View Full Version : ATTENTION! a note from a Mod

06-25-2009, 07:14 AM
I enjoy a non-MM related post as well as the next member BUT I am tiring of having monitor a few members here because of their posts. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Lets' take a break from just plain dumbazz threads. It is summer time, get away from the computer and take a drive in your car.

Also this business of "post count +1" is tiring. STOP IT NOW.

I will start deleting threads and giving time-outs if this childish behavior continues. Fun is fun, but the mods do not have the time to read EVERY post in every thread on this board. We have to rely on reported posts to keep the really questionable stuff to a minimum. This site should not need to have a "post officer" as there are those who have been here long enough to kinow what is acceptable. Newbees read some of the crap that has been posted and assume it is OK to post garbage. We are gaining new members daily,, so please set a good example for them.

Don't make me stop this car and come back there,, it won't be pretty !!!!

06-25-2009, 07:41 AM
I This site should not need to have a "post officer" as there are those who have been here long enough to kinow what is acceptable. Don't make me stop this car and come back there,, it won't be pretty !!!!

Yes, Mr. Post Officer. :rofl:

+1 :lol:

Egon Spengler
06-25-2009, 09:16 AM
Is this where all threads go to die? Every closed thread is being linked to here!

06-25-2009, 09:22 AM
SHHH TJ we arent supposed to talk when we are in time-out.:shake:

06-25-2009, 10:21 AM
We didn't ask for this. I don't see anyone appreciating it either.

Newer members are a lot younger than the members four years ago. Times change Dan and nobody really wants to change includding you. If you don't like it, I guess you can do something about it and you already have.

Perhaps it's because of the rough times. We all need an escape and something to laugh at. At meets we discuss these things and how funny they were, not just here on the net. {deleted}

I think you will find ten out of ten members on here will say the way site is run is fine, except for days like this. This is our club, our site. You may own part of it (I am speaking to all Mods now) but it's the members that keep it alive. Wither we donate money or buy from a vendor. The only people that compain are you guys and girl. Everyone else is fine with laughing about this or that and it's over. I have never seen anyone post a thank you or phrase for closing or banning anyone with one acception and that member is back and active. Nor have I seen it today. The second actions like this are taken, everyone get's mad includding me. Yet this is seen as good being done for the Marauder Community. If it's a family site, than this is far from a family. There is no such thing as Pleasantville, but it seems like the Mods would like to make it out to be that way. I cannot think of a single family that was ever perfect, but that's life.

Please think of what the pleases members all across the world and a little beyond the circle of seven people.

06-25-2009, 10:35 AM
Wow Dom...that was worded "tasteful." It does seem the site is trying to maintain the consistency of it was 6-7 years ago. But like its been said before...there is not much more to talk about relating to the car. Why even have a lounge if its limited to we can post....you know what its no need for mr to continue typing all I am saying has been said before.

06-25-2009, 10:37 AM
Dom, thanks for the reply.

You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes here at "Pleasantville".

We Mods are the ones that get the brunt of e-mails and PM's about the various posts on the site. We have a thankless job trying to keep the vocal minority of over 4 thousand people somewhat happy. As I stated in my initial post, those that are abusing the site and those who egg them on need to stop it. We CANNOT keep up with the number of posts on a daily basis when a large number are BS. This site can't police itself as of yet. I have no problem with change and I can speak for the rest of the owners as well regarding that statement. We want this site to continue to be the #1 authority on the MM and will strive to keep it that way,,
ERGO,, if we have to remind you what this site is all about from time to time,, it is a small price to pay

06-25-2009, 10:45 AM
You are right I do not have an idea, probably not by a long shot.

By my post being deleated, it should have be censored because of my mentioning of banning. The whole post wasn't on banning, it was on the site.

So about 2 lines should have been deleated, not the whole post. The rest was something zero out of seven people cared to read.

You guys are out of control.

I hope all out "authorities" have a better day. :mad2:

06-25-2009, 10:47 AM
Go ahead and repost, Dom. We didn't want to be accused of editing your words.

You are right I do not have an idea, probably not by a long shot.

By my post being deleated, it should have be censored because of my mentioning of banning. The whole post wasn't on banning, it was on the site.

So about 2 lines should have been deleated, not the whole post. The rest was something zero out of seven people cared to read.

You guys are out of control.

I hope all out "authorities" have a better day. :mad2:

06-25-2009, 10:51 AM
Go ahead and repost, Dom. We didn't want to be accused of editing your words.

I didn't take the time to PM it to myself so it's gone forever unless you choose to bring it back.

What's it matter? The message was going infront of blind eyes.

Egon Spengler
06-25-2009, 10:52 AM
Anarchy Burger! Hold the government!

06-25-2009, 10:58 AM
Anarchy Burger! Hold the government!




O's Fan Rich
06-25-2009, 11:06 AM
If people have a problem with posts, they should address the poster, not the "Mods".

Oh, wait..... this is the "New" America where we run to those in Authority to fix all our problems and make things "nice" for all instead of caring for things ourselves.

Ahhhhhhhh..... change......

06-25-2009, 11:08 AM
Ahhhhhhhh..... change......

Two quaters, a dime, three nickles and a pennie.

06-25-2009, 11:08 AM
If people have a problem with posts, they should address the poster, not the "Mods".

Oh, wait..... this is the "New" America where we run to those in Authority to fix all our problems and make things "nice" for all instead of caring for things ourselves.

Ahhhhhhhh..... change......

Obama promised me a puppy.:depress:

06-25-2009, 11:11 AM
Obama promised me a puppy.:depress:

Was that a puppy or a pu**y?

Egon Spengler
06-25-2009, 11:13 AM
I like puppies!

If I don't wash behind my ears, will potatoes really start to grow there?

06-25-2009, 11:14 AM
I like puppies!

If I don't wash behind my ears, will potatoes really start to grow there?

Nope. Puppies will.

Mr. Man
06-25-2009, 11:30 AM
Why all the hostility towards the MOD's? I don't get it. Though my post count is low I have been a voyeur for many years and only recently was forced to sign up as a member because a certain MOD wasn't always convinced Ms.D would say such things:poke:. I can sympithize w/ the MODS about having to read all the posts and on some nights its probably a big job but I personally like the atmosphere that permeates here and that its not all cuss words and mean spirited like some other sites I'm familiar with. So kudos for keeping it relatively clean and tasteful. On the other hand the lounge is for non MM topics and what is initiated there is really non-controllable other than to say if a topic started is of no interest it will die quickly. A suggestion to the MODs to control "nuisance" posts is to not give credit to treads in certain categories like the lounge, thereby eliminating the need for certain people/persons need to constantly bump his/her post count. Just my opinion but what do I know I'm just a poor country dirt farmer.:bandit:

06-25-2009, 01:18 PM
I enjoy a non-MM related post as well as the next member BUT I am tiring of having monitor a few members here because of their posts. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Lets' take a break from just plain dumbazz threads. It is summer time, get away from the computer and take a drive in your car.

Also this business of "post count +1" is tiring. STOP IT NOW.

I will start deleting threads and giving time-outs if this childish behavior continues. Fun is fun, but the mods do not have the time to read EVERY post in every thread on this board. We have to rely on reported posts to keep the really questionable stuff to a minimum. This site should not need to have a "post officer" as there are those who have been here long enough to kinow what is acceptable. Newbees read some of the crap that has been posted and assume it is OK to post garbage. We are gaining new members daily,, so please set a good example for them.

Don't make me stop this car and come back there,, it won't be pretty !!!!

Christ on a bicycle!

Why don't you just go make a list of "acceptable topics" so nobody ever annoys you again. This has to be the most asinine thing I've ever read here.

And then to go an ban Zack.

Beyond words.

I'm not sure why I continue to post here with these rules. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the moderation is too restrictive. You've put yourselves in the hole you dug. The more you bend over backwards to all the whiny people who don;t have a clue just makes more work for you. And you continue to do it, over and over and over.

06-25-2009, 01:33 PM
I didn't take the time to PM it to myself so it's gone forever unless you choose to bring it back.
A copy should be in your PM "Sent Box".

06-25-2009, 01:40 PM
This is just an idea...why don't the owners just be the owners and admin and select several members to be moderators? I wouldn't mind being one as I already am a moderator on several other online forums that I visit daily.

The one forum I am very involved with, the single owner pops in from time to time just to check on things and leaves it to the 6 moderators to oversee currently 3, 696 members.

06-25-2009, 02:08 PM
So what ARE we allowed to talk about in the "you can talk about anything here" thread??

06-25-2009, 02:16 PM
We talk about anything in the shout box. We also talk about nothing most of the time!:D

06-25-2009, 02:22 PM
That gets regulated too PoPs...:rolleyes:

06-25-2009, 02:24 PM
I know that but we have been pretty good these days. Just stop the BS and have fun.

06-25-2009, 02:25 PM
That gets regulated too PoPs...:rolleyes:

Be careful what you say about them, they are listening...shhhhhh

06-25-2009, 02:26 PM
Be careful what you say about them, they are listening...shhhhhh

Make the site sound more like prison...:(
or school...:flamer:

06-25-2009, 02:26 PM
Let them listen! We are all reading and watching!

06-25-2009, 02:27 PM
Make the site sound more like prison...:(
or school...:flamer:
Prison sex!! Who brought the grape Shmuckers?!

06-25-2009, 02:28 PM
Make the site sound more like prison...:(
or school...:flamer:

It is like that Tito! You have to follow the rules and we all know what they are! :)

06-25-2009, 02:30 PM
Well PoPs when I was in school and prison...I rarely followed the rules...:lol:

06-25-2009, 02:30 PM
Prison sex!! Who brought the grape Shmuckers?!

BAD CBT....we are not underway....no man love.

06-25-2009, 02:32 PM
BAD CBT....we are not underway....no man love.

:depress: Fine then, guess I won't shave my legs.

O's Fan Rich
06-25-2009, 02:33 PM
Don't ask..... Don't tell.......


06-25-2009, 02:35 PM
I've shaved lots of things, but never my legs!

Does it burn?

06-25-2009, 02:39 PM
Well PoPs when I was in school and prison...I rarely followed the rules...:lol:

:PNo prison but in school the rules and I did not get along. In the end they won!

06-25-2009, 02:40 PM
Does it burn?

Not as bad as the herpes he gave me :flamer:

06-25-2009, 02:42 PM
Not as bad as the herpes he gave me :flamer:
I told you to gargle with Listerine soon afterwards:shake:

06-25-2009, 02:44 PM
But then what am I supposed to get drunk off of if I waste my stash on gargling?

06-25-2009, 02:47 PM
But then what am I supposed to get drunk off of if I waste my stash on gargling?

From the homebrew they make down in the engine rooms!

06-25-2009, 02:49 PM
From the homebrew they make down in the engine rooms!

Ya, like that EVER makes it up to the flight deck.