View Full Version : Office Job... How do you cope?

Egon Spengler
05-27-2009, 11:21 AM
Hey guys, I have had an office job for a little over 2 years now working as an estimator for a commercial glass company bidding jobs from a couple thousand dollars up to the $5 million range... I have my own office with a door which is nice and helps me focus and ignore the foot traffic by my office... I have started this thread to get some idea of how you guys cope with sitting at a desk all day! (Those with office jobs) I have always been a manual labor kind of guy from mowing lawns since I was 13 with quite a few customers then moving on the stocking shelves in a grocery store, then building waste wate recovery units and going out into the field to install them... I now work at a desk and get very antsy and have to walk around every once in a while to keep my sanity. How do you guys cope with the desk job life? Whether it be little things to get you through it or a schedule for the day....

Thanks guys!:beer:


05-27-2009, 11:24 AM
With working out in the constuction field all day, I envy you.

05-27-2009, 11:40 AM
I sit at my desk, in a cubicle, crunching numbers, all day. I was here on Monday, Memorial Day, working. My company doesn't turn on the a/c on weekends and holidays. It was awful.

I haven't found a good way to cope with it. I go outside and walk when I can, but between the heat, the humidity, and the rain, that doesn't happen on a regular basis. I can relate to feeling antsy!

I'm looking forward to hearing how others cope with it.

05-27-2009, 11:47 AM
I was more of a field kind of guy and wouldnt mind getting back in the field....my office job pays more and has good perks. I dont leave....I am here for an 8 hour day M-F. I have two computers that I work on and a nice big desk...I have windows on all three sides face a busy intersection....I am able to use one of my computers for personal use as well as work related use. I also have a T.V. in my office for news and weather. So all in all I have it pretty good and have been here for 12 years now...wow how time flies...I guess I just have enough to keep me occupied so I dont go crazy sitting here all day.

O's Fan Rich
05-27-2009, 11:58 AM
I have a sleeping blanket under my desk.....

05-27-2009, 12:03 PM
Yahoo, Pogo, MM.net, Craigslist, Social Sites (porn free of course!) :D

Get your fellow co workers to get an IM so you all can communicate thru that, it will pass time. Thats what I did when I had a desk job.

Music too...cds, yahoo launchcast or whoever has streaming music...YOUTUBE!

05-27-2009, 12:07 PM
Affair with the Secretary...;)

Ken :D

Egon Spengler
05-27-2009, 12:16 PM
I have been trying to get with the secretary, but she is too devoted to her man so she has become a great friend!

I like to go on facebook, mm.net, craigslist and they all help... A friend of mine has a desk job as well so he and I e-mail movie quotes back and forth and it is actually quite amusing! In regards to music, I can't do anything without some tunes around! So I have sirius radio and you can listen online for free if you have a subsciption... THAT HELPS ALOT!!!!

Here is a side question... how do you guys stay productive at the same time as doing things to keep you amused? I find when I start with the distractions from actual work, I can't stop and don't get anything done! haha

05-27-2009, 12:20 PM
I have been trying to get with the secretary, but she is too devoted to her man so she has become a great friend!

I like to go on facebook, mm.net, craigslist and they all help... A friend of mine has a desk job as well so he and I e-mail movie quotes back and forth and it is actually quite amusing! In regards to music, I can't do anything without some tunes around! So I have sirius radio and you can listen online for free if you have a subsciption... THAT HELPS ALOT!!!!

Here is a side question... how do you guys stay productive at the same time as doing things to keep you amused? I find when I start with the distractions from actual work, I can't stop and don't get anything done! haha

My company blocks me from Facebook, Youtube, Ebay, Craigslist, Hotmail, etc. so I have very few distractions. For some reason, they have not blocked this website yet.

05-27-2009, 01:07 PM
Office shenanigans!! I wont recommend any specific shenanigans due to the fact that if you did anything I did to new guys, you would definitely get fired. We are on a whole different program in the Corps. :wasntme:

05-27-2009, 01:30 PM
I work out of my house... ie. home office. Get to just about anything (mod the MM, cut the grass, power wash the house, etc.) I want as long as I'm available when needed.

Egon Spengler
05-27-2009, 01:37 PM
If I worked from home I would DEFINITELY get NOTHING DONE! haha

I work out of my house... ie. home office. Get to just about anything (mod the MM, cut the grass, power wash the house, etc.) I want as long as I'm available when needed.

05-27-2009, 01:39 PM
When I'm at my desk (which is fairly rare) I have Metallica, Iron Maiden, or Led Zeppelin playing. I surf the internetz (here, CNN, IMDb) or read welding and NDT manuals. When I get bored I go to one of the carriers and do surprise spot checks on our work crews. If I'm on the ships and get bored, I go to the ships store and check out what they got. If I get really bored, I leave for the day or go visit one of our outposts. I have no immediate supervisor, no timecard, and no leash. Love love love my job.

SC Cheesehead
05-27-2009, 02:14 PM
I split my time between field assignments and our HQ in Greenville, but one way or another I'm working out of an office.

I'll get up, stretch, walk around a bit every so often just to keep focused. I also have MM.net opened in a window and will check in occasionally, again just to take a mental break.

Worse comes to worse.....



Dr Caleb
05-27-2009, 02:27 PM
I work out of my house... ie. home office. Get to just about anything (mod the MM, cut the grass, power wash the house, etc.) I want as long as I'm available when needed.

I as well. I get more actually done in a day, compared to working from the office. It's surprising how many distractions your co-workers can generate without trying.

It also opens up plenty of possibilities. I can do a half hour on the treadmill, and have a shower - no problem. I can go mow the lawn for a short 'break'.

You have to learn to make breaks for yourself TJ. Open Google and browse the news headlines every hour or so. No one expects you to be 100% productive for the whole time you are there. Meetings are evidence of this. Get your work done, but don't feel guilty for a short break between crises. It makes you a better employee.

05-27-2009, 02:42 PM
I do have to get up and walk around every hour or I hurt too much.

Well, about a week ago, I was told my position was to be eliminated come October 1st. I went through anger, depression, hostility, insanity, rage, then relief that I would be forced to leave here and at least do the same thing in a different place- (and I think I can feel another ulcer coming on). Then, the next day, dept head walks in and says - gee, ckadiddle, we made a mistake, you're safe, but we are going to eliminate the position of your coworker (whom I share a small office with) that you depend on every day. This coworker is a close personal friend of ours, I have known since college and nagged to come work here with me - and mentored into tech mgmt.

I grin a lot, and when people ask me how I am doing in the hallway, I just reply "Fair to Partly Psychotic today, with lightly scattered Afternoon Neuroses." When I get home in the evenings, kadiddlebabe and I often play violent and gory video games. She has taught me that you can shoot virtual terrorists/aliens/zombies/etc in the foot, ankle, elbow and groin and they won't die immediately. You can make them suffer a while. Then you can bless them with an incendiary grenade.

God bless the makers of the Halo series, Army of Two, Bloodrayne, and Rainbow Six. They help me retain what little of my mind is left after 18 and a half years of working in local govt tech mgmt.

05-27-2009, 04:22 PM
I as well. I get more actually done in a day, compared to working from the office. It's surprising how many distractions your co-workers can generate without trying.

Me three! :)

I have a real pr1ck for a boss though... (I am self-employed).

05-27-2009, 06:02 PM
i say when the job market gets better. just quit and restore your sanity.i have been drilling wells, rock coring and all that can be done with a drill rig for 15 years. i had completed 3 years of college but i did not finish my last year after realizing how much i love being outdoors hot or cold and i love my job. i did not what to end up being stuck in an office being over looked by some duechbag. plus i get to play with very big tonka toys everyday in a very big sand box!!:D

05-27-2009, 06:07 PM
i say when the job market gets better. just quit and restore your sanity.i have been drilling wells, rock coring and all that can be done with a drill rig for 15 years. i had completed 3 years of college but i did not finish my last year after realizing how much i love being outdoors hot or cold and i love my job. i did not what to end up being stuck in an office being over looked by some duechbag. plus i get to play with very big tonka toys everyday in a very big sand box!!:D

Find us some oil, foo!!:P

05-27-2009, 06:09 PM
Find us some oil, foo!!:P
actually i have in downtown chicago. not nearly enough to make it worth while but to see it in the bed rock cores is pretty neat.

05-27-2009, 06:17 PM
How in the world can you be bored at your job? If i'm not litteraly running and tripping over crap when a superintendant walks in, then they scream. If you get caught sitting on a bucket soldering pipes in walls and not doing it on your knee's, your GONE. It's boot camp plain and simple no matter the hot, cold, or snow. "I'm paying you by the minute" speechs. Allways reminding you theres 1000 guys that can replace you. Obviously this is caused by the years and years of us being greedy, i'm not argueing that at all, and I do enjoy the money I make, or at least used to make. Union breaks? Hah, now thats funny, I always here about these but never get em.

Nevermind me, I just need to change careers. Rant over.

Any offices hiring? I work good under pressure!

05-27-2009, 06:53 PM
How in the world can you be bored at your job? If i'm not litteraly running and tripping over crap when a superintendant walks in, then they scream. If you get caught sitting on a bucket soldering pipes in walls and not doing it on your knee's, your GONE. It's boot camp plain and simple no matter the hot, cold, or snow. "I'm paying you by the minute" speechs. Allways reminding you theres 1000 guys that can replace you. Obviously this is caused by the years and years of us being greedy, i'm not argueing that at all, and I do enjoy the money I make, or at least used to make. Union breaks? Hah, now thats funny, I always here about these but never get em. Boot camp, plain and simple.

Nevermind me, I just need to change careers. Rant over.

Any offices hiring? I work good under pressure!

You move to VA?

05-27-2009, 07:04 PM
drugs?? :dunno:

start prank calling people

05-27-2009, 07:16 PM
Luckly I only have to spend about half of my day sitting infront of the computer... It gives me just enough time to check out a few of the Forums but still stay on task :)

Egon Spengler
05-28-2009, 07:53 AM
The president of the company roams the hallways because he has nothing better to do and gets antsy sitting at his desk so he loads the days with meetings and bugging people so they can't get anything done! It seems everytime he roams is when I am on the internet or something!

My eyes bounce back and forth between the computer, project specifications, and project drawings all day so my eyes bug out!

Ms. Denmark
05-28-2009, 08:03 AM
My solution is Sirius channels 14 (Classic Vinyl) or Hard Attack and a big bottle of Vodka.;)

Egon Spengler
05-28-2009, 08:37 AM
I am on 60's on 6 right now... Usually I go with Shade 45 and listen to the hardcore rap... IT IS VERY THERAPEUTIC! I have to shut my door when I listen to that though! haha

My solution is Sirius channels 14 (Classic Vinyl) or Hard Attack and a big bottle of Vodka.;)

Ms. Denmark
05-28-2009, 08:39 AM
I am on 60's on 6 right now... Usually I go with Shade 45 and listen to the hardcore rap... IT IS VERY THERAPEUTIC! I have to shut my door when I listen to that though! hahaI like 60's on 6 too! Sometimes have to close the door and dance.:banana2:

05-28-2009, 09:20 AM
I give myself the rest of the day off and play golf. Like this afternoon and all day tomorrow! :D

05-28-2009, 09:31 AM
i go out and smoke every half hour. even though i really dont smoke..lol

i browse to the end of the internet.

05-28-2009, 09:48 AM
I got moved to an inside job because of an injury so i spend a good part of my day looking for more stuff to spruce up the marauder or like i have seen on this post music and stuff like that. and sometimes at lunch i hop in the MM and just go for a drive.

SC Cheesehead
05-28-2009, 11:11 AM
My solution is Sirius channels 14 (Classic Vinyl) or Hard Attack and a big bottle of Vodka.;)

Ummmmm, are you hiring....?

Ms. Denmark
05-28-2009, 11:44 AM
Hey Rex, we could prolly find you a spot!;)

05-28-2009, 03:47 PM
If you are tight with all the people you work with like I am play games... Basketball with paper from cubicle trash can to cubical trash can. Play pranks, crack jokes and have fun. The other day i was banking paper off a coworkers head over the cubicle and next thing I know he throws his entire damn recycling bin over.... Just have to make your own fun to pass the time.

05-28-2009, 05:23 PM
I used to randomly prank call others in my office and building. Pranks were always fun to do. Water in the seats of chairs, sand in desk drawers, vaseline on phones, ect...

05-28-2009, 07:14 PM
I am on 60's on 6 right now... Usually I go with Shade 45 and listen to the hardcore rap... IT IS VERY THERAPEUTIC! I have to shut my door when I listen to that though! haha

I have XM in the car, but at work I cruise to pandora.com

"The Music Genome Project"

It starts out as putting in your fav band/song.. then picks what you think you'll like.. either thumbs up or thumbs down it.. it's pretty accurate I think..

That and I sit back in dispatch and we usually just harass each other or get in food fights all day. I have to occasionally go up front though after my annual evaluation said I "need to be seen more".. damn people.. I'm IT.. I'm not supposed to be seen or work unless something is broke.. and it's not.. I run a tight ship.. haha ;)

I watch Hulu a lot too.. it helps that I spec'd my workstation with a 30" monitor :D

05-29-2009, 04:29 AM
I get up and roam trying to sneak up on my guys surfing the netz. They get me back too. When I'm really ancy I schedule trips down to get onboard our ships. Attend conferences to learn new stuff. I really dislike meetings so I try to avoid unschedule them. Look up cooking topics. Take a nice long walk at lunch.

Egon Spengler
05-29-2009, 06:47 AM
Well, I woke up this morning to rain so that means I am going to have a hard time getting out of bed and will definitely be 15 mins late... rain automatically does that to me haha.... Then I get dressed for work like a normal day, but I am out of it worse than usual... I come in to work and looked at the first person I saw and said "Son of a *****"... I had dressed up for a NORMAL workday instead of CASUAL Friday! I am 10x more uncomfortable now because I want to be in jeans and a t-shirt! AND I NEED A NAP!

Ms. Denmark
05-29-2009, 06:52 AM
i go out and smoke every half hour. even though i really dont smoke..lol

.That is a great idea! I don't smoke either but could certainly pretend that's why I'm leaving the building like a lot of my co workers do every hour! Sexy FTW!

Egon Spengler
05-29-2009, 06:54 AM
I thought about doing that before, but it is a small company and people know that I don't smoke and can't smoke because I am also a firefighter haha... damn... next suggestion

That is a great idea! I don't smoke either but could certainly pretend that's why I'm leaving the building like a lot of my co workers do every hour! Sexy FTW!

05-29-2009, 10:08 AM
Just imagine you are a roofer in Dallas in August. This is a no snivelling zone.