View Full Version : Horrific sight ...

06-27-2009, 02:14 PM
So the family and I are coming home from the cinema this afternoon on STR 46 south from Oneida, NY. I finally get around someone's grandpa doing 40 (55 zone) and I'm coming up on a older green Ford pickup. I'm deciding whether to stay behind him when I notice he has two dogs in the box and one of them is walking on a full width tool box. Intuition told me this was no good and I started backing off the gas. The second dog then jumps from the bed. I slam on the brakes figuring I'm going to hit it. Instead the poor dog was tied to the box and dragged down the road at 55 mph for atleast 1/4 mile. My wife and daughter are going hysterical at the sight of this. I'm yelling at them to not look. I decided not to stop because of the way my family reacted. I called 911, but down here in the hills coverage is spotty. Not to mention I get the wrong 911 Center too boot. I did manage to give out the location where the truck stopped before I lost signal. It appeared the dog maybe alive, but who knows how badly hurt it was. I'm sure the idiot just tossed it back in the box and kept on going. You know the type, woodchuck, junk vehicle, 4 people in the front seat... Some people are only alive because killing them is illegal. :mad2: If I ever see that truck while I'm working, well, he won't be having a good day...

06-27-2009, 02:24 PM
I know what you mean as i've seen these bags of human excrement driving with dogs in the back of their trucks.What if they have a wreck? Some people don't "QUALIFY" to have children or pets.:stupid:

06-27-2009, 02:30 PM
Damn, that sucks. It amazes me that people are that ignorant.

I had a rough day yesterday as well. We had a motorcycle VS SUV and Guardrail. He rearended a SUV at roughly 75 MPH and was dead on impact. THen he bounced off and hit the guardrail for the final collision. THis is the second accident in 3 days involving motorcycles that I have been on. The first one was 2 guys going over 160 mph and drunk and lost it. One of the guys was cut clean in half, the other is comatose right now. Kinda glad I sold my bike now.

06-27-2009, 02:55 PM
Damn, that sucks. It amazes me that people are that ignorant.

I had a rough day yesterday as well. We had a motorcycle VS SUV and Guardrail. He rearended a SUV at roughly 75 MPH and was dead on impact. THen he bounced off and hit the guardrail for the final collision. THis is the second accident in 3 days involving motorcycles that I have been on. The first one was 2 guys going over 160 mph and drunk and lost it. One of the guys was cut clean in half, the other is comatose right now. Kinda glad I sold my bike now.
There's an old biker saying,"The throttle works both ways",personally I'm way more worried about the morons driving 4 wheelers then what little bit over the speed limit I'm traveling at,but 160 is insane.

06-27-2009, 03:03 PM
Thats awfull ray.
I hope your daughter didn't see too much.

06-27-2009, 03:12 PM
Wow, Griswold style..poor dog.

06-27-2009, 03:22 PM
I actually cringed while reading that, I am a dog lover, so I probably would have reacted the same way as your wife and daughter.
I hope you guys forget that image quickly.

Blk Mamba
06-27-2009, 03:24 PM
A man locally was upset with his girlfriend, took her dog, and tied it to the bumper of his truck, when the LEO's caught him he was 6 miles away, needless to say the puppy did not survive. This guy is a piece of crud, and has been in and out dozens of times.

06-27-2009, 03:34 PM
A man locally was upset with his girlfriend, took her dog, and tied it to the bumper of his truck, when the LEO's caught him he was 6 miles away, needless to say the puppy did not survive. This guy is a piece of crud, and has been in and out dozens of times.
Worthless POS! (the guy)

06-27-2009, 04:26 PM
You would think that putting a shackle around a humans neck and attaching it to a bumper is a little inhumane.......Somethimes :eek:

Mr. Man
06-27-2009, 06:11 PM
Hope you got his tag and will be passing it along to your comrade fuzz in Oneida to follow up. This thread will make Ms. D upset so keep the graphics to a min please....

Ms. Denmark
06-27-2009, 06:12 PM
Wow Ray. I am so sorry for that poor dog and for your family. As for the *** **** who allowed this to happen, he needs to be glad it wasn't Mr. Man and me in the next car. I could not be responsible for what might have occured.:mad2:

SC Cheesehead
06-27-2009, 06:27 PM
Oh man, I am just speechless. Just thinking about it is almost beyond comprehension, but to see something like that....

06-27-2009, 06:31 PM
Stupid humans.

06-28-2009, 02:41 AM
Chances are this guy was not caught. That stretch of highway is kind of in between jurisdictions. Unless someone was right close by I'm sure he got away with it. You get desensitized to these things, but seeing it happen to a young dog, well... I was not close enough to see the plate and taking evasive action, paying attention to what was happening in my vehicle, made it impossible.

06-28-2009, 08:22 AM
WOW!!! Boy it sure would be nice to start weeding out the weak and stupid.

06-28-2009, 01:19 PM
That would have been painful for me to watch as well. I dont think anyone in your family is going to forget that sight for a long while,

06-28-2009, 06:41 PM
That would have been painful for me to watch as well. I dont think anyone in your family is going to forget that sight for a long while,

You are right Paul. Hacklemerc, fatal motorcycle accident just around the corner from my house at 0940 this morning.

06-28-2009, 07:02 PM
What's goin on with the rash of motorcycle accidents/deaths. 2 separate deaths in my small town in the last week. First Motorcyclist accelerated like a bat out of hell from a traffic light, hit a girl turning left off of side street. Second one hit water, and dropped her bike, no helmet.

Last weekend near Fastmerc, a car hit a deer, deer flew into motorcycle, cyclist not wearing a helmet, lays it down, gets run over by SUV behind him, and motorcycle slides into another vehicle. 4 vehicles, 1 death, and I believe that the deer ran away.


06-28-2009, 10:40 PM
Some people are only alive because killing them is illegal.

Ain't that the truth!

When is the secret day when we all get wavers? :confused:

06-28-2009, 10:46 PM
and guess what...in most states this is a Misdemeanor and punishable by less than a year in jail and/or $1,000 fine.

Pretty pitiful IMHO.

06-28-2009, 10:48 PM
What's goin on with the rash of motorcycle accidents/deaths. 2 separate deaths in my small town in the last week. First Motorcyclist accelerated like a bat out of hell from a traffic light, hit a girl turning left off of side street. Second one hit water, and dropped her bike, no helmet.

Last weekend near Fastmerc, a car hit a deer, deer flew into motorcycle, cyclist not wearing a helmet, lays it down, gets run over by SUV behind him, and motorcycle slides into another vehicle. 4 vehicles, 1 death, and I believe that the deer ran away.


Motorcycle deaths will continue to rise every year, I belive mostly due to lack of education, CELL PHONES! and these newer cars that are well insulated as far as sound goes and come with factory strereos that are very powerful.

06-29-2009, 02:55 AM
Last weekend near Fastmerc, a car hit a deer, deer flew into motorcycle, cyclist not wearing a helmet, lays it down, gets run over by SUV behind him, and motorcycle slides into another vehicle. 4 vehicles, 1 death, and I believe that the deer ran away.


Man thats some bad luck. I stopped a kid last night on a motorcycle for texting while riding. I couldn't believe what I saw at first. He was coasting about 35 mph sitting straight up texting with both hands. At least he had a helmet on though...

06-29-2009, 04:26 AM
Humans getting thrashed I have no problem seeing. Hurt animals make me sad, although I did work on a farm and one of my duties was capping the runt pigs with a little .25 auto and burying them. Away from the other pigs of course, because they would have eaten them. Pigs eat anything. We used to catch snakes and turn them loose in the hog pen. Oinkers be goin nutz trying to kill them and eat them, yo.

06-29-2009, 07:01 AM
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll190/itskevin049/01010601160101040320080420d27c 9a2ec.jpgI went down on this bike Jun 4 ..Healing now.. broken ankle and alot of road rash.... I guess the guy in the pick up wanted to use the same peice of road that I was on..never even saw him. Bumped me on the left rear saddle bag..wobble wobble ..then high side down hard.. knocked me out cold..bent the right handle bar almost 90 degrees.Didnt break my arm or wrist. Just my right ankle.. $6900. in damage to the bike( getting fixed now) Im back at work with a half cast . Be riding again middle of august or sooner maybe..

Theres alot more Bike accidents cause there alot more bikes out....And I have a nice loud exhaust.. driver must been distracted...Looking at all the pretty bike's that were riding with me.. I think after my buddies got done with him he might start payin a little more attention now..:coolman::flamer:

06-29-2009, 01:24 PM
hadamustang, glad to hear you are on the mend. Does your state require you to ride with the headlight on? It really makes bikes more visible. I know it has helped me see ones I would not have without it. I'm guessing that the guy that died around the corner from my house may have been avoiding a deer. They run through that spot to get to the old mill pond. Its a broad sweeping curve with good visibility. Of course speed was a obvious contributing factor. He flew 40' face 1st into a guide rail. I'm kinda amazed he made it to the hospital before expiring. R.I.P. young man.

06-29-2009, 04:43 PM
Yes headlight was on.. Dude just kinda did a pit move on my right side. I was down I even saw him...

06-30-2009, 07:29 PM
Nice 8-Ball, I've got 2 Vics myself. Heal fast.

As for dogs in pickups, I've seen that all my life and often wondered about the dog jumping out at speed (dogs not being the brightest of God's creatures) but I never saw it happen so I just figured most dogs were smart enough not to do it. Never considered the owner to be a douche bag for riding the dog in back though. Guess I'm just not PETA material.