View Full Version : Bucks Fans, Enjoy your new players!!

06-23-2009, 11:37 AM
For you NBA fans out there....its a sad day in Spurs Land.....the Spurs have traded Bruce Bowen, Kurt Thomas and Fabricio Oberto to the Bucks for Richard Jefferson....I cant believe it....I am so bummed...:bigcry:

O's Fan Rich
06-23-2009, 12:54 PM
They need to rebuild.... this is a start.

06-24-2009, 05:37 AM
Oberto's already gone to the Pistons. My bet is all three get waived and Bowen and maybe even Oberto come back to the Spurs. Thomas will get signed by a team looking for a quality part-time PF though it would be nice if he could come back as well. For the Bucks it was strictly a money move to get cap space so they can resign their young guys. For the Spurs, it was obvious they needed another threat with Tim, Tony and Manu to challenge the Lakers. The big three probably only have a couple of years left in the tank. Smart move by all parties concerned.

06-24-2009, 05:48 AM
Did I mention that all three ex Spur players are going into the last year of their contracts....Bowen has a non garaunteed contract, so he will likely be waived, Oberto as you said will most likely be waived also....SA didnt really have a place for Kurt Thomas. It would be nice to have Bowen back to finish his career here. He is 37 as it Thomas and Oberto is 34...getting up there in NBA years....Bowen has roots in the community here so I dont doubt he will be back if he is waived.
Now with Richard Jefferson, who is only 29, we are getting a 20 points a game guy who can shoot from the outside but is not a clutch player....neither were the other three so I guess no big deal there...we have Timmy, Manu, and TP for that.

Like you said, Only a couple of years left for the big 3. We will see what happens.