View Full Version : Takedown doesn't know when to stop!

05-25-2009, 08:37 AM
Feeding people that is........................Last night the misses, kids, and I went to Drews for his BBQ and holy crap, I don't think i'm gonna eat for a week now! I had five or six ribs (sorry Doomy:D), three chunks of chicken, a brat, a sliver of some kinda hot pepper w/cheese, hot dog, a couple grilled to perfection steaks!!!!! amongs'nt the chips, and fruit mix, and whatever else I can't remember shoving down my mouth hole! This guy can cook! and thoroughly enjoys shoving red meat your way even if you don't have a plate.:D Seriously, right off the grill in his tongs, right to your hands. You try to hold this delicate peice of tenderised meat while its burning your fingers and frying your mouth, but you can't hold back. Meanwhile if he see's an open hand he's right back there with his tongs shoving a different slice of red meat into your open hand!!!

He went through FIVE bags of charcoal in just one afternoon/night, three grills and a fire pit. This guy KNOWS how to host a BBQ, he just doesn't have manners if you don't bring a stomach.:P Didn't mean to leave Tifanie out, she was slaving the grill on the upper deck!!!!!! And whipped up that awesome chicken, Seriously she won't leave you alone either, talk about force feeding.

Tell your brother sorry about the ride he took in my car, next time tell him to hold on!! LOL. I never ment for him to leave his seat the way he did, I never saw the speed bump:eek:

05-25-2009, 09:43 AM
awww man sounded like one hell of a BBQ!!!

drew is good peoplez!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :up:

SC Cheesehead
05-25-2009, 09:44 AM
I gotta meet this guy next time I get up to Chicago.

Ms. Denmark
05-25-2009, 10:02 AM
TakeDown is my kinda guy! Sounds like a great time!!

05-25-2009, 01:58 PM
I'm glad you guys had fun... I hope everyone left with a full stomach, I'm beat! I didn't walk away from the grill till about 2am

05-25-2009, 05:04 PM
justbob ain't exagerating,i got there around 3PM and left around 10:30 and TakeDown was grilling the whole time.Every few minutes he was handing me something different to try.I was pacing myself yet had to take several time outs to make room for more.The banana peppers with cheese were out of this world,I stopped counting how many I had after the 5th one and the same with the ribs.I didn't have a brat or hot dog or burger but had some killer Polish sausage instead along with everything else he and Typhannie grilled up including the chicken and pineapple ka bobs.I even had a big hunk of Lemon Cake but forgot about the fruit mix and that looked really good.Every time Drew saw anyone with their hands empty he was shoving the latest treat from the grill into their hands,by the time I left I was waddling from all the food I ate and he was still offering more goodies!
I had a terrific time,ate some really GREAT food and enjoyed not only Typhannie and takedown's hospitality but met a lot of very nice people and even made friends for life with their big black dog Johnnie Walker who had a real taste for poor JustBob,why he liked me and not JustBob I don't know.
There were a whole LOT of kids there having a great time too running around and riding in the electric cars out back.
I felt just like a family member there and had one of the two really great days I've had since coming back from Hawaii.I also got to see takedown's cool black chopper and am trying to get together with him to do a tune up and some mild repairs to it and hopefully he'll have a very fast and flame throwing tire smoking chain breaking monster when we're done.
Drew,don't forget to give that bag I brought to your son,I hope he likes the contents.
Thanks again for the great time!

05-25-2009, 05:09 PM
Someone say ribs??? :drool:

05-25-2009, 05:22 PM
Someone say ribs??? :drool:
Oh yeah! And there had to have been at least 8 or more other treats he grilled up besides the burgers,hot dogs,brats,Italian sausage and Polish sausage,probably way more than that. No kidding,every time I finished what he just handed me he was sticking something else in my mitts.And every time I asked him what ingredients he used I heard "secret recipe",lol All I know is I ate stuff I'm not sure what it was called or what was on it but it was GGGGOOOOODDDD!:bows:
I spent all day yesterday eating and all day today digesting!

05-25-2009, 06:13 PM
any left overs!!!!:D

05-25-2009, 06:15 PM

Grillin n chillin. Always good.

05-25-2009, 07:24 PM
Doomie hungry. :depress:

05-25-2009, 10:19 PM
Thanks UncleLar, Kaimana digs the Hot Wheels collection and told me he wants to display them on the wall in his room. This was a last minute Barbque and I promise to be more prepared, I'll definitely invite more of the Windy City Crew on the next round... SC Cheesehead, Silverauder, Doom, if you're ever in town during the right season, "Bring your Stomach!" Secret ingredient---- Hawaiian Style! Shhhh... don't say nothing LocalBoy!

05-25-2009, 10:52 PM
Doomie hungry. :depress:
That smiley is very very sad and now I feel for you. Sorry Jake thats just the way we eat here in Chitown.

05-26-2009, 06:21 PM
Thanks for everything!

I actually didn't eat for over 24 hours after I was done with what you had for me. :D

Now I owe you a favor.