View Full Version : Latest XCal2 Update. *Read*

05-27-2009, 12:46 PM
If any of you have an XCal2 and have my tune in .xtr format, DO NOT UPDATE YOUR DEVICE.

I am not positive yet (cause I dont want to kill my own XCal2) but Im pretty sure the latest firmware takes the tuner's ability to talk to extreme tune.

They are phasing out everything associated with the old software, even if you still have it.
For example:
If you currently own Advantage 2.9 and have (or are in the process of) upgrading to Advantage 3.0, there is an update file that needs to be downloaded to activate the software. In doing this, SCT has included a command (polite name for virus) that deactivates 2.9. So basically the product you paid for is being shut off against your will without your consent.

Also, if you have any .ll3 files stored on your computer, this 'bug' will also convert those files to .cef files, which will require the serial # of the Tuner to function.

Just a heads up. :up:

05-27-2009, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the heads up. :)

05-27-2009, 01:07 PM
Wow, they really want to hurt their following and force folks to buy the new buggy X3. Greedy!!

05-27-2009, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the info Zack.

O's Fan Rich
05-27-2009, 01:36 PM
Never knew you could update Xcal2s..... but then again, I don't mess with this stuff!

05-27-2009, 01:44 PM
I guess im safe with the XCal3

Stranger in the Black Sedan
05-27-2009, 02:13 PM
I am limping by with a 9100!! Which is a little buggy w/ XTRs but does work

SC Cheesehead
05-27-2009, 02:16 PM
The Zack-man comes through again! Thanks bubba!

05-27-2009, 02:53 PM
Zack I need to talk to you :help:

05-27-2009, 08:48 PM
Wow, they really want to hurt their following and force folks to buy the new buggy X3. Greedy!!
What does your avatar stand for? Sorry for the off topic post.

05-28-2009, 08:14 AM
My xcal2 was replaced by an x3 when I bought my Trilogy. Any issues there?

I have ProRacer 3.1 IIRC

Thanks Zack. You got your own dyno yet?

05-28-2009, 08:32 AM
What does your avatar stand for? Sorry for the off topic post.
Fire Fighter. LEOs use one with a blue line. My apologies as well for the OT

Dennis Reinhart
05-28-2009, 09:47 AM
I will confirm this, I will let every one know live load files have now gone away, if you are a valid SCT dealer and have updated your software recently live load files are relpaced by CEX files, and the only way they will work is if you supply the serial # of the flash device that may be what is taking place with the Xcal 2, SCT will not render the Xcal 2 useless.

05-29-2009, 06:15 AM
Ironically these changes were ALL brought about by certain individual(s) who pirated the SCT software and were selling copies of it illegally. These things are being done to try and cut down that market.

Doubt me, just call SCT and ask.

So yes, thank you Zack. Thank YOU very much!


Dennis Reinhart
05-29-2009, 06:38 AM
Basically all XTR files are gone as well as Live load files, they have been replaced with CEX file format, that requires that all Xcal 2 or 3 you must have there serial off the tuner and give that to your SCT dealer, and he can email you a correction if needed.

05-29-2009, 06:40 AM
Ironically these changes were ALL brought about by certain individual(s) who pirated the SCT software and were selling copies of it illegally. These things are being done to try and cut down that market.

Doubt me, just call SCT and ask.

So yes, thank you Zack. Thank YOU very much!


Hey Darrin, hows it going?
Still waiting for your lawyer to serve me the papers so you can take our house and cars. :laugh:
Big bully. :rofl:
And if you think I dont know for a fact you have the same software you claim I have, just remember we all know Lonnie Doll worked for Dennis Reinhart for years.....and Dennis DOES have all the software in question. Can you put 2 and 2 together?

You want to blame someone, blame the crooked former employees of SCT, not me.

And if you want something to do today, go search all of the free file sharing websited on the WWW, you just might find all of the stuff in question.

05-29-2009, 06:46 AM
Oh boy here we go again LOL! ::: puts seat belt and bunker gear on::::

05-29-2009, 06:49 AM
This is getting good

05-29-2009, 06:50 AM
This is getting good

NOT what I would call good...:stupid:

05-29-2009, 07:16 AM
See, I am a straight shooter and an honest businessman. I do not have the software that you have and I don't need it. I do things honestly.

To that point, I don't need to go out warning the people that I sold anything to that they shouldn't update anything. If I have a customer that has an issue with anything I sold them then I have the proper means to straighten that issue out since I am a real SCT dealer in good standing.

Also, I never said that I was going to do anything at all to you. You are jsut trying to stir stuff up to get people in your favor. All I ever said was that if you didn't leave me alone that I was going to have my attorney talk to you about it and that if you had anything further to say to me about it that you needed to do so through my attorney.

Keep this new path of misdirection about what I said up and see how that pans out.


Dennis Reinhart
05-29-2009, 07:18 AM
Hey Darrin, hows it going?
Still waiting for your lawyer to serve me the papers so you can take our house and cars. :laugh:
Big bully. :rofl:
And if you think I dont know for a fact you have the same software you claim I have, just remember we all know Lonnie Doll worked for Dennis Reinhart for years.....and Dennis DOES have all the software in question. Can you put 2 and 2 together?

You want to blame someone, blame the crooked former employees of SCT, not me.

And if you want something to do today, go search all of the free file sharing websited on the WWW, you just might find all of the stuff in question.

What is free and what is legal to pirate is some thing else, I have a active Dongle SCT shut yours off. I do not have the software, and if I did I would never be openly advertising on the internet of selling it for 500.00 with a Xcal 2 and the abilaty to unlock it, I have never done this, because I would be open for a lawsuit from SCT, and they would close my account as they did yours, now lets not start another flame war, you do what ever you like, and Darrin will do as I do, try and make our living as you are trying to at your work place. Lets just let this go and move on. So lets just let this go and have a good weekend.

05-29-2009, 07:30 AM
SCT should make it so we dont have to LOCK any device to one vehicle IMHO, but they like $ like I do, so I understand.

Dennis Reinhart
05-29-2009, 07:46 AM
I totaly dissagree, Diablo, Hypertech, Superchips does not do this, if they did they would go broke if you bought one flash device and could flash a hundred cars. they would all go broke/

05-29-2009, 07:50 AM
I totaly dissagree, Diablo, Hypertech, Superchips does not do this, if they did they would go broke if you bought one flash device and could flash a hundred cars. they would all go broke/

VERY TRUE! But I would love to be about to flash my friends Mustangs for a small fee to ME!

05-29-2009, 07:58 AM
See, I am a straight shooter and an honest businessman. I do not have the software that you have and I don't need it. I do things honestly.

To that point, I don't need to go out warning the people that I sold anything to that they shouldn't update anything. If I have a customer that has an issue with anything I sold them then I have the proper means to straighten that issue out since I am a real SCT dealer in good standing.

Also, I never said that I was going to do anything at all to you. You are jsut trying to stir stuff up to get people in your favor. All I ever said was that if you didn't leave me alone that I was going to have my attorney talk to you about it and that if you had anything further to say to me about it that you needed to do so through my attorney.

Keep this new path of misdirection about what I said up and see how that pans out.


So you never wrote this to me:

And what REALLY sucks is that this all has to go on and I find out you have software that I have been dying to get my hands on.

Hope you enjoy that one for a while.

Darrin Burch
BC Automotive


Scare tactics dont work on me bubba. :banana:

Dennis Reinhart
05-29-2009, 08:03 AM
VERY TRUE! But I would love to be about to flash my friends Mustangs for a small fee to ME!

No problem, contact a electrical engineer and spend a 100K for R&D and then hire a software guy for another 50K and make your own flash device, then charge all your friends 10.00 to flash there car and see how long it takes you to recover your initial investment.

05-29-2009, 08:16 AM
I totaly dissagree, Diablo, Hypertech, Superchips does not do this, if they did they would go broke if you bought one flash device and could flash a hundred cars. they would all go broke/

So I never sent you 2 SCT 9100's in 2007 to be unlocked?

Must have been an out of body experience. :dunno:

You see everyone, a LOT of dealers have software from SCT they should not have. It happens when employees of SCT leave on a not so sweet note.

Then they pass these files out to their friends and certain dealers and keep it on the hush hush.

And then a guy like me gets put in the spotlight for having said files and I get nailed to the cross. Easy to point blame at a little fish like me and knowing you are guilty of the same said crime.
I am still LAUGHING over all of this. :rofl:

05-29-2009, 08:18 AM
I totaly dissagree, Diablo, Hypertech, Superchips does not do this, if they did they would go broke if you bought one flash device and could flash a hundred cars. they would all go broke/

Then explain to us how Mercman and others have your tune in their car without having purchased a tuner.

So easy to pass blame and look innocent, isnt it?

05-29-2009, 08:21 AM
Keep this new path of misdirection about what I said up and see how that pans out.


You dont have the coin for a lawyer, and especially for one and not having a case.
Why dont you put some money back into your delapidated shop before going fishing for a small guy like me. :flamer:

05-29-2009, 08:25 AM
In while the tuner is unlocked! Sorry, couldn't resist.

O's Fan Rich
05-29-2009, 08:25 AM
I'm gonna need a new transmission soon, I just know it!!!

Opps..... thought I was posting in an old thread.... my bad...

05-29-2009, 08:32 AM
And the biggest difference between me and the dealers out there is simple:

I waited to sell tunes until the Marauder Market took a plunge, as not to take food off of the table of the Vendors here.
The fact that you people are up in arms over my tuning (or trans tune) is comical.
I am a member that wants to help others at little to no profit to myself. Is that a crime? Dont think so, there are guys like me on every forum.
Good thing you dont deal in GM tuning, otherwise you will shat your pants if you ever found the tuning repository website (where members are allowed to upload custom tunes for exact mods/combos) and anyone can download them.

05-29-2009, 08:37 AM
This whole SCT mess makes me glad I switched to BigStuff3. The software is FREE and anyone can help change your tune.

05-29-2009, 08:37 AM
Just wanted to say hi to my buddies on EFITO who are looking in today

05-29-2009, 08:38 AM
This whole SCT mess makes me glad I switched to BigStuff3. The software is FREE and anyone can help change your tune.

I hear that.
SCT cant get the datalogging stuff to work on Chrysler cars, but they sure have time to write programs to screw the end user (or at least make a pain in their ass).

05-29-2009, 09:30 AM
Completely forgot I took this pic this holiday weekend.

05-29-2009, 09:53 AM
^^^^^ :laugh:

05-29-2009, 10:14 AM
Ya generic custom tunes are nice & all but w/o a dyno utuilized custom tune there is no way to maximize for your specific car... everyones is a little different.

05-29-2009, 10:46 AM
Meow, meow, meow, meow.

05-29-2009, 10:48 AM
So I never sent you 2 SCT 9100's in 2007 to be unlocked?

Must have been an out of body experience. :dunno:

You see everyone, a LOT of dealers have software from SCT they should not have. It happens when employees of SCT leave on a not so sweet note.

Then they pass these files out to their friends and certain dealers and keep it on the hush hush.

And then a guy like me gets put in the spotlight for having said files and I get nailed to the cross. Easy to point blame at a little fish like me and knowing you are guilty of the same said crime.
I am still LAUGHING over all of this. :rofl:

WTF are 9100's??? Are those the -Xcal 1? :lol:

Dennis Reinhart
05-29-2009, 11:30 AM
My god Zack what is wrong with you, are you so ate up with hate, you have to attack people, give it a rest. I am not going to entertain, your taunts and provocations. I will not post the stupid PM you sent me saying all BS aside what would it cost for you to unlock 2 Xcalls for me, even if I could why would I or any one do you a favor after what you have said and done to me and others as well as this club, you are lucky SCT has not taken you to court, and the zoning office has not been to your home or you have gotten a audit notice from the IRS. So continue to bad mouth SCT and attack people. I am sure SCT are aware of your posts. Every SCT dealer is fully aware of the fact your dongle was turned off, you are no longer a SCT dealer, if any one buys any thing from you they will have no warranty, and if SCT finds out where you are getting Xcals from they will suspend that dealers account as well. And if you did a update before they shut your dongle off, it took out your key logger and you have lost your software as well. But it makes no difference what you have. We have gone for months now and you have left me and my family alone, I still like this club, at one time I and many others had respect for you, now I truly feel sorry for you. Now this has gone far enough off track.

05-29-2009, 11:42 AM
If, would have, might, will, gonna, should.

I always seem to hear those words pertaining to the claims and repercussions.

Thats why I had the last laugh.

05-29-2009, 11:43 AM
No Dennis, it is right on track. The exact same maroon that got the old software functionality, and some device functionality, taken away made a post complaining about the direct results of his own actions and trying to paint SCT in a bad light for doing it.

It's just the stupidest thing I think I have ever seen.

And yes Zack, I sent you that exact email as a fishing expedition to help SCT nail your sorry butt to the wall. Try and use that one against me all you want. LOL


05-29-2009, 11:47 AM
To make it perfectly clear to everyone.

The exact reason that those of you with older devices who have lost the ability to use them and the reason that SCT is changing things in their software to add further security is directly due to Zack.

Laugh loud my friend. You caused all of this and the damage is further reaching than just you losing your new SCT software.

Yup, laugh good and hard. It shows us all exactly what type of person you are.


05-29-2009, 11:57 AM
I swear this will be my last post in this thread.

Advantage 2.9 will turn back (if you loaded the update and it shut off) by using System Restore.

Im smarter than most. :D

05-29-2009, 12:00 PM
I have never updated my xcal2 so i'm still good to go?

Dennis Reinhart
05-29-2009, 12:02 PM
I have never updated my xcal2 so i'm still good to go?

Yes but there may be no need to, it will depend on what file is sent to you.

05-29-2009, 12:11 PM
oh....i have all Lidio tunes on mine...just don't know about this stuff,thanks
Actually the cars been shifting alittle off and doesn't seem as strong ...wonder if i'm due for a reset/retune...

05-29-2009, 12:49 PM
Hey Darrin, hows it going?
Still waiting for your lawyer to serve me the papers so you can take our house and cars. :laugh:
Big bully. :rofl:
And if you think I dont know for a fact you have the same software you claim I have, just remember we all know Lonnie Doll worked for Dennis Reinhart for years.....and Dennis DOES have all the software in question. Can you put 2 and 2 together?

You want to blame someone, blame the crooked former employees of SCT, not me.

And if you want something to do today, go search all of the free file sharing websited on the WWW, you just might find all of the stuff in question.

Zack, get your stories straight and don't try and drag me into your lies. I want nothing to do with you and your ways.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I worked for Dennis for less than 3 months after I was discharged from the service and VA hospital for injuries while serving. I had my own software, not Dennis'. I have no idea what software Dennis had since I used my own during my very short time working with him. To say I have or had the same software as you or that Dennis has the same as you and then saying I must also have it since I worked for him is a bunch of crap. What you are trying to do is get others to believe you are a victim and trying to redirect the fact that you stole programs from a lot of dealers using the software you now have and then using those programs and or taking parts of them and claiming they are yours. <o:p></o:p>
I have no such software like you have. I'm one of the honest ones that abide by the rules and build my own programs. Anyone is more than welcome to come to my place and check out my software if they don't believe me.<o:p></o:p>
This whole change with the serial number required in the SCT software was in fact brought about because of you. This is just like putting a lock on a cabinet, it will only keep the honest ones out. Those that think they are above this will figure out a way in. This now has unconvinced all SCT dealers/tuners that are still in good standing.<o:p></o:p>
I know there are a lot of you on this forum that are Zack worshippers and will bash me for one reason or another. Some will say I only came here to start trouble since I only have a single post. I came here because I was informed by several people that Zack is lying about me and pulling me into his BS. The single post situation, you can ask admin why that is. I was one of the first members here when the site was brand new and used to tune a lot of the Marauders from this site. Once I stopped working for Dennis I was banned from this site. Logan sent me a nice notice to never return and offered up no reason why I was banned. He wouldn't even have the balls to reply back to my emails. I have since left this site to the dogs. I've been asked to come back several times now by the new admin and they removed the ban but from what I see in these threads I'm better off without this place. <o:p></o:p>