View Full Version : Book burners etc...

Aren Jay
07-11-2009, 09:41 AM
There are those people, the morons of the world, who burn books without reading them. The kind who proclaim death to Salmon Rushdie without reading the Satanic Verses. The under educated moronic few, luckily they are few, who proclaim without reading all sorts of things. They are the low of the low not only do they proclaim their stupidity to all who are around them but they do it without proof just crazy people who attack others without reason.

Now attacking or disagreeing with something is fine if you bother to read or view it. Not understanding something is a good case in point. You read it you don't understand it you suggest it is nonesensical and then others read it and either proclaim you to stupid to understand it or they agree that they don't get it. That is perfectly fine. But blind attacks without reading something to allow you to make up your own mind, that is the very definition of stupid sheep.

Unforunately the stupid sheep have found there way to the Internet. Some might call these sheep, trolls. I prefer sheep that flock or groupies, unhappy groupies. Little more than the paparazzi without pictures that so commonly define them now.

Who are they? I'm sure you know.

Joe Walsh
07-11-2009, 04:22 PM
Sorry, I didn't finish reading this thread...but I think that it is better to burn bras than to burn books.

BTW: Trolls?
Calling the kettle black aren't you AJ?

07-11-2009, 04:36 PM
I read a book once.
It made my brain all itchy.

07-11-2009, 06:20 PM
I read a book once.
It made my brain all itchy.

Yep, same here. Also made my hair fall out.Now the meds don't work.:thinker:

07-12-2009, 12:17 PM
"But what's that sheep doing up in that tree?"

"Oh that one? That's Harold. He's a smart sheep"

07-13-2009, 01:18 PM
I barely watch real books any more with my new Kindle 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI0Zry_R4RQ