View Full Version : Will there be...?

06-29-2009, 09:05 PM
Will the cause of many long-time and contributing members leaving be addressed? Or will the cause of whatever is going on continue to be ignored?

just a curious observation.....

06-29-2009, 09:06 PM
I blame myself mostly...

Blk Mamba
06-29-2009, 09:53 PM
I always miss everything.

06-29-2009, 09:57 PM
I blame myself mostly...

When I'm not blaming myself I blame the Government. Something doesn't smell right.:confused:

06-30-2009, 01:29 AM
Will the cause of many long-time and contributing members leaving be addressed? Or will the cause of whatever is going on continue to be ignored?

just a curious observation.....

I'm stuck on the fence Aaron, AJ's threads never really bothered me, some of them I actually found pretty interesting, but when this guy nomad started posting those dog sh** threads, it made me crazy! It made me wonder if that's how others feel about AJ's threads??? I guess so huh? If you noticed though, I only posted once in one of those ridiculously stupid, immature threads, (I think it was the lawn mowing one???) its called will power my friends, if you have no interest in a "certain persons" threads, please don't read them, simple as that.

I was deeply saddened by the banning of Zack, even though there was a thread posted by Mary, there was no real explanation, I thought things had been relatively quiet prior to Zack's banning. (I mean no controversial threads) I guess it wasn't quiet behind the curtains. Now Zack, TMF, Knine are gone and fastblackmerc is on hiatus! This has been truly a horrible week in the Marauder community. My only question is........ Why???

All in all, this is a great site, and I will continue to support it. I hope others will too, and not let "certain people" discourage them from supporting this wonderful site.


06-30-2009, 03:21 AM
What again? This has happened before and all I can say is; No one is forcing anyone to stay here, if you do not like another member ignore them and do not read their threads. So instead of bit*ching about a thread or post suck it up if not....Well bye bye.

Joe Walsh
06-30-2009, 04:18 AM
I'm stuck on the fence Aaron, AJ's threads never really bothered me, some of them I actually found pretty interesting, but when this guy nomad
started posting those dog sh** threads, it made me crazy! It made me wonder if that's how others feel about AJ's threads??? I guess so huh? If you noticed though, I only posted once in one of those ridiculously stupid, immature threads, (I think it was the lawn mowing one???) its called will power my friends, if you have no interest in a "certain persons" threads, please don't read them, simple as that.

I was deeply saddened by the banning of Zack, even though there was a thread posted by Mary, there was no real explanation, I thought things had been relatively quiet prior to Zack's banning. (I mean no controversial threads) I guess it wasn't quiet behind the curtains. Now Zack, TMF, Knine are gone and fastblackmerc is on hiatus! This has been truly a horrible week in the Marauder community. My only question is........ Why???

Yep, that about covers it.

What again? This has happened before and all I can say is; No one is forcing anyone to stay here, if you do not like another member ignore them and do not read their threads. So instead of bit*ching about a thread or post suck it up if not....Well bye bye.

Easier said then done!
I tried ignoring the jerk, but when half of 'Today's Posts' are his mental diarrhea, it gets difficult to wade through his daily blogging.

Sorry Gordon,
I won't let the troll run me off a site that I've been on, and contributed to, for over 5 years.
I would hope that the owners can recognize the cause of much of the recent drama and turmoil and eliminate it for the good of the entire website.
As you like to say:

06-30-2009, 04:24 AM
My problem with nomad and his bs threads is when one is trying to find a recent thread with usefull information, it is now buried three pages back.. :mad2:

Joe Walsh
06-30-2009, 04:25 AM
My problem with AJ and his bs threads is when one is trying to find a recent thread with usefull information, it is now buried three pages back.. :mad2:

There....fixed it for ya!

06-30-2009, 04:32 AM
Yep, that about covers it.

Easier said then done!
I tried ignoring the jerk, but when half of 'Today's Posts' are his mental diarrhea, it gets difficult to wade through his daily blogging.

Sorry Gordon,
I won't let the troll run me off a site that I've been on, and contributed to, for over 5 years.
I would hope that the owners can recognize the cause of much of the recent drama and turmoil and eliminate it for the good of the entire website.
As you like to say:

Joe, I would never want to see you leave my friend and glad to hear that you will not be 'run off'. AJ and the copycat posters do not bother me like other former members here, I for one remember the old days when there were times I almost left.

Egon Spengler
06-30-2009, 05:10 AM
Billy Mays died!?!?!

Mr. Man
06-30-2009, 10:56 AM
Glad to hear you're sticking with it Joe. :)

06-30-2009, 11:18 AM
It's all my fault.

BTW, Zack, TMF,TAF and Menace have started up a new Marauder web site for all their friends, in case any ones interested.

06-30-2009, 11:24 AM
Is it MCM?

06-30-2009, 11:44 AM
Lets blame Jacko. He's not around to defend himself.

06-30-2009, 01:36 PM
It's all my fault.

BTW, Zack, TMF,TAF and Menace have started up a new Marauder web site for all their friends, in case any ones interested.

I think that sums it up.

Posting like an idiot about nothing made many people lose respect for you. You could have PM'd a mod and said you had thought the nonsense threads had gotten out of control. You could have PM'ed AJ and addressed him personally. He's a nice guy and probably would have responded.

I think the combination of a Zack-ban with no apparent reason or public explanation, along with all the BS and nonsense threads to "prove a point" have driven away members...like TMF, Knine, etc.

The point that was made (to me at least), was that the owners of this site will allow BS and nonsense, along with violations of the forum rules, with no real reprimand. (Again, not speaking for anyone but myself), It seems that some of the long-timers have left for this reason...people that bring a wealth of knowledge to the site are run off, while the idiots that like to make vulgar or nonsense posts are aloud to flood the site.

One more thing I've noticed....people whining about post count, and how "so and so will be passed by so and so with nothing contributed to the community...." Right...post count means nothing, and all you've done by this is add one more to your post count, while contributing nothing. Pot calling the kettle black? How many of said people have made these posts, while the person(s) in question with X,XXX posts, has actually brought some discussion with their nonsense?

O's Fan Rich
06-30-2009, 01:49 PM
It's all my fault.

BTW, Zack, TMF,TAF and Menace have started up a new Marauder web site for all their friends, in case any ones interested.

No one told me.......:confused:

06-30-2009, 02:26 PM
Its not true.

06-30-2009, 02:50 PM
BTW, Zack, TMF,TAF and Menace have started up a new Marauder web site for all their friends, in case any ones interested.

I'm hurt, they didn't tell me about it.

06-30-2009, 02:52 PM
Will the cause of many long-time and contributing members leaving be addressed? Or will the cause of whatever is going on continue to be ignored?

just a curious observation.....

It has been addressed once already. Remember when the Mods gave AJ that 'time out'? Hopefully the mods give him a permanent time out soon. He'll probably be back under some other screen name eventually though since that's what trolls do.

06-30-2009, 03:09 PM
I'm staying quiet.