View Full Version : The other Marauder site

05-21-2009, 05:51 PM
Has anyone else noticed the other MM site has become a political forum where all the members can on a daily basis read long drawn out blogs from other members pertaining to their personal political views? Its getting hard to visit their forum, if you disagree with their far right wing build a bunker, buy your assault rifle, and get ready for war cuz the big bad Government is comming attitude. There is no room for disagrement or other views. Its the same guys day in and day out with the same socialist fear mongering stories that have taken the site over. Hardly any mention of the cars anymore the name should change to Motorcitypoliticalforum.com

05-21-2009, 06:04 PM
I agree, I think they have been watching too much FOX News Channel, you know, that "fair and balanced" thing... :rofl:

05-21-2009, 06:06 PM
Not to many of the members here care what goes over on MCM.

05-21-2009, 06:17 PM
I agree, I think they have been watching too much FOX News Channel, you know, that "fair and balanced" thing... :rofl:I love it!


05-21-2009, 06:18 PM
I've been offended recently from the name calling, the hate speeches, and racial slurs being thrown around from the few members that have high jacked the site. The administrators allow them to call minorities monkeys and raccons without consequience. This was just a PSA for other members to beware when visiting the site.

05-21-2009, 06:20 PM
Not to many of the members here care what goes over on MCM.That's why we're here, not there!


05-21-2009, 06:25 PM
You gotta keep finding ways to separate the two huh? Quit trying to find ways to hate and enjoy BOTH. Please.

05-21-2009, 06:36 PM
Bad merc: If that was directed at me I think you have it all wrong. It was directed at others thats OK.

There has been alot of better technical info on that site In my opinion.
All of the political post are like an A... J.. post, just ignored.
This site has more to offer in the way of friend ships and meeting new people.
I do enjoy Both sites And when something interesting isn't goin on there, its usally happening here. This site seems to give a little more back to the members by having raffles for the members more often than it happens there.

05-21-2009, 06:42 PM
I was tempted to pick one and insult the other for awhile. I played sides and got pretty immature about it. I like both sites for different reasons. I grew up and realized that recently. I can't think of one thing that should separate all of us from being friends. We picnic together, drink together and all will go out of our way to help another Marauder owner in need. I donated a $300 raffle prize for YOUR picnic - yet I was there as an equal. I donated $100 for an engine fund here and I will donate again.

05-21-2009, 06:51 PM
i dont visit over there that much. i feel more invited here

05-21-2009, 06:58 PM
i dont visit over there that much. i feel more invited here

Same here, I feel like a total outsider on that site. Unless you own a trilogy or come from the area, they just make you feel unwelcome.

05-21-2009, 07:07 PM
Same here, I feel like a total outsider on that site. Unless you own a trilogy or come from the area, they just make you feel unwelcome.

That is so UNTRUE!

I don't have a Trilogy (yet) and feel very welcome there.

05-21-2009, 07:12 PM
Same here, I feel like a total outsider on that site. Unless you own a trilogy or come from the area, they just make you feel unwelcome.

I disagree but I kinda understand where you're coming from. There are some real great guys over there, like Chuck (Tallboy) and Dave (MI2QWK4U) just to name a few.

05-21-2009, 07:43 PM
Each site has a lot to offer. Just different and as long as political discussion is kept where it belongs it's fine. Not much different than a conversation among friends at a party. I can always walk away and go in another room.
BTW, I don't remember anyone using terms like "monkeys" or "raccoons" and the comments, over time, have come from both Left and Right leaning individuals.

05-21-2009, 07:49 PM
I think each site has its better points, if a thread doesnt appeal to me I dont read it or let it bother me on either site. I believe they are more geared towards technical help and expertise and this is more of a catch all with anything and everything being discussed.

05-21-2009, 07:58 PM
That is so UNTRUE!

I don't have a Trilogy (yet) and feel very welcome there.

Then its just me then.

05-21-2009, 08:02 PM
It could be because your the Chopper Challenge Champ... I have tried but I dont know how you did it!:help: :D

05-21-2009, 08:23 PM
Then its just me then.

Its cuz ur from New York. You know, the attitude...;)

05-21-2009, 08:44 PM
I just go to either one for information pertaining to the Marauder. Anything above and beyond that I watch Law and Order for drama and Gilmore girls instead of watch people ***** about trilogy vs other blowers.

I'm a "get my **** and get out" kinda guy.

05-21-2009, 09:17 PM
They hate me so whatever.

This thread is pretty useless sorry.

05-21-2009, 09:17 PM
Their backgound is blue, this ones is grey, thats my only beef.............

05-21-2009, 10:38 PM
Their backgound is blue, this ones is grey, thats my only beef.............

Blue/gray, union/confederacy. This one suits me just fine!

05-21-2009, 10:42 PM
I was only joking about the page color.

05-21-2009, 10:57 PM
I was only joking about the page color.

Not me. I'm a rebel and proud of it!

O's Fan Rich
05-22-2009, 03:31 AM
It's what YOU make it.... as all forums are.

A lot of people feel "insulted" when their opinion is not hailed as the correct one.
Once you can understand that everyone has their own ideas, you become better equipped to handle political, religous and other "controversial" topics.
You also need to be able to simply state your opinion and walk away.

05-22-2009, 03:47 AM
I agree with Rich. It's good to hear people's perspective from other parts of the country. I enjoy the political threads and sometimes learn something from them. You younger guys need to stay informed, your going to have to live with this BS a lot longer than me. If you like performance cars.... well they are pretty much one foot in the grave and the other on a bannana peel. I work in a dealership garage all day. I get tired of talking tires and spark plugs.

05-22-2009, 04:08 AM
It's what YOU make it.... as all forums are.

A lot of people feel "insulted" when their opinion is not hailed as the correct one.
Once you can understand that everyone has their own ideas, you become better equipped to handle political, religous and other "controversial" topics.
You also need to be able to simply state your opinion and walk away.

Someone give this man a prize!

O's Fan Rich
05-22-2009, 04:11 AM
I also need to ask the OP what topics "about the car" has he started there?
Or here?
This was a topic you decided to start, yet choose to post a non-Marauder post voicing your opinion.
So, you are part of the very problem you choose to point out.

O's Fan Rich
05-22-2009, 04:11 AM
Someone give this man a prize!

How about an Al Pappito short block?:D

05-22-2009, 04:24 AM
I have been a member there since the sites inception, in January of 2005. I'm the 20th member of that site. I have had a N/A Marauder up until a month ago. I always felt welcome, and at home there.

However, I'm a union member. I really do not agree at all with a lot of the views of some of the members there, however, they are most certianly, and always will be my friends. Once I took a step back, and realized we all don't have to agree, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I realized that I don't have to participate in those threads. Once I stopped participating in those threads, and stopped reading things I didn't want to read, I felt much better about things.

Political threads did not "take over the site". If you don't want to read about it...don't view the thread. You viewed the thread and got upset. You are your own censor. You don't like it...don't read any more of it.

It's just that simple.


fast dtr
05-22-2009, 04:42 AM
I have been a member there since the sites inception, in January of 2005. I'm the 20th member of that site. I have had a N/A Marauder up until a month ago. I always felt welcome, and at home there.

However, I'm a union member. I really do not agree at all with a lot of the views of some of the members there, however, they are most certianly, and always will be my friends. Once I took a step back, and realized we all don't have to agree, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I realized that I don't have to participate in those threads. Once I stopped participating in those threads, and stopped reading things I didn't want to read, I felt much better about things.

Political threads did not "take over the site". If you don't want to read about it...don't view the thread. You viewed the thread and got upset. You are your own censor. You don't like it...don't read any more of it.

It's just that simple.

Very well said

05-22-2009, 06:30 AM
Why even post this? It just gets people riled up; there is some bad blood between the two groups unfortunately.

05-22-2009, 06:43 AM
When it comes to both sites, I do the same thing there as I do here. I post my .02.

05-22-2009, 06:44 AM
It does not bother me. I like both sites. They offer different things to different people. It is the same as any group you are going to find some you like and some you don't. Hey, I work with some people I don't necessarily want to drink beer with and invite to my House. I can treat them courteously and professionally when I am around them though. It's called "Manners" and they are sorely lacking in society these days.

Joe Walsh
05-22-2009, 08:14 AM
I think that your observations about MCM.net having a lot of 'political threads' is because a large majority of the active members have long since fully modified their Marauders.
Hence, you don't see a lot of : best supercharger, best gear, best oil, best sway bars, best tire size, best :blah:....
Without those endless threads, which have been answered dozens of times previously, you see a much higher percentage of 'political threads'.
I don't usually participate in the political threads, because it only frustrates me to discuss something that has a huge impact on our country, but I am powerless to change.
cough....term limits!.....cough
I drive an N/A Marauder and I have always felt welcome on the MCM.net site.
I like having 2 'flavors' of Marauder sites. If I grow tired of one, there is always something interesting on the other.
I enjoy both sites and I will continue to support and contribute to both sites.

BTW: MCM.net organizes a Woodward Dream Cruise event each year and if you are a car person, you owe it to yourself to attend the WDC.

Ms. Denmark
05-22-2009, 02:48 PM
Made the "mistake" of mentioning we own a "foriegn" car in addition to our American ones. That was that for me as far as MCM was concerned. Got nasty real quick. So no, I don't feel welcome. A little too much testosterone for my personal taste. And that's OK.:) I walked.

05-22-2009, 02:51 PM
Made the "mistake" of mentioning we own a "foriegn" car in addition to our American ones. That was that for me as far as MCM was concerned. Got nasty real quick. So no, I don't feel welcome. A little too much testosterone for my personal taste. And that's OK.:) I walked.

The irony being our Marauders were built in Canada, technically making them foriegn.

05-22-2009, 03:10 PM
Let's not get started on this site with political threads. I left MCM because of their liberal leanings. This is a MM car site not a conservative bashing site. If you want to express political opinions go somewhere else.

Glenn Ford :flamer:

Ms. Denmark
05-22-2009, 03:17 PM
The irony being our Marauders were built in Canada, technically making them foriegn.
^^^^^^ LOL Casey! I brought the obvious to their attention and got scolded and lectured. Guess I caught em on a bad day.:D

05-22-2009, 03:48 PM
FWIW, I've disagreed with several opinions there. Most recently in the "Buy American" thread. But I have not been shown the door. My account has not been deleted, locked or banned. The members there are like members here and on other sites. Some are more stubborn when opinions are concerned. But opinions are what they are. Dont take it personal. If you dont like a thread, dont read it.

In fact, one member, a UAW member posted his unions give backs. Frankly, he got blasted. And that member didnt like it, so he took a break. No big deal. Slim chance he was going to like what we posted in his thread anyway.

Does that mean "nobody likes him"? Of course not. Just a difference of.... opinion.

05-22-2009, 04:07 PM
Indeed the web site is the Motor City Marauders formerly a regional of MercuryMarauder.net and the majority of the members, all the founders and the longest standing members are from Michigan. Ground zero for the fall out of the failure of elected local, state and federal government. Of course it is also the home base of the UAW. I wonder why there would be a lot of political threads and strong feelings? An awful lot of lives have crashed and many more are to come. Those working in those plants to support their families have every right to wonder why those of us who profess to love America are spending our money overseas while their families are losing their homes and lively hoods. Rather than bashing we might try to develope a little concern for our entire Marauder family. Dennis

Ms. Denmark
05-22-2009, 04:27 PM
Don't get me started, Dennis, with all due respect. Of course I care about what's happening to peoples livelihoods. When the construction industry took a downturn, it hit our family business very hard. I recently lost my own job. It sucks, but that is not an excuse for bashing others. And I wouldn't dream of blaming you because you didn't have a new house built last year. Ironically, our foreign car was built in Mississippi (I think). I'm pretty sure THOSE American workers were glad I bought their product. Many of the same guys who were the most outraged, themselves worked for a "foreign' owned company. It's a meaningless argument. I'm not going to rehash it. :)

05-22-2009, 04:37 PM
When it comes to both sites, I do the same thing there as I do here. I post my .02.

Sometimes $.02 is worth more than you think. Especially if it is valuable information shared by a senior member. I happily share tips, tricks and opinions here and there. I don't have bad blood - I like members from both sites. I don't care what the differences are between vendors, car colors, supercharger preference, intake brand or whatnot. ALL OF US (with Marauders) are part of a unique ownership experience that we are proud of. Being opinionated, political or even one-sided is what mature adults do. We are all guilty of breaking our own rules and regulations once or twice. I have made friends that will still be my friends long after the cars are gone to the boneyard. That's the last tidbit of info I will leave on this thread - I have no reason to hate anybody here. I have traded words with members over little things but you know what - in a group of us at a picnic, I cannot even tell you who they are. It's not THAT important!

Bradley G
05-22-2009, 06:49 PM
Hey, Keep the change :beer:
When it comes to both sites, I do the same thing there as I do here. I post my .02.

05-23-2009, 04:03 AM
Don't get me started, Dennis, with all due respect. Of course I care about what's happening to peoples livelihoods. When the construction industry took a downturn, it hit our family business very hard. I recently lost my own job. It sucks, but that is not an excuse for bashing others. And I wouldn't dream of blaming you because you didn't have a new house built last year. Ironically, our foreign car was built in Mississippi (I think). I'm pretty sure THOSE American workers were glad I bought their product. Many of the same guys who were the most outraged, themselves worked for a "foreign' owned company. It's a meaningless argument. I'm not going to rehash it. :)

Wow, OK. I wasn't trying to justify anything or make any statement other than to perhaps shed some light on why there are so many political threads and strong feelings on MCM. I am not from Michigan, have not so far been affected by the downturn and have no axe to grind. Sounds as though you have strong feelings, too. I don't blame you. We all do and we should if we are paying any attention at all to what has gone on and is going on with our country. There have been a lot of good points made in this thread and I agree with most of them. The circular firing squad mentality of some excluded..on both web sites. Dennis... ps..I might add that although I drove Fords and Chevies as company cars for all of my career I purchased my last American made car When I bought my new Olds 442. some of you know how long ago that was. I never ever expected to buy another POS Amercian car. I bought and drove German cars as my personal cars for years and loved them. Bought the last one in 2001. I was encouraged by the increasing quality of my American company cars and liked the Marauder, so after around 28 years I finally bought another Big 3 automobile and I have spent nearly what I paid for it to make it what I want it to be. I am not thowing stones as I am part of the problem not part of the solution as I have always believed that freedom is being able to spend your money as you chose. I hope and pray that freedom.... continues.

Ms. Denmark
05-23-2009, 05:28 PM
^^^^^1+Can't find anything to disagree with Dennis. Sounds like you're a guy with a good head on your shoulders. ;)

Baaad GN
05-23-2009, 06:31 PM
Oh well let me chime in here as I've been involved in some of these "heavy" discussions on the other site. I was even told they will contact union Friends apparently in Chicago to teach me a lesson! LOL I've never started a discussion re economy or Obama etc but have added my comments, if your not a Obama supporter or a Union supporter your dog doo doo. Please let me stress I'm not anti union but do not like everything they do and I have my close family in the Industry. These people unfortunately are watching their world fall down around them and Obama and his Admin is calling the shots, I reminded them the unions and members supported him big time and asked for Change and they are now getting it so enjoy the ride! They really did not wanting to hear that now but the truth hurts. Unfortunately there choice is effecting all of us. With that said NEVER once have they (the other site) jumped on me to shut up or move on, in fact 98% of the people have been more than nice, hmmm well maybe one or two have told be to beat it or else!`There is always gonna be some of the Old timer's who because they have a gazillion posts or have been around 20 years that makes them the BOSS. Right Newbie's! I've known people like these all my life and they don't bother me as apparently this is there only world and they need to dominate and or protect it. More power to them! LOL
Oh I need to put this in this thread to, my sister wanted to buy a Chrysler, God I don't know why but she loved the car. Jerry Barnes offered to get me the company code number for employee discount from his wife. Very NICE offer as others would never consider it!!!!!! Really Nice!
Other than that I like both sites and they both have good people, it's a major shame they can't or won't repair some of the bad feelings.

05-23-2009, 07:28 PM
Baaad GN, I have been following the thread you are talking about and your beef is with one or two people. In my opinion most posters on the site are not Obama fans. I'm not trying to stir anything up your post does no represent what I see.

Mike M
05-23-2009, 07:33 PM
Since politics have been brought up, let me just say I am very conservative and I watch Fox News since it is fair and balanced especially compared to CNN.

I visit the "other" site quite often and never felt alienated at all.

Baaad GN
05-23-2009, 10:53 PM
Finster101 you could be right, I'm not an Obama fan as you could tell so I don't like what he's doing, what I see can see different than others. If I'm wrong aaaaaaaaaaah Ok. Being an old fart I don't worry about being PC. Causes trouble! LOL

05-23-2009, 11:11 PM
Chevy's suck. Can't we get along?

Joe Walsh
05-24-2009, 06:38 AM
Chevy's suck. Can't we get along?


Yeah, but I'll take a Chevy or a Chrysler before I take any Korean-Chinese junk!

05-24-2009, 07:21 AM
Chevy's suck. Can't we get along?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Now that's the universal ice-breaker we can all drink to.:beer: I won't pick sides again. I love all you guys!! And not in a "Brokeback Mountain" kinda love either...

05-24-2009, 07:39 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Now that's the universal ice-breaker we can all drink to.:beer: I won't pick sides again. I love all you guys!! And not in a "Brokeback Mountain" kinda love either...

Ahh, Kenny, just when I felt another hug coming on! :D Dennis