View Full Version : Grammar Forum

06-11-2009, 09:37 AM
I propose we start a grammar forum. Am I way out of line here? Since the government sees the need to spend money on GM (that is going bankrupt anyway) instead of education, I should do my part to help increase the literacy rate to avoid things like this:

does anyone have a pair of drag rad. there wanting to sell im on my 2od
pair of the pos bfg. they only have 5000 mi & already showin ware
i have stock rims they could even be used....
not to mention the bfg. dont hook up for s***
thanks for any help

We could have a running list of differences between:




Joe Walsh
06-11-2009, 09:46 AM
Do they even teach English and Grammar in schools anymore?
I thought that they were more concerned with getting everyone fluent in Spanish for our bilingual America.

Add in: wear/ware/where/we're/were

BTW: You/We are fighting a losing battle against the "young texters".

Egon Spengler
06-11-2009, 09:52 AM
Those are definitely pet peeves of mine! I hate when people use the words wrong, but hey, I am nobody to judge so I just push my way through people's sentences trying to make my way through the hard parts!

That one is pretty bad, especially for a guy whose age shows 50!!!

06-11-2009, 09:59 AM
Don't forget your/you're and brake/break.

Joe Walsh
06-11-2009, 10:04 AM
We aren't going to get into the whose/who/whom thing are we???


Although my mother corrected me hundreds of times for improper use of those three words, I can never keep them straight!.....:depress:

who's....that one I can remember

06-11-2009, 10:04 AM
My wife is a college professor and teaches English, Basic comp, Speech, and Public speaking at the undergraduate level and Corporate Communications at the graduate level. I help her grade papers, speeches and written presentations. The level of ignorance is mind-boggling. It gets to the point where you cannot get mad, you just start to laugh or giggle in a mentally disturbed kind of way. I don't blame the schools for not providing the tools for these kids to succeed, because every opportunity is there for them, I blame the parents. Ignorance is a cycle and it is very hard to break. The only bright side to all of this is that my boys will be these ignoramuses boss some day.

06-11-2009, 10:06 AM
Are you serious? Then we could only use --->:stupid: half the time!

Joe Walsh
06-11-2009, 10:07 AM
My wife is a college professor and teaches English, Basic comp, Speech, and Public speaking at the undergraduate level and Corporate Communications at the graduate level. I help her grade papers, speeches and written presentations. The level of ignorance is mind-boggling. It gets to the point where you cannot get mad, you just start to laugh or giggle in a mentally disturbed kind of way. I don't blame the schools for not providing the tools for these kids to succeed, because every opportunity is there for them, I blame the parents. Ignorance is a cycle and it is very hard to break. The only bright side to all of this is that my boys will be these ignoramuses boss some day.

speek 4 ur selff mR. Smartiepants!

06-11-2009, 10:10 AM
Don't forget your/you're and brake/break.

Also then and than. Don't understand how people can mix them up. :rolleyes:

06-11-2009, 10:11 AM
I'll admit to using the wrong spelling often.:( Never did care for school, too much:sleepy:.

06-11-2009, 10:15 AM
BTW: You/We are fighting a losing battle against the "young texters".



O's Fan Rich
06-11-2009, 10:15 AM
I almost won a Grammer award when I wrote a story about my Grammar who ate too many Grammar crackers at a Grammar Rock concert......

06-11-2009, 10:16 AM
I'll admit to using the wrong spelling often.:( Never did care for school, too much:sleepy:.

The occasional typo happens oh well, but the complete ignorance of the language is what I'm getting at.

Someone will always be needed to take out the trash.

06-11-2009, 10:53 AM
Good idea(in theory) but you would just be tilting at windmills. The written word is slowly dying because of indifference.

06-11-2009, 10:56 AM

06-11-2009, 11:15 AM
The person that posted the original misspelled thread is 50 years old...so his info says...

06-11-2009, 11:18 AM

Joe Walsh
06-11-2009, 11:28 AM


"Can't Spell This!"

06-11-2009, 11:46 AM
This is the internet, if your that obsessed with perfekt ghrammor on the internet, please get a life


06-11-2009, 12:04 PM
I once asked my daughter what her freind just said...she didnt know either!
Evolution. Ebonics...Whatever... Cant be stopped. ultimatly we will come full circle and speak only in grunts, tones and a curious arrangement of disconected letters that mean something to someone but little else.
I am glad we no longer speak pilgrim...But jeeeaz... Rayne er in already.

06-11-2009, 12:04 PM
Thankfully there is at least one person out there that doesn't blame schools for stupid people.

Yeah, it is the school's fault for not MAKING people learn. That's like blaming your dentist for not MAKING you floss. That bastard!

Stupid people don't take responsibility for themselves anyway, so it is obviously not their own fault they are morons. Right? It is "the man" holding them down!

Oh yeah, don't forget lose/loose and people who ask "Where's it at?"

If you didn't get that last one - "where's it at" is redundant.

If you don't know what "redundant" means, never mind.

My wife is a college professor and teaches English, Basic comp, Speech, and Public speaking at the undergraduate level and Corporate Communications at the graduate level. I help her grade papers, speeches and written presentations. The level of ignorance is mind-boggling. It gets to the point where you cannot get mad, you just start to laugh or giggle in a mentally disturbed kind of way. I don't blame the schools for not providing the tools for these kids to succeed, because every opportunity is there for them, I blame the parents. Ignorance is a cycle and it is very hard to break. The only bright side to all of this is that my boys will be these ignoramuses boss some day.

06-11-2009, 12:15 PM
Good idea(in theory) but you would just be tilting at windmills. The written word is slowly dying because of indifference.
We increasingly use tools, albeit electronic, and every tool needs an instruction manual, so the written word won't die until we stop using tools.

The english language is a bastard language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_English_languag e) made up of the languages of the cultures washing up on the British Isles over the course of several thousand years and continues to fluctuate, adding more words every day (http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/06/10/million.words/). In an increasingly interconnected society, we always need new words, and we will truncate, abbreviate, and streamline as we see fit. I don't expect someone describing a movie to explain that the villian's gun had a sight utilizing light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, as laser is fine, and I still know what he means when he someone texts me "badguy had lzr". If someone says something which prohibits another's understanding of the concept, then they have misspoken. If they say something and another bothers to correct them, then the corrector knows what they meant already, making the correction pretentious and irrelevant.

My buddy has a degree in English, and he used to correct me when I would end my sentences in prepositions (which I rarely do). He stopped when I asked him, "So you're saying prepositions are the words I shouldn't end my sentences with?" ;)

Language changes like clothing style. It is a cultural marker which adapts our communication to present day, rather than clinging to old ways for no reason in particular. Linguistic innovation is similar to technologic innovation, in that it makes communication simpler for those using it. If language makes it hard to communicate, then it has defeated its own purpose. As long as young people can tie together words and convey complete ideas, I'm okay with changes being made. It's when the meaning is lost (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0yQunhOaU0) and we become an idiocracy, that we're in trouble.


06-11-2009, 12:38 PM
What you have pasted/typed here is correct. Language does "evolve" with new words, phrases, etc. Of course with most defiance of authority, and in this case grammar rules, the offenders are mainly youth. In every generation, there are buzzwords, diction variations and changes in syntax. All of that is fine until one has to communicate at an elevated level. For example, a job interview, meeting the boyfriend/girlfriend's parents, a person trying to sell me a $50,000 piece of equipment. If a person's command of their language is not satisfactory, they will always be the odd man/woman out in every situation which requires verbal and written skill to accomplish a goal. This hierarchy will always be in place, and I am pleased it is so.
We increasingly use tools, albeit electronic, and every tool needs an instruction manual, so the written word won't die until we stop using tools.

The english language is a bastard language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_English_languag e) made up of the languages of the cultures washing up on the British Isles over the course of several thousand years and continues to fluctuate, adding more words every day (http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/06/10/million.words/). In an increasingly interconnected society, we always need new words, and we will truncate, abbreviate, and streamline as we see fit. I don't expect someone describing a movie to explain that the villian's gun had a sight utilizing light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, as laser is fine, and I still know what he means when he someone texts me "badguy had lzr". If someone says something which prohibits another's understanding of the concept, then they have misspoken. If they say something and another bothers to correct them, then the corrector knows what they meant already, making the correction pretentious and irrelevant.

My buddy has a degree in English, and he used to correct me when I would end my sentences in prepositions (which I rarely do). He stopped when I asked him, "So you're saying prepositions are the words I shouldn't end my sentences with?" ;)

Language changes like clothing style. It is a cultural marker which adapts our communication to present day, rather than clinging to old ways for no reason in particular. Linguistic innovation is similar to technologic innovation, in that it makes communication simpler for those using it. If language makes it hard to communicate, then it has defeated its own purpose. As long as young people can tie together words and convey complete ideas, I'm okay with changes being made. It's when the meaning is lost (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0yQunhOaU0) and we become an idiocracy, that we're in trouble.


06-11-2009, 01:04 PM
After 2 micro stroke's that affected memory and cognative capability's it is hard to keep thing's perfect and straight.

Now have to fight with dislexia and as I get tired thing's get a little mixed up so I wing it sometimes when I write or respond.

All I am trying to say is if you can understand what is being writen you might give a guy a break because you don't know their entire story.

Not our place to put someone down due to lack of schooling, or any other issue's that might come into play.

Just wanted to chime in seeing I am one of the guy's that have been picked on from time to time on the net about an issue like this on other web site's.

06-11-2009, 02:05 PM
I aint relly got know problum readin most of da treads here on dis marauder foram da thing dat i gots the biggest issue wid is da posts dat are just 1 long runnin stream a conshusnus dese posts gots no cap letters no punkshoewaishin no paragafs I find dese awefulli hard to read an figger out what is bean said butt udder then that I don’t rilly find dem to be a problem so the grammer stuff dosnt be a problem ya got that FTW WTG LOL

06-11-2009, 02:19 PM
My wife is a college professor and teaches English, Basic comp, Speech, and Public speaking at the undergraduate level and Corporate Communications at the graduate level. I help her grade papers, speeches and written presentations. The level of ignorance is mind-boggling. It gets to the point where you cannot get mad, you just start to laugh or giggle in a mentally disturbed kind of way. I don't blame the schools for not providing the tools for these kids to succeed, because every opportunity is there for them, I blame the parents. Ignorance is a cycle and it is very hard to break. The only bright side to all of this is that my boys will be these ignoramuses boss some day.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Ms. Denmark
06-11-2009, 02:40 PM
Also then and than. Don't understand how people can mix them up. :rolleyes:
I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THIS. Please enlighten all of us as to the correct usage, Professor Charles. :confused:

06-11-2009, 04:37 PM
Now have to fight with dislexia and as I get tired thing's get a little mixed up so I wing it sometimes when I write or respond.

Dyslexics untie! Err, I mean unite.

06-11-2009, 04:50 PM
I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THIS. Please enlighten all of us as to the correct usage, Professor Charles. :confused:

Then = an earlier period in time or a logic expression (e.g. I was much younger then .... or .... If I get a supercharger, then I'll be faster than DOOM.)

Than = a comparison of items (eg. my MM is faster than Ms. Denmark's ... or .... I am much older than DOOM.)

06-11-2009, 05:05 PM
It's a lost cause that even the patron saint of worthless miracles can't fix.

Give-up. But not quietly !

Deteriorata (http://www.geocities.com/gdmjoe/DETERIORATA.html) <<<<< -click-

BTW ... Throw punctuation ( and the lack thereof ) in there also.


06-11-2009, 05:07 PM
After 2 micro stroke's that affected memory and cognative capability's it is hard to keep thing's perfect and straight.

I can accept mistakes, we all make them. And it is clear that when you type you have a grasp on the language. It's when something resembles "grunt grunt, beat on stick with rock, grunt, fart", is when it gets a little ridiculous, especially when a little red line comes up to let me know that I misspelled a word. That pretty much leaves no excuse.

But hey, go ahead and write out a resume like that, it will make it that much easier for me to take your job.

06-11-2009, 05:25 PM
This is the internet, if your that obsessed with perfekt ghrammor on the internet, please get a life

As the Internet is the ONLY way that many people interface with others or groups (as on this forum), taking an effort to articulate one's thoughts clearly, intelligibly and with correct grammar in writing is a valid priority for most---and should be considered by all.:shake:

06-11-2009, 05:31 PM
when something resembles "grunt grunt, beat on stick with rock, grunt, fart", is when it gets a little ridiculous,

Farts are funny, never ridiculous!:stooges:

06-11-2009, 05:40 PM
offroadkarter - This is the internet ...
So that's the excuse for lazy and stupid. The internet. http://www.geocities.com/gdmjoe/thumb.gif

Joe Walsh
06-11-2009, 05:41 PM
I aint relly got know problum readin most of da treads here on dis marauder foram da thing dat i gots the biggest issue wid is da posts dat are just 1 long runnin stream a conshusnus dese posts gots no cap letters no punkshoewaishin no paragafs I find dese awefulli hard to read an figger out what is bean said butt udder then that I don’t rilly find dem to be a problem so the grammer stuff dosnt be a problem ya got that FTW WTG LOL


U be riter dan all dem profesers hoo b tellin me & use how 2 spel n grammarcate!

Joe Walsh
06-11-2009, 05:44 PM
My gripe is that we are NOT texting on a tiny phone keyboard where punctuation and proper grammar are a waste of time and effort....
We are all in front of a full size computer keyboard.