View Full Version : I still enjoy this site alot

06-19-2009, 05:51 AM
Been posting here darn near every day since I got my car in October of 2004. This site and the folks on it have been very helpful and Ive met lots of great MM owners over the years, both in the area and at the annual fandangoes. This "lounge" section is nice to post other assorted car stuff or whatever. Here is some stuff that bugs me though:

-seems there are some folks here that like to "stir the pot" with vendors or other websites or whatever. Ive noticed over the years it is usually the same people all the time, wish those concerned would just keep it to themselves or maybe just sell their cars and go away;

- I really dont like the political stuff. When somebody posts a clearly political issue and I dont like it I feel the need to set the record straight and frankly I get "tired head" from doing it, I wish the rules were followed and there were no political threads allowed;

- finally, I dont really like the "should I cut my toenails today?" type posts.

That said, this has been a great website and I will continue to check it at least once a day and chime in. I like the "favorite car" type of posts and have learned alot from the Marauder related posts as well. I also like the "show and tell" stuff like all the gun discussions. Most of all, it is the majority of active posters on this site that follow the rules and that really make it a good thing. Nuff said.

06-19-2009, 08:19 AM
I couldn't agree with you more!

06-19-2009, 08:27 AM
-seems there are some folks here that like to "stir the pot" with vendors or other websites or whatever. Ive noticed over the years it is usually the same people all the time, wish those concerned would just keep it to themselves or maybe just sell their cars and go away;

I think you should name names or not post crap like this...


Hack Goby
06-19-2009, 08:38 AM
I think you should name names or not post crap like this...


Ya,Talk about "Pot sturring"

SC Cheesehead
06-19-2009, 09:57 AM
Here we go again....:D


06-19-2009, 10:21 AM

"Should I cut my toenails today?"; help I need to know?

06-19-2009, 10:31 AM

"Should I cut my toenails today?"; help I need to know?
After you paint them.

06-19-2009, 10:33 AM
After you paint them.

Ok, but what color? :dunno:

06-19-2009, 10:34 AM
Ok, but what color? :dunno:

There's only one color, foo !!

06-19-2009, 10:37 AM
There's only one color, foo !!

Fail!!!!! Major Fail!

06-19-2009, 10:41 AM
Fail!!!!! Major Fail!

You walked into that one!
I confess I also like this site and it's peoples. Havn't meet anyone yet I didn't like.

06-19-2009, 03:02 PM
I for one was quite insulted at "his" take on this obviously trashed good for nothing house. The house that used to so great. What exactly is wrong with it now? Too many new guys??? Not enough sales generated? What? After not responding to my post, I see quite cleary how "he" feels about us newbies. The same newbies that he was all smilly with while taking our money and forgeting to order our parts.

Anyways enough about him.

I never for the life of me thought i'd actually get to know someone on here when I joined, let alone a hundred or more! I had bought my car back in 04 with never giving it a thought about a website existing and after the about the guziliunth time looking up Trilogy amongst over possible parts I realized it was allways redirecting me back here every time I googled Marauder!!! I have yet to meet somebody here I didn't like, I'm usually a very mellow person and don't let much get to me, (Everybody where I work is short fused, and you'd quit if you actually let it get to you). All the meets i've been to or created i've had a blast. Even when CBT from states away prank calls me I get a kick out of it! Zack's bailed me out a couple times, once again ALWAYS answers his phone! Takedown is the best damn cook i've ever come across! Dom, well he's Dom, you gotta like him. Sharing a beer with Rex while he visits or TJA for that matter. Actually getting to see in real life the famous ProRauder and oh yeah John LOL. Also having Casey treat me and others to a sox game! Look I could eat up a couple of hours thinking back in just the LAST YEAR that i've been here.

I could not possibly be any happier with this site.

BTW why was my shipping never refunded for the Control arms like promised, and where's the free proguard you promised for the "confusion" of emails not delivered to Metco?

Never mind, keep it. I never liked the idea of hush money.

Stiring pot? Nope, that was allready done, just needed more seasoning.

06-19-2009, 03:36 PM
I been on the site since April of 05 and I noticed the difference in the site with the needless waste of bandwith threads and oddball discussions, but thats fine. That pretty much sums up every site out there so its something I choose to deal with. On a positive note, My questions are always answered, the archive has years of info, if I ever run into a problem Im sure its been discussed at some point in time, I met tons of great people at the numerous meets I attend, and I look forward to continuing being a true contributing member of this site.


Dennis Reinhart
06-19-2009, 08:22 PM
I did to enjoy this site. And still have many friends here

06-19-2009, 08:27 PM

06-19-2009, 10:45 PM
Dennis you should read post #12. I'm NOT trying to start a fight, take of care of your customers and everything else will fall into place, but hell... What do I know.

06-20-2009, 12:15 AM
I like it here too. Good thing I keep the topics on exploding chile instead of toenails. :D

06-20-2009, 01:41 PM
Been posting here darn near every day since I got my car in October of 2004. This site and the folks on it have been very helpful and Ive met lots of great MM owners over the years, both in the area and at the annual fandangoes. This "lounge" section is nice to post other assorted car stuff or whatever. Here is some stuff that bugs me though:

-seems there are some folks here that like to "stir the pot" with vendors or other websites or whatever. Ive noticed over the years it is usually the same people all the time, wish those concerned would just keep it to themselves or maybe just sell their cars and go away;

- I really dont like the political stuff. When somebody posts a clearly political issue and I dont like it I feel the need to set the record straight and frankly I get "tired head" from doing it, I wish the rules were followed and there were no political threads allowed;

- finally, I dont really like the "should I cut my toenails today?" type posts.

That said, this has been a great website and I will continue to check it at least once a day and chime in. I like the "favorite car" type of posts and have learned alot from the Marauder related posts as well. I also like the "show and tell" stuff like all the gun discussions. Most of all, it is the majority of active posters on this site that follow the rules and that really make it a good thing. Nuff said.

LOL, Jim, you can rest your case because you've obviously made your point. It never ceases to amaze me how differently people act
when you meet them in person and visit with them as opposed to just seeing some thermonuclear flame from them on the internet.

Case in point is (Well lets just let's just say he's from some where up North) Met him years ago and in person.
he's a great guy willing to help any one any way. Get him on a keyboard though and he
becomes a very prickly Klingon with sword drawn and swinging.

Many of us look at these discussions the we would a Chess match. We are friends but with different moves and at the end we are still friends. Others get frustrated after a few moves and want to kick the board over or even kick some other part of our anatomy.

This is just life in the 21st Century. The keyboard is the bull horn for the soapbox. Not everyone is going to like everything they hear but most will voice (or type if you will) what they think is an appropriate response.

Like I just did.

06-22-2009, 04:13 AM
I like it here too. Good thing I keep the topics on exploding chile instead of toenails. :D

What is wrong with toenail threads?

06-22-2009, 04:24 AM
What is wrong with toenail threads?

Toenail thread? Is that like a hangnail? If you pull a toenail thread, will your toe unravel?

06-22-2009, 04:29 AM
Toenail thread? Is that like a hangnail? If you pull a toenail thread, will your toe unravel?

Come over here and pull mine. ;)

06-22-2009, 04:33 AM
Come over here and pull mine. ;)

You said the same thing to me in the elevator in Louisville. I'm not going to fall for it twice.

06-22-2009, 03:08 PM
You said the same thing to me in the elevator in Louisville. I'm not going to fall for it twice.
:eek:He said that to you too!:shake: