View Full Version : What has happened to this web site.

Dennis Reinhart
06-18-2009, 06:30 PM
There was a time not so far back in the distant past, where this site was more than a daily visit for many of us It was once a fun place to unwind after a hectic day, and help fellow Marauder owners, hundreds of whom my self and family had grown close to, it was filled with camaraderie, light hearted laughter, and it was known as the most technical advanced site on the Marauder.

Over the last two years this site has lost five key vendors, and I feel the site is going to loose more unless some thing changes. I am no longer a vendor. I stepped down as a owner, because of accusations of preferential treatment.

Once I decided to step down as a vendor, personal attacks started, this is a direct violation of the terms of service this club is based on. This is happening more and more often, to other vendors here as well as members, some of which have made modifications to there cars, that others here have poked fun at as well as expressed darn right sarcasm.

This was NEVER allowed. I do not care where you buy your parts for your car, I do not care what super charger you install, I have, and always will respect and care for this car, I road in the first test car back in 2002, being tested by a company contracted by Mercury to do the the finale drive line engineering, I fell in love with the car, and waited a whole year to buy a Blue one.

Hopefully this post will make some of you stop and think, and hopefully the moderators will not let a few spray this thread with gasoline and set it on fire.

On a lighter note A friend in Orange park just got his brand new Camaro its silver I will post some pictures of it and he is going to let us do a base pull on it, and I will post the numbers. I am in Daytona this weekend taking part in the FOE the Fraternal Order of Eagles State Convention, this is a well respected Non profit international organization based on people helping people they raise tens of thousands of dollars each year for charity and Diabetes and Alzheimer's research and many more. I hope every one has a safe weekend and a great Fathers day.

Dennis A Reinhart

06-18-2009, 06:46 PM
damn man...I haven't been here that long...but if that's the case...that's outright unacceptable and quite disheartening.

06-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Hang in there. It gets better.

Dennis Reinhart
06-18-2009, 07:25 PM
Thank you Russel, I am not worried about me, but your heart felt words means a lot to me. And your inputs as well as hundreds of other senior members here on this site never go unnoticed.

06-18-2009, 07:35 PM
I've learned to ignore the ignorant posts. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad.

As for the new Camaro, up here we've already had one get into an 'accident'. They are built in Oshawa so there are many on the streets in the Greater Toronto Area.

06-18-2009, 07:39 PM
I too haven't been on this forum very long. About 2 months ago I traded my Focus ST(unfortunately US spec as FORD will not give us the EURO spec) in for my Marauder. I have spent alot of time on Focus Fanatics & Focaljet. Both are great sights but there has always been people talking crap about vendors and each other, but the moderators try there best to keep thing respectful. Criticism is a great thing I let's you know were you may be lacking but I should be respectful if not that's the moderators job to step in. Vendors don't pay to be locked in never ending wars, there in it to sell products that further the cause our beloved Marauders. They help us to make our cars kick A** and look darn good doing it. To Dennis you have done alot of great things for the panther platform so why don't you help to turn the tide of vendor's leaving and come back. Also Dennis I love Vortech supercharger and hopefully after winter I can sweet talk my wife into letting me buy your kit

06-18-2009, 07:41 PM
So are you saying that us nonsenior members have absolutely no good input? Or that we have "brought down this site?" Please explain.

I may have my fun now and then along with many of my close friends, and i'm sure that your taking it completely the wrong way, but I for one have spent NUMEROUS hours chasing part #'s, running out to the garage to snap a close up photo of a part for someone in need, and driven countless miles to friends homes to help where I could. I have met alot of great people here and in person, here and out of state. My cell phone is always on for anybody in need, at any hour, DAY or NIGHT.

This description of me is also true for most of anybody i've met on here. And now your wondering what has happened to this site?????? If you asked me i'd say were doing just fine, thank you.

SC Cheesehead
06-18-2009, 07:42 PM

I'm one of the "middie" members; I joined the site the latter part of '04, so I can't speak for the early days, but I have seen a change over the past year or so, and unfortunately it's not all been for the better, IMO.

Folks like yourself have been an integral part of this community, an I for one do appreciate all that you and the other "old-timers" have contributed. :up:

06-18-2009, 07:48 PM
Hopefully this post will make some of you stop and think, and hopefully the moderators will not let a few spray this thread with gasoline and set it on fire.

You tried :burnout:

06-18-2009, 07:54 PM

It was ok when people you were in competition with got slammed and run off the site.

You made your bed.

Matt In Detroit
06-18-2009, 08:23 PM
I totally see a difference. I joined this site back in 04 when i bought my first marauder. Id say the site then was mostly older mature guys who really wanted to talk cars 99% of the time. Very little BS. I think the price of the car kept things on an adult level. I have come back many years later recently buying my second Marauder. I see alot more "young" talk and bickering and petty BS. Its not bad, but i think it was better before. Still lots of great info here.

06-18-2009, 08:34 PM
I'm still enjoying this website and look forward to it everyday. I agree that there has been problems and there have been those special moments with members, attitude, etc, etc... I can't compare the past to the present, because I am a newer member, but I've met great people along the way and look forward to more. I don't know a perfect place that exist, but there's more positives than negatives. I even fell in love with JustBob!!!

Dennis Reinhart
06-18-2009, 08:35 PM

It was ok when people you were in competition with got slammed and run off the site.

You made your bed.

No Charlie you are wrong, try and find one post here where I said it was ok, to slam any vendor here past or present, you will never find it. I took up for many vendors here under fire that were considered my compatition, nothing you say about me surprises me, because you have never liked me but thats OK.

I can live with that, remember the time at the heavy weight shoot out where you said my car had a hidden nitrous bottle, so we opened the trunk for you, so for the past four years you take a stabs at me here, like your sarcastic remark about my self made bed.

So you ignore this posts main point, this is about the site not me, but of course you have continue to take shots at me, and run down and get the first gallon of gasoline to start your bomb fire, well Charlie if it makes you feel better have at it. I do not dislike you and mean you no harm. But I truly feel sorry for you.

Canadasvt You tried *************** your right I did

06-18-2009, 08:43 PM
Let me give you the cliff notes for the original post:

"Zack needs to go so I can sign up as a vendor again.
I will and continue to improve my business and appreciate the support from everyone. I have made mistakes in the past and blah blah blah."

....but it reality nothing has changed and your credit card will be billed and your parts may or may not arrive in one years time in 20+ boxes, all which you will pay the shipping for.

Yep, those are the cliff notes.

06-18-2009, 09:07 PM
No Charlie you are wrong, try and find one post here where I said it was ok, to slam any vendor here past or present, you will never find it. I took up for many vendors here under fire that were considered my compatition, nothing you say about me surprises me, because you have never liked me but thats OK.

Now is the time for all customers who called Dennis about his Vortech SC to step forward and relay to all of us how DR bashed Trilogy and FIT, proclaiming his kit makes more HP and the others are trash.

Dont deny it Dennis, Ive been on the phone with WAY more than 2 handfuls of such people (who now have Trilogy's)