View Full Version : CDN Gas Prices

10-14-2003, 07:44 AM
Everybody predicted gas prices going up for the long w/e in Canada (Thanksgiving for our US friends), but it's the lowest it's been for months. 59.9c per litre this morning - that's 87 octane regular.
How's everywhere else?
Dr Caleb...out west?
MLM...Suburban T.O?
Bobby Clobber...out east?
CanMercMan, STAPrap, anybody.......anybody.......Be uller.......?

10-14-2003, 08:21 AM
Jesus... When I left Montreal it was 89.9... Cost me $40+ to fill up the wife's Taurus at the time... I remember when I was in high school in 1990 when it was 35c/litre...

My how the times change....

10-14-2003, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Logan
When I left Montreal it was 89.9
WOW! I've never seen it that high in SW Ontario and I've been here 15 years.

Dr Caleb
10-14-2003, 08:58 AM

It was 82.2 for regular - 92.2 premium (92 octane) before the labour day weekend.

Now it's 63.4 (59.9 at the pump, most places offer 3.5 cents off at the pump...like we think we're getting a deal or something!) after the thanksgiving weekend.

The thing that ticks me off the most, it I live 10km from the main Petro-Canada and Shell refineries. Why does it cost less in Calgary http://www.albertagasprices.com/ when all the refineries are here?

10-14-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by yorks
WOW! I've never seen it that high in SW Ontario and I've been here 15 years.

We're 132.9/gallon here (which is 34.98 US/ litre; which is about 46 cents per litre CDN); we were down to 114.9 two weeks ago but it bumped back up.

Anywho, just for grins! I can remember buying regular gas for 43 cents per gallon in Winnipeg in 1971.


10-14-2003, 09:09 AM
Let's see, to compare that with what I pay, convert liters to gallons, then Canadian dollars to US...oh the heck with it, too much trouble!

10-14-2003, 10:11 AM
Didn't have a chance to check... around here, the prices go up when there's high demand, and when there is low demand, well... they just kind of hover up there. Hmmm....

Seriously, though... Petro-Canada shot themselves in the foot by posting a sticker on their pumps illustrating the breakdown of the price of gas (tax, profit, crude cost, refining cost, etc.). Every time there is a slight increase (or *risk* of increase) in the price of crude, the pump prices go up... BUT thanks to that little breakdown, the values don't add up when you work out the price increase of crude versus the pump price.

And, ironically the fuel prices around here always shoot up the day before a long weekend no matter what the price of crude. What can ya do... supply and demand.... but I would REALLY appreciate it if the oil companies would cut the BS and just damned admit to price fixing and gouging. It's kind of insulting to be constantly fed the BS line, let's just come right out and put it on the table. They've got the octane, I've got the hungry automobile, as long as there's warm blood in my veins they'll have a customer at whatever price they set... but just please don't insult me in this manner with the "crude oil" story...

10-14-2003, 10:16 AM
Price gouging at the pumpt started the day that Canada converted to metric in the mid 70s. I can remember prices being raised a penny or two a litre soon after the change as opposed to a penny or two a gallon for a long weekend.

Should have fought them from the very beginning rather than letting them get away with this game for over 30 years .


Dr Caleb
10-14-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by 67435animal
I can remember prices being raised a penny or two a litre soon after the change as opposed to a penny or two a gallon for a long weekend.

Should have fought them from the very beginning rather than letting them get away with this game for over 30 years .


Prices can jump 10 cents a litre before a long weekend. 4 litres ~ 1 US gallon (5l ~1 UK Gallon) so that's about 40 cents per gallon jump!

Many times the government hve launched investigations into Big Oil price fixing. They've never found evidence ( stress *evidence*!) of price fixing, but the oil companies know we aren't stupid.

And I agree with Steve, their 'Dog ate my homework' excuses aren't cutting it anymore. I love when crude prices rise because tensions rise in the middle east. Canada does NOT import oil from the middle east. Canada exports more than it imports (by a factor of hundreds), and it only imports due to infrastructure issues.

And a quick trivia question for our US cousins - who is the US's #1 importer of Oil? Canada! So why does your price at the pump rise when Argentina has a labour dispute....?

10-14-2003, 12:16 PM
ummmmm.. Cuz Jean said so. :)

Bobby Clobber
10-14-2003, 01:09 PM
73.9 regular ,79.9 premium best it's been in 6/8 months. ASt one point we hit 87.9 for premium and we live next door to three refineries, but I guess the Irvings need a bit of extra dough.

10-14-2003, 01:15 PM
Yeah, Bobby.
I lived up there from '83 to '88 and we'd be paying 60 cents/litre. Then I'd drive down here to SW Ontario, and they were paying 42 cents/litre. You guys always get the shaft. Same country, same oil = No Excuse!

Dr Caleb
10-14-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by yorks
You guys always get the shaft. Same country, same oil = No Excuse!

Oil Company "the dog ate my homework" excuse #2 - It's the transportation costs!

Yea. It costs 5 cents per litre less to truck the fuel to Calgary (250km away) than it does to truck it 10 kilometers to the gas station near the refinery.


10-15-2003, 06:14 AM
Regular 70.9 this morning in downtown Caledon East.

10-15-2003, 08:05 AM
Fueled up at 70.5 this morning off the island (I'm currently studying the feasibility of moving off the island and I'm testing all the routes into/through town in morning traffic).

As I came onto the island, I spotted prices of 75.9. Go figure...

Oddest fillup, too... the "computer" at the electronic pump crashed when I inserted my credit card, and the chick behind the counter at the gas station seemed to be a few transistors short of a full Pentium herself. All this while enduring incredible winds and cold rain...

10-16-2003, 07:11 AM
Sorry to hear it TTA. Hate to gloat but we just dropped again to 59.3. This is unheard of, especially since it stayed low right through the long W/E.

10-16-2003, 07:50 AM
Things seem to be hovering in the 70.x region these days. A real bargain...

As for staying low through the long weekend... again, notice the coincidence: consumer activists began a public awareness "campaign" of sorts last time the price jerked up before a holiday weekend. And all of a sudden, this time around there was no jump in prices. Says the oil company spokesperson: "Who, us? Nonsense! We don't jack up prices before a long weekend! See?"

10-16-2003, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by TripleTransAm
"Who, us? Nonsense! We don't jack up prices before a long weekend! See?"
And the kicker is that we don't have another long weekend until next year (Christmas doesn't count - only driving w/e's).
By that time there'll be another "global crisis" for them to blame it on.

10-19-2003, 08:50 PM
They could blame it on a Saudi crown prince's flatulence and our media here would report it as the God's truth.

Dr Caleb
10-20-2003, 08:51 AM
I swear that big oil is reading this thread. Prices jumped here on Thursday around noon. They were around 65.5, but when I went for lunch, some stations jumped to 72.5!!
Luckily the Marauder was thirsty...