View Full Version : Curiuous George--Thanks

10-09-2003, 03:51 PM
Old - "Darn Keys " "Keyboard " is History--

Well , well, well.... so say it is a problem and , boom--there is no longer a problem... seems now I'm under the microscope even more---that was spelled correctly --see-- and for those not in the know--well, lets just say Curious George had all the Curious he could take and decide to Correct the problem.....still don't get it--well, it only means you haven't been on the board very long and as for me--well, it makes me feel I'm now apart of the "crew" more so than I thought....so...

Thanks Curious George......new keyboard is much better!!!!

Now --if I could only trace where the box came from----seems that is as Curious as Curious George is......Darn!!!

10-09-2003, 03:57 PM

10-09-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by marauderman
Thanks Curious George......new keyboard is much better!!!!
Presents!?!? CG - is the Bunny on your list?? Christmas is just around the corner!

10-09-2003, 04:40 PM
:up: :confused:

10-09-2003, 06:25 PM
I just talked with George, he's sending me a set of Nitto drag radials for Xmas! Way to go George!

Must have been my excellent service to MercuryMarauder.net this past year, as well as my courtesy and kindness towards ALL our fellow MM.Net members everywhere that earned me this prize.

George knows how to compliment winners!

Wait a minute...

OTOH...Someone here is sure to call this payola, I am just sure of it. So...nevermind. I'd rather not hear that kind of talk.

George! Can you hear me? Keep your drag radials, K? I never believed in Xmas anyway...


10-09-2003, 06:37 PM
Actually C.George is really a live circuit somewhere here , isn't he, cause while my keys were asleep, he must have sent a charge, cause I thought so from the heat on the keys when I came back--and now they are like new keys-----you mean he's not a circuit and he had nothing to do with my keys being like new--Ouch!
and the box was not a box --but board shaped like a box--and was gone when I return to the computer----wow--this is a mind stretch for sure---I've been up to long--time for rest---

This is much to much like the "outer limits"---

I'm just going to enjoy and leave this alone ---like leaving a sleeping dog alone---..

10-09-2003, 06:40 PM
Your right best to leave a sleping dog alone!!

I know!!:D :cool: :coolman:

10-09-2003, 07:13 PM
Lets see how long this one plays out.
The punch line is bound to be good!!!!

10-09-2003, 08:01 PM
you guys are crazy!

George was with ME all week; he was helping to change Jett's diapers and took him for a walk on Navy Pier. Me and the wife have hired him to work weekends and the occassional weekday night so we can drive over to Target to buy floor wax and light bulbs. I doubt the wages we will be paying him will afford him the luxury of buying anyone anything.

I think he may have been sneaking on to my my computer when Jett was napping. He seems to have some weird attraction to electronic devices.