop.

Feel free to add your own:)

By the way the new definition of PMS by my G/F is "Putting up with Marauder s**t.

10-06-2003, 08:38 PM
Alright now Marauderer...

How'd you get ahold of my wife's Journal??!!

Only thing not mentioned...is how she paid that 18-wheeler to run me off the road :mad2:

10-06-2003, 09:02 PM
Ill never tell my wife about this place . :argue:

10-06-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by ADELG670
Ill never tell my wife about this place . :argue:

This guy got my vote!

Smart man!

:D :cool: :coolman:

10-07-2003, 02:25 AM
Ummm, what's a wife???

10-07-2003, 07:27 AM
HHHMMMMM, I wonder if Jrzygrl is getting any poems from her husband like this....

Paul T. Casey
10-07-2003, 08:09 AM
Hey Martyo, in my case it was the best thing that happened to me. Without one there'd be no Marauder, no house, no food, etc. I think my golf game would be a lot better though!

10-07-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Ross
HHHMMMMM, I wonder if Jrzygrl is getting any poems from her husband like this.... No, but he got plenty like this from me about his bikes and racing until he got me my own bike and the MM!!!!

10-07-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by martyo
Ummm, what's a wife??? The one who left with with a large sum of money.

10-08-2003, 06:40 AM
My wife doesn't want to drive the Marauder and wasn't really that excited about me buying it. She understands that I was at point in my life where I needed something to change. I explained how much cheaper it was than some of the things my buddies did when they had their enlightenment/mid life crisis. She accepts the Marauder knowing that it's cheaper than a MORC sailboat, safer than a Harley and less disruptive than a 23 year hygenist named Bambi.

At this point I can say that I still feel the same joy in the car I had on the first day I drove it. We made a good choice.

Eventually the 23 year old was going to want to talk about her life and I don't know if I'd be up to that.

10-08-2003, 06:41 AM
My dad says that he has decided that it would be easier if he just found a woman who hates him and bought her a house.

10-08-2003, 07:14 AM
Yep, I told my wife that I was 50 years old and it was time for my mid life crisis. I could either get a fast car or a young girlfriend. Guess which one she agreed to?

Macon Marauder
10-08-2003, 07:30 AM
My wife just shakes her head and says, "You and cars!"

But I think she secretly gets it. When we got married 18 years ago she was a 21 year old baby-doll driving a 5.0 Mustang!

And when she drives the Marauder she "drives it like she stole it" as Sarge likes to say.

I'm a very blessed man and life is good!

O's Fan Rich
10-08-2003, 08:37 AM
What u talkin 'bout Willis?

Wife like Marauder. Wife wish drive Marauder. Wife not drive marauder. Wife sad. Me make happy later. Me drive Marauder

11-04-2003, 12:03 PM
My wife said "if you don't put the Ruby Red Marauder thingy on the back when you get it fixed...I'll ride in it..."

Well, I'm not replacing the bob whites...we'll see.:confused:

11-04-2003, 12:39 PM
I'd gently ride her around a bit and then say --it's your turn and then HOLD ON!!!

11-04-2003, 01:25 PM
loll well thats a catchy poem but its her car , and if i want
too drive it ihave to steal it oor wait till she is sleeping ,,or make some kinda deal for which i am not on the winning side of :O(

11-04-2003, 05:17 PM
I just traded in my 2002 GM for a 2004 Marauder. My wife is impressed with the shoulder belt for the middle back seat. I also pointed out the side air bags. The wife and kids do notice a different sound on acceleration, and the speed bumps are a bit more jolting.

11-04-2003, 07:41 PM
speaking of wives - today is my 14th wedding anniversary and, coincidently, SergntMac's car's birthday.

11-04-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by TAF
My wife said "if you don't put the Ruby Red Marauder thingy on the back when you get it fixed...I'll ride in it..."

Well, I'm not replacing the bob whites...we'll see.:confused: Todd - Wait till Marty see's this.:D

11-04-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by TAF
My wife said "if you don't put the Ruby Red Marauder thingy on the back when you get it fixed...I'll ride in it..."

Well, I'm not replacing the bob whites...we'll see.:confused:

Just for those that dpn't know, this is Todd's wife. That's why he does what he is told:

11-05-2003, 05:47 AM
I bought my number one love a Lincoln LS, black, performance package.....a new three stone ring, a 3.5 carat tanzanite....

Needless to say I can carress, and hug my MM in her presence...and all she does is laugh....cause she has the goodies...the :censor: stuff to keep me in line, and my heart forever.

There for, it's ALL good as long as the heart is where the heart should be, and spoil them as much as possible!!!

11-05-2003, 06:47 AM
My wife was the one who picked out the car, she is also told me about Kenny Brown. With out her I might be driving a new GTO:puke: It looks like a Ricer wannabe. When she showed me the Marauder it was the second time I expericened LOVE at first site. when I..we test drove the car we were both disappointed with its performance, both of us having owned Trans Ams. Then she told me about the Kenny Brown package I was hooked and I have never looked back or regretted my decision. I just wish that Ford had instructed the dealers more about the car and knowing about its short comings would be more forgiving with the mods that we are doing. Sorry I can't afford the $.02 cents for My opinion, have not yet received my allowence for the week.:cry:

teh spill cheker is nt woring:help:

11-06-2003, 05:07 PM
Gordon - You're a very lucky man. My wife could care less about the Marauder. That may not be all bad. He He.:D

12-12-2005, 09:47 PM

I stumbled across this while searching around and since my wife is here, I thought I'd comment.

The Marauder is more of a hobby for me than a necessary method of transportation. I may spend alittle too much time modding, waxing and just plain old staring at the Marauder, but since this is my only real "vice", I get very little static over the time spent tinkering. I try to include Lisa (DefyantWife) and the kids in my hobbies. It is as simple as that.

Infact, shortly after I found MM.net, I suggested she check it out and join up. She did and is now part of this community.

Recently, I was dragracing with fellow CAM members and had my family with me at the track. Their presense completed the fun filled day.

Yep, no regrets here. :)

12-13-2005, 12:57 AM
Hmmmmm, My wife said "Your car and Darth vader have something in common"


12-13-2005, 06:21 AM
[quote=mercman]hmm. lets see.
1. I don't have to bring my MM flowers or candy
2. My mm performs well ALL days of the month
3. My mm will take me to gentleman's clubs, wait on me, and then take me home with no complaints.
4. The only anniversary I have to remember is 3 months or 3,000 miles
5.I can comment on another cars headlights or rear end and not get "the look" from my MM.
6. None of my MM accessories have to be appraised with a jewlers loop.

7. I don't mind listening to my Marauder.

12-13-2005, 06:27 AM
As old as this thread is, it is a goodie. I got my MM before there are any future relationships. This way I can consider my MM to be "grandfathered". However, where I live, there are quite a few out there who will say " Either the MM goes or I go." They will not win that arguement.

12-13-2005, 07:02 AM
Um.. I am not jealous of a car. ;) No worries here.

01-09-2006, 09:11 PM
Well my wife has the marauder in our famliy.its the only big vehicle we both liked that we could afford. She likes it better than her old vette. She is shy but she likes all the looks and question from everyone.

01-09-2006, 10:07 PM
Marauderer...your wife has a great sense of humor. You will not get bored with a woman who takes the time to make you smile.

Clever poem.

01-09-2006, 10:15 PM
hmm. lets see.
1. I don't have to bring my MM flowers or candy
2. My mm performs well ALL days of the month
3. My mm will take me to gentleman's clubs, wait on me, and then take me home with no complaints.
4. The only anniversary I have to remember is 3 months or 3,000 miles
5.I can comment on another cars headlights or rear end and not get "the look" from my MM.
6. None of my MM accessories have to be appraised with a jewlers loop.

Lets not forget that the MM never talks back!!

01-10-2006, 08:53 AM
Lets not forget that the MM never talks back!!
Mine talks back all the time .... and I just love to hear that rumble break into a roar !!! :D

01-10-2006, 11:26 AM
I'm gonna just sit back and watch all the responses!!


:lol: Mary is so funny !

My wife Liz, loves our Marauder.
Liz was the first one to drive our Marauder home from the dealer.
She picked it up while I was working in Las Vegas.
All the way home, she got nothing but :up:,
from everyone who looked at our brand new Marauder.

When I returned from Las Vegas, Liz wanted to know why the Marauder
attracted so many people?

Then she said to me...
"It's a nice car but it is way TOO BIG and TOO FAST for me.
You can do whatever you want to this Marauder, as long as the exhaust doesn't get any LOUDER !!!"

My wife has been my friend for most of my life.
We will be married 22 years on June 1st.
When we were dating, she used to elbow me quite often,
and it wasn't about the passing girls, it was all about the passing cars...

So now my son Jonathan, is following my footsteps and telling me
all abou the cars he sees, as we are riding in our Marauder.
Jonathan likes our Marauder too, but prefers a Mustang himself.