View Full Version : GM to sell Hummer to Chinese company

06-02-2009, 12:48 PM
DETROIT – General Motors Corp. took a key step toward its downsizing on Tuesday, striking a tentative deal to sell its Hummer brand to a Chinese manufacturer, while also revealing that it has potential buyers for its Saturn and Saab brands.

GM has an agreement to sell its Hummer brand to Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. of China, said a person briefed on the deal.

The Detroit automaker announced Tuesday morning that it had a memorandum of understanding to sell the brand of rugged SUVs, but it didn't identify the buyer. A formal announcement of the buyer was to be made Tuesday afternoon, said the person briefed on the deal. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the details have not been made public.

Sichuan Tengzhong deals in road construction, plastics, resins and other industrial products, but Hummer would be its first step into the automotive business.

GM said the sale will likely save more than 3,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing, engineering and at various Hummer dealerships.

As part of the proposed transaction, Hummer will continue to contract vehicle manufacturing and business services from GM during a transitional period. For example, GM's Shreveport, La., assembly plant would continue to contract to assemble the H3 and H3T through at least 2010, GM said.

The automaker also said Tuesday that it has 16 buyers interested in purchasing its Saturn brand, while three parties are interested in the Swedish Saab brand.

Chief Financial Officer Ray Young told reporters and industry analysts on a conference call that GM is continuing to pursue manufacturing agreements with a new Saturn buyer.

GM would like to sell the money-losing Saturn brand's dealership network, contracting with the new buyer to make some of its cars while the buyer gets other vehicles from different manufacturers.

At the same time, bridge loan discussions with the Swedish government are progressing, Young said.

GM, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York on Monday, is racing to remake itself as a smaller, leaner automaker. In addition to its plan to sell the Hummer, Saab and Saturn brands, GM will also phase out its Pontiac brand, concentrating on its Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC nameplates.

The company hopes to follow the lead of fellow U.S. automaker Chrysler LLC by transforming its most profitable assets into a new company in just 30 days and emerging from bankruptcy protection soon after.

But GM is much larger and complex than its Auburn Hills-based rival and isn't up against Chrysler's tight June 15 deadline to close its deal with Fiat Group SpA.

Sharon Lindstrom, managing director at business consulting firm Protiviti, said the companies pose different challenges. But as with Chrysler, she notes that the Treasury Department made sure many of GM's moving parts were in order ahead of time so a quick bankruptcy reorganization might be possible.

"They had a lot of their ducks in a row because the terms of the government financing forced them to get all the parties to the table in a very, very short period of time," Lindstrom said.

Separately, the German government said Tuesday it paid out the first euro300 million ($425 million) in bridge loans to GM's Adam Opel GmbH division. The loans are part of a deal to shrink GM's stake in Opel and shield it from GM's bankruptcy protection filing in the U.S.

Canadian auto supplier Magna International Inc. and Russian-owned Sberbank will acquire 55 percent of Opel.

A sale of the Hummer brand had been expected. Chief Executive Fritz Henderson had said in April that the automaker was expecting final bids from three potential buyers within the month.

Critics had seized on the rugged but fuel-inefficient Hummer as a symbol of excess as GM's financial troubles grew and gas prices rose. Sales at Hummer, which is known for models with military-vehicle roots, have been in a steep slide since gasoline prices rose to record heights last summer. For the first four months of this year, Hummer sales are down 67 percent.

GM nailed down deals with its union and a majority of its bondholders and arranged the Opel deal in order to appear in court Monday with a near-complete plan to quickly emerge with a chance to become profitable.

The government has said it expects GM to come out of bankruptcy protection within 60 to 90 days. By comparison, the judge overseeing Chrysler's case approved the sale of its assets to a group led by Italy's Fiat in just over a month. Some industry observers think Chrysler could emerge as early as this week.

During Monday's hearing, GM attorney Harvey Miller stressed the magnitude of the case and the importance of moving GM through court oversight as fast as possible. He noted that the automaker only has about $2 billion in cash left.

"If there's going to be a recovery of value, it's absolutely crucial that a sale take place as soon as possible," Miller said in his opening statement.

The automaker wants to sell the bulk of its assets to a new company in which the U.S. government will take a 60 percent ownership stake. The Canadian government would take 12.5 percent of the "New GM," with the United Auto Workers union getting 17.5 percent and unsecured bondholders receiving 10 percent. Existing shareholders are expected to be wiped out.

U.S. Judge Robert Gerber moved swiftly through more than 25 mostly procedural motions during the automaker's first-day Chapter 11 hearing.

Gerber set GM's sale hearing for June 30, putting it on a path similar to that of Chrysler. Objections are due on June 19, with any competing bids required to be submitted by June 22.

Gerber also gave GM immediate access to $15 billion in government financing to get it through the next few weeks, and interim approval for use of a total $33.3 billion in financing, with final approval slated to be ruled on June 25. The funds are contingent on GM's sale being approved by July 10. Gerber also approved motions allowing the company to pay certain prebankruptcy wages, along with supplier and shipping costs.

The sheer size of GM makes it a more complicated case than Chrysler.

GM made twice as many vehicles as Chrysler's 1.5 million last year and employs 235,000 people compared with Chrysler's 54,000. GM also has plants and operations in many more countries, meaning it will likely have to strike separate deals to navigate the bankruptcy laws of those places.

Henderson said GM has learned a few things by watching Chrysler's case.

"Certainly the court showed that it can address 363 (sale) transactions in an expeditious fashion," Henderson said at a news conference Monday. "Particularly in our case with what will be a very large 363 transaction."

GM's filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection is the largest ever for an industrial company. GM, which said it has $172.81 billion in debt and $82.29 billion in assets, had received about $20 billion in low-interest loans before entering bankruptcy protection.

O's Fan Rich
06-02-2009, 01:02 PM
I hear they are going to build a full line of off road delivery vehicles to open up the rural areas for Chinese Food Delivery, and dry cleaning services...

06-02-2009, 01:03 PM

Matt Johnson
06-02-2009, 01:17 PM
China will be the country that finally puts the nail in the global environmental coffin - the Hummer will just help hammer it down.

06-02-2009, 02:44 PM
IMO the Chinese are buying a pig in a poke. I note that the oil rich middle east country's are not, overtly, buying into the American Auto Industry rehash.

Wonder if they know something the Chinese don't.

Dr Caleb
06-02-2009, 04:00 PM
A Chinese Hummer.

All I have to say is

"Giggedy Giggedy!"

06-02-2009, 04:51 PM
Didn't a Chinese company Tata also buy Jaguar?

Where the heck is China getting all this money to buy our debt and pieces of our companies?

A little bit off subject, but a lady friend of ours is a very strict teacher who will not allow promotions if her students do not do the required work.

Well, it seems that her strictness had a bunch of parents upset, so they complained to the principal.

But, before she received any reprimand, a bunch of parents showed up requesting that their kids be in her class next year.

The complaining parents were white, while the other group of parents were foreigners.


06-02-2009, 05:52 PM
more workers losing their jobs to china!!! i say fck gm and let them vanish. they might as well sell everything to china. we have turned into such a continent of warehouses!! not much manufacturing left. if i remember correctly. there are no "crafts" in a warehouse. say goodbye to a little bit more of americana!!

here is what i think of any company and anything made outside of the u.s. and canada.:puke:

06-02-2009, 05:53 PM
Chummer? Chumvee?

06-02-2009, 06:37 PM
Didn't a Chinese company Tata also buy Jaguar?

Where the heck is China getting all this money to buy our debt and pieces of our companies?

A little bit off subject, but a lady friend of ours is a very strict teacher who will not allow promotions if her students do not do the required work.

Well, it seems that her strictness had a bunch of parents upset, so they complained to the principal.

But, before she received any reprimand, a bunch of parents showed up requesting that their kids be in her class next year.

The complaining parents were white, while the other group of parents were foreigners.

Tata is an Indian company and GM's Buick brand is actually quite popular in China.

06-02-2009, 06:42 PM
Tata is an Indian company and GM's Buick brand is actually quite popular in China.

they also bought land rover

Tata also produces the worlds cheapst car!

the tata nano!


06-02-2009, 06:56 PM
A Chinese Hummer.

All I have to say is .....

"Giggedy Giggedy!"

Asian Hummers.... oh the memories.:P

06-03-2009, 12:14 AM
Asian Hummers.... oh the memories.:P


You are too much!

06-03-2009, 12:16 AM
That little car has flowerboxes in the dash...LOL

06-03-2009, 12:19 AM
Something about that shifter doesn't look right, for my liking.

06-03-2009, 12:23 AM
Its a tad phallic...:D

06-03-2009, 06:03 AM
That is the ugliest car I've ever seen in my life, and I will set fire to the first one I actually see on the streets, that is how much it's ugliness offends me.

they also bought land rover

Tata also produces the worlds cheapst car!

the tata nano!


06-03-2009, 09:59 AM
No doubt, any American that buys one has no self respect. Imagine the heckling.

06-03-2009, 10:01 AM
A little bit off subject, but a lady friend of ours is a very strict teacher who will not allow promotions if her students do not do the required work.

Well, it seems that her strictness had a bunch of parents upset, so they complained to the principal.

But, before she received any reprimand, a bunch of parents showed up requesting that their kids be in her class next year.

The complaining parents were white, while the other group of parents were foreigners.


Is there no such thing as 'white foreigners?'

06-03-2009, 10:03 AM
No doubt, any American that buys one has no self respect. Imagine the heckling.
No, imagine me going berserker when I see them, and the smell of burning tata's wafting across the land. Yeah, I just said tata's.

06-03-2009, 10:18 AM
Its a tad phallic...:D

A tad? That's like saying somebody caught in a tidal wave is a tad damp.

06-03-2009, 10:40 AM
Time to form a TATA patrol. They should be required to paint all of them Mary Kay Pink.:flamer:

O's Fan Rich
06-03-2009, 10:55 AM
That would make a great trailer to tow behind our Suburban!

Matt Johnson
06-03-2009, 02:41 PM
Tata's don't pass US Safety standards - will not be sold here - not for this market anyway. They were built to make sure that even the dirt poor can afford cars and now finally contribute to global warming like the rest of the civilized world.

06-03-2009, 02:45 PM
I wonder if there is a fortune cookie in the glove box?

06-03-2009, 04:37 PM

You are absolutely correct, my dad was a white foreigner.

Joe Walsh
06-03-2009, 04:46 PM
No, imagine me going berserker when I see them, and the smell of burning tata's wafting across the land. Yeah, I just said tata's.


Joe Walsh
06-03-2009, 04:48 PM
Its a tad phallic...:D

A tad? That's like saying somebody caught in a tidal wave is a tad damp.


"Many female driver's have purposely pulled one spark plug wire loose on the TaTa's engine to create a rough vibration at idle"....:D

06-03-2009, 04:50 PM

"Many female driver's have purposely pulled one spark plug wire loose on the TaTa's engine to create a rough vibration at idle"....:D

Lol, does it have more than one?

Joe Walsh
06-03-2009, 04:59 PM

Problem solved!

Like most foreign languages, the translation to English is significantly longer than the Indian words

'TaTas' in Indian translates to:

"Ugly pile of slow and dangerous sheetmetal but it's got a porn star shifter"

06-03-2009, 05:18 PM

OMG, Boob Lube!

Joe Walsh
06-03-2009, 05:22 PM
OMG, Boob Lube!

I've been trying to explain to the wife that it would be beneficial to have this product in our household.

06-03-2009, 05:30 PM
I've been trying to explain to the wife that it would be beneficial to have this product in our household.

Dude, my eyes are watering from laughing at your posts, knock it off! I think I'll get a bottle and the next time I'm visiting friends for dinner or a party, casually slip it into thier medicine cabinet, lol.

06-03-2009, 06:53 PM
Dude, my eyes are watering from laughing at your posts, knock it off! I think I'll get a bottle and the next time I'm visiting friends for dinner or a party, casually slip it into thier medicine cabinet, lol.

LOL....That would make for some interesting on the way home chat...