View Full Version : Dell Vostro

06-04-2009, 01:28 PM
Curious i need a new CPU for school and the dell Vostro 420 looks to be my best option. Will be using it for Webdesign,Photo Design things of that nature. Anyone here bought the vostro. Did u fill all 4 Harddrives? How does it run. Ect...ect... :help:

06-04-2009, 03:42 PM
I bought one for my sister and her family last Christmas. They like it a lot.

06-05-2009, 05:33 AM
I picked out a Vostro 220 for my dad to replace his 8 year old computer. It's a pretty good machine. It should suit your needs in a fairly basic configuration, but if you want to do any serious gaming, I would invest in a ridonkulous video card. You can do that later so I wouldn't worry about it now.

What are the specs of the one you are interested in purchasing?

Black Terror
06-05-2009, 06:01 AM
I am running 2 Vostro 410's with Q6600 processor's and 4 MB memory in Church Business Office. Both have over 2TB capacity and are used for file servers for other computers on the system.
All 8 systems back up to the 2 Vostro's. Everything works great so far, had them since Jan 2009.
Video Card can be whatever you need for use anticipated.
Case is big enough to handle a lot of storage capacity.